IV-Deficient - Chapter 1 - Anonymous - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Chapter Text

The young ampharos, a mareep who rushed through evolution to become a flaafy and then an ampharos but still hadn't developed enough mass appropriate for the evolved forms, barged into the room, and his father already groaned inwardly at was to happen. So before his son could yell out the usual command, he quickly begged, with both fear and a desperately suppressed anger, "S-son, p-please, c-can't w-we just d-do it i-in the bedroom?"

This made the young ampharos pause a bit in confusion, but this was only momentary as he quickly retorted back, "You can't talk back to me! I decide where I want you to rim me! Plus, I already have a place in mind!" The young one marched forward and grabbed one of his father's flippers, and stomped off, with his father helpless to do anything but be dragged off the sofa.

The father would've tried dragging his feet, but he was already in hot waters from his previous failures to absolutely submitting to his genetically superior son. Gruesome was the internal battle against his feelings, the angry and fearful desire to dig in his feet and run and hide somewhere, away from the already strong amount of shame he's subjected to, because of this dogsh*t lottery he scored with his IV-blessed son, but no— he has to hear the pitter-patter of their feet on this fancy new marble floor that they got because his son was lucky, out into their pristine lawn, where his son's other superior friends eagerly waited.

Still, despite his turbulent mind, there was enough awareness in there that the father winced every time his son kicked down or shoved open each door in their way, each door, intricate and beautiful ornamentations, all ignored as he was rushed off into eventual torment. They had just gone through the living room, the foyer, the sitting room, and oh, how dreadful, he could already see the outdoors through the pristine conservatory.

He was dragged around the various nice sofas, seats, and other nice furniture of the room as finally, the young ampharos barged out of the conservatory door and into their nicely maintained lawn. As the father had dreaded, there were already his friends waiting there. They were all sitting around in a circle on the grass, smiling, chatting, a generally cute scene. One of them, a noibat, was the first one to notice the son and father pair, and the rest of their heads followed too.

There was a burst of chatter at the development, most overlapping with each other making them impossible to discern, but there was one quick exchange that stood out to the father.

"So this is his dad?" asked a riolu.

"Yeah bro! I swear, it's so funny seeing an adult get f*cked!" replied a young quilava.

And the father only had a tiny glimpse of a discomfort that crept unto the riolu's face before he was preoccupied with reality. The young ampharos had shoved his dad forwards, and the father was both frightened and relieved at the fact that he was genuinely overpowered by his son here, frightened at the rate that his son's strength grew and relieved that he didn't have to fake his submission as much anymore.

Quickly, the young ampharos climbed backwards with his tail raised over his father's belly and chest, and the son's pucker was shoved into his face, "You know the drill, old man!"

He knew the drill, and he hated himself in how quick and used to this he was that it felt like he didn't seem to hesitate, extending his snout and tongue into the asshole of his son. As his snout and tongue collided with his son's taint, the father was grateful for the umpteenth time that that IV-blessed 'mon had insisted to his son that he be thorough in cleaning his hole, or otherwise this would've been hell for him. His son was just tall enough for his flippers to be able to play with his dad's dick, but it forced the father's neck to extend and work quite a bit to keep servicing his son.

The father couldn't see, but the young quilava bounded forward to sit atop one of the ampharos' legs, effectively pinning it, staring at the ampharos play with father's uncut dick all the while. "You know, Amphy, I still find it kinda amazing that your dad has a humanoid dick, and he still wasn't recognized for it until now!"

While grinding his ass unto his father's snout, the young ampharos groaned, "Ugh, that sh*t doesn't matter now, c'mon! Don't you wanna have fun or not?"

"Yeah, I'm up for some fun!" and a young smeargle went forward and sat on the other leg, effectively pinning the father down to the ground as well, eyeing the dad's asshole all the while.

The others stood up and positioned themselves around their friend forcing his dad to rim him, giving themselves a good view and helping their healthy and lively dicks spring more to life. The newcomers, the riolu and noibat, stared at the scene with some amount of confusion, seeing how quickly the rest of their friends pounced on the dad with no preamble, and the noibat was the first to dismiss their confusion, "So, how are we gonna start doing this?"

But the riolu was still confused, "Hang on a minute, why aren't we asking how Amphy's dad likes it or thinks should be done?"

The young typhlosion scoffed, "Because he's an IV-deficient 'mon?"

"Yeah, but—" and the riolu cut himself off, unsure of his words.

"I wanna test something out I heard on my dad, one of you guys brought the cloth I asked for, right?"

Breaking his stare at the father's ass, the smeargle glanced up and said, "I have it, it's right—" he glanced down and saw his satchel bag wasn't on his waist, which confused him for a second before glancing back at where he sat previously in the grass, where the satchel bag was amongst the other discarded clothes, "—right there! Riolu, could you give that to me?"

Absentmindedly, the riolu complied. The young smeargle dug around his bag, bringing out some lube and a piece of cloth. The young ampharos stopped playing with his father's dick to give allow the smeargle to smear and douse the flesh in lube, which made the father jolt a little bit, which the riolu took note of. The son then explained, "Okay, so, I wanna see what happens when you rub the head, specifically, I heard it makes a guy squirm a lot!"

The father's grip on his son's ass subtly tightened, to give a sensation to focus on, to escape from thinking about what he had just heard. There was no way his son really meant that, did he? That... that part was sensitive! But he knew better than to pull out of his son's ass and start objecting, he'd been scolded and threatened the last time he did that.

The riolu had already noticed the father's unwillingness, and also noticed the spike of protest that erupted within his heart at hearing what his son had just announced. Obviously, being in quite the consensually amorous relationship he had with his brother, and already familiar with his noibat friend's frequent and loving f*ckings with his father, he had assumed the same thing would be the case here. Of course, he knew that there were IV-deficient pokemon that were quite unwilling with their position in society, but were only forced to comply due to the monstrous strength of the IV-blessed pokemon. The riolu had seen rapes out in public with heavily protesting pokemon, with his brother quickly pulling him away to shield him from the somewhat unpleasant assault on their emphatic senses. Actually, the lucario line was amongst the IV-blessed pokemon that were classified as special needs, mostly in terms of transportation and what places they were allowed in, either to be protected from the distressed emotions of those being abused, or to simply ward them away from such areas entirely. It was the miraculous result of a multitude of complex societal factors that have culled the ideas of emphatic pokemon that IV-deficient pokemon were pokemon to be respected and replaced that with the idea that it was simply an unfortunate fact of life.

The riolu sighed, and began to look for his shorts that he had discarded somewhere amongst the neat lawn, "This isn't what I was expecting guys, I think I'm just gonna go f*ck my brother instead."

The quilava scoffed and actually looked back to the riolu with a quirked eyebrow, "Seriously, you wussing out? I thought you were one of those cool lucarios that was okay with rape like this?"

"First of all, I might not even ever become a lucario—" "same difference!" "— and second, those 'cool lucarious' are actually insanely awful in person. It's just stupid social media that they look cool," and by now the riolu had successfully shimmied on his shorts, "Anyways, have fun guys! And I hope you do too Mr. Ampharos," and with a little wave, the pup went to exit the ampharos property.

The father ampharos tried to pretend in his head that he hadn't heard the riolu's insulting genuine wishes, and he didn't have to pretend very long, because soon, all his brain would be filled with was sensations.

The smeargle, who had just finished dumping a generous amount of lube, was about to make a motion to peel back the foreskin, but paused, "Hey, Amphy, isn't it better that we edge him off, and edge him off, and edge him off?"

The noibat, who was leaning on the father's belly while staring at his vulnerable lubed dick, answered, "It's really hard to edge someone off, you know smeargle? Especially here where we can't rely on facial expression to know when they're close, I was only able to do it with my dad cuz I had lots of time and practice, time and practice that we don't have here."

The young ampharos, who was still humming in pleasure from the rimming he got from his dad, said, "I should look into that sometime, aren't there those fancy computers that tell you how close a guy is to coming? But that doesn't matter right now, I wanna see my dad squirming! You guys decide who's gonna work the asshole, dick, and balls!"

"I'm taking his asshole," said the quilava, "I'm pretty sure I'm better than y'all with this type of sh*t!" and with those words did the youth pry his fingers into that dad's pucker, surprisingly gentle and efficient at worming his way through the clenching, the father was only grateful that it wasn't as rough as how his son usually did things.

A small "aww" came out of the smeargle's mouth when his quilava friend declared that, but the noibat reassured, "Don't worry, you can take the dick! I know I'm better at that than you, but I'm also okay with taking his balls," the noibat started waddling around to get to the correct position at the father's groin, and he continued "plus, you'll have a good view of how his dad squirms, right?"

The smeargle nodded at this, and resumed his previous motion of peeling back the father's foreskin. Being an ampharos with a humanoid dick was actually quite the loterry, the usual ampharos dick didn't quite fit the standards of societal beauty, virility, and commonly thought ideal size that humanoid dicks were gifted with. The white skin peeled back to reveal the red prize that was hidden away, and the smeargle simply had to stare to admire it's intricacies, being a juvenile, the dick in question looked and felt much larger than it actually was to the smeargle. The smeargle opened his mouth and enveloped the head, his paws dancing across the rod below.

From the father's perspective, as he was rimming his son, it all started as faint ticklings and slight pleasurable touches near his bottom erogenous zones, It increased in discomfort and pleasure when the quilava actually entered the asshole correctly, somehow avoiding being rough and tearing up his anus, but then the noibat started fondling and sucking at his balls, which might have been the only thing out of the entire rape that he was okay with, and then his brain started wailing when the smeargle mawed the bellend, and stimulate the rod.

There was no gentle easing into, just a sudden explosion of sensitive nerves being activated at the head of his penis, already aggravated by the perverse mood of it all and the lube that had been slathered unto him, and the father had no idea if this was the case or not (it was), but the father had suspected that the lube could have possiby increased his sensitivity as well.

Instinctually, his body jerked up in an attempt to get away from the assault. His body couldn't, his son was on his chest, and he felt his son's muscles flexing in some tiny effort to keep him down and rimming. His legs and thighs attempted to kick away the offending parties, but they too were impeded by the fact that there genuinely was a reason these pokemon raping him were called IV-blessed, they had been gifted the power and strength to impose their will, he did not.

Somehow, it grew even worse when the noibat suddenly opted to tickle the inner sides of the ampharos' groin whilst sucking and fondling at his balls, as did the quilava finally discover where the prostate was and start massaging it for maximum pleasure. The final hope of escaping came from the tail, his red orb tail hadn't technically been pinned down yet. But his tail ran into the hilarious tragedy that it was simply not flexible enough to swat away at the kids assaulting his sex organs. Not that it would've done anything in the end, he was still too weak to meaningfully harm them.

But what was happening near the face was a genuinely impressive struggle, despite the overstimulating sensory assault at his nethers, his flippers and snout still valiantly clung on to his son's ass and pucker, simply for the fact that he was that scared of another infraction on his record, that the father was somehow able to overcome some base instincts and keep obeying his son's will.

To maintain this every second felt like a hard won battle, to be followed by another arduous one. Time seemed to slow as it was a continous battle of wills between his mind and his body, to jerk or escape away despite its impossibility, to throw away the weight on his chest or to keep willfully do it, not that he could throw his stronger son away anyways. It was like he was dangling of above a minacious cavern, tentacles that grabbed and tugged at his genitals to descend, and his flippers and neck and face and tongue had to grasp so very hard unto his prospect of living, obeying his son to the fullest possible degree here.

The first org*sm came with a short but very quick build up. Of course, the smeargle wasn't going to let up sucking, and the rolling of the wet tongue on the head of his dick made his hips squirm left to right to left in a futile effort to shake it off. Eventually, after that, as the seconds piled to become monstrous minutes, and conscious effort was eroded by the constant assaults on his sensitive nerves, his squirms grew even more frantic and desperate.

The father's thought processes tried to run away from his awful reality, but no, the specific strokes on his rod didn't let that happen, as his skin was pulled back by the smeargle's paws, there were more nerves exposed to the wet stimulation of the smeargle's maw, the paw occasionally visiting just high enough to aggravate some nerves on the lower portion of the head, both paws going down the front and back was torturous, so was the lips that encircled his cylindrical organ, as was the tongue's swirling pressing in around the penis head. Each stroke sent a signal to his body to jerk or twitch away from it, and endeavor that was impossible, all thoughts were inevitably all about how it was all too much, all about how he would beg for freedom, all about how much it sucked, all about how he would do anything, all about what did he do wrong.

But combined with the also aggravating sensations that came from his balls, ass, and prostate, there really was no winning this situation, every direction of any twitch sent him pressing more into some form of stimulation, whether it be accidentally pressing his prostate into the quilava's dextruous paws, or maybe into the fleshy walls of the smeargle's mouth. Not that his jerks and twitches for freedom would ever bear fruit, stuck in between the fats, muscles, and fur of these youthful pokemon, it was an overstimulating cage of adorableness.

One particularly egregious violation of his body that sent him over the edge was when the smeargle's tongue just happened to visit over the piss-slit, poking into, just teasing it a little bit, and the nerves there found the visit to be absolutely unacceptable, and screamed the loudest to order to get away. The ampharos had been miraculously been keeping it all in until now, but it was then, the first time in this session, that his mouth incoherently cried out something, a noise, the father wasn't even sure if his mouth would've made words if his tongue weren't preoccupied with pleasuring his son.

All the while his son and his friend's watched with a sort of fascination, all their dicks erect, only the young ampharos being the only one free to have both flippers masturbating his dick, while the others were content one with appendage, with the exception of smeargle, whose paws were busy driving the father to insanity.

Eventually, the father lost grip of all control of his body, and all his body became solely focused on the thought that he needed to get away from this torture. His flippers stopped gripping his son's ass, and started to push against the ground for leverage to get up and force all his rapists off, of course, it was meaningless, so alternatively his flippers started to try and pry his son off his chest.

"Huh!? Daddy, you need to stop that, or you're gonna get a punishment!"

Not that the young ampharos was actually that mad, in fact, he was quite pleased that his friends' patience with pleasuring his dad was finally paying off, his dad was finally breaking, and in such a delightful way too, with how he squirmed every which way and the muffled yelling of his father's voice served to be stimulating vibrations on his rim. So when the dad really started to turn his head away, an irritated grunt escaped the young ampharos as he had to stop playing with his dick, and he scooted backwards with his flippers reaching back to force his father's snout back into servicing his rim.

The father was coughing, and tried shaking his head to throw off his son's appendages, but it was no use as his son was much stronger than him, and it was back to the asshole the father went. The young ampharos could have used this digression from his orders as a reason to punish his father, but by then he felt a little bad for the clearly unfair punishment, plus, it would have taken too much time.

Around a minute or so later, filled with sexual misery for the father, the smeargle's maw stopped its grasp on the sensitive fleshy organ with a satisfying pop. The father would have taken a deep breathe of relief were it not for the fact that his snout was still buried to pleasure his son, but he was still very thankful nonetheless, a feeling that wouldn't last very long, given the following conversation.

The smeargle then announced, "Hey, can we switch around a bit guys? I'm sure some of you want to change by now."

While his overstimulated dick was now free from assault, that didn't mean it wasn't still reeling from the aggravations. Not only that, but his balls and prostate were still being assaulted! Passively deriving enjoyment from seeing the twitching that the father made out of the corners of their eyes, the noibat paused his fondling and sucking of the balls, but still tickling the inner thighs, to answer his friend's suggestion, "Why don't you switch with Quilava for the ass?"

"Ugh, guys!" the young ampharos whined childishly, "What are you doing Smeargle!? I thought we were gonna do this to my dad way longer!"

The quilava spoke up, "Dude, I'm not gonna lie, while I am enjoying this, and seeing your dad squirm, this was gonna get boring eventually, and we didn't even plan this very well! If you wanted to see your dad really squirm because his willie's been touched and he's been f*cked and he's been tickled for so long, you should'a gotten one of those fancy technology machines for that, you know?"

At this, the quilava pulled out of the dad's asshole and paused his paw's assault, seeing this, the noibat paused as well. Another development the father was grateful for, but another part of him was more dissatisfied and frustrated with the fact that it seems as if his son was being informed of another tool that could be used to torment him.

The young ampharos nodded to this, "Okay, noted! I'll add that to my checklist that doesn't exist! Edging machine and overstimulation machine"

"Shouldn't it be a cumming detector not an edging machine?" asked the noibat.


"Well, earlier, didn't you talk about like, a detector for cumming or something, not to edge him off automatically?"

The young ampharos sighed, "Don't you 'erm ackshually' me! It doesn't really matter now anyways, since now that you guys stopped there's no point in continuing doing this to my dad," and the dad internally sighed in relief, unfortunately, "but none of you guys have actually cum yet, right? So why not we all help ourselves with this?"

The smeargle raised his hand, a useless gesture here but it was a thing his friends accepted, "Can I have a go at the ass? Pretty please?"

The noibat laughed, "Well, you've been eyeing it so much earlier, have a go at it!" the bat turned to the quilava, "Right, quilava?"

The quilava shrugged. After some more discussions and moving around, the smeargle was at the ass to pound it, while both paws were at the thighs both for stability and to keep the father pinned, the quilava's humanoid dick was stiff against the father's dick for frotting, while the noibat lied down at the middle of the father's torso to let the young ampharos f*ck him. Amphy felt vaguely guilty that his friend had no one to get him to cum, so he voiced his concerns, "Noibat, are you sure you're okay with that? No one's touching your dick..."

"Aww, don't worry about it Amphy! Getting pounded's fun too! If I really wanted to, I could just jack myself off, unless you're offering to suck me off...?" the noibat unconfidently trailed off, but to his surprise, the young ampharos gave a nod to this, "Yeah, totally!"

This surprised the noibat, since his friend the past few months ago would've absolutely resented even the suggestion of doing that, but the noibat wondered how he didn't notice this change in attitude... they really needed to f*ck more often!

To the father's dismay, there was no input from him, nor was there any real change to his position. His dick and ass were still being used without his permission. But it would probably be better than what had just happened earlier, right?

They started, the time it took for the to readjust themselves was enough time for his penis to cool off, but not by much, it was still an overstimulated mess. The father, through his dick, felt his son's friend's folds of foreskin go up and down in tandem with his, paws still occasionally grazing his bellend, make him twitch and jolt instinctively each time. He could vaguely feel his son humping his friend above his chest, and through how the asshole he was forced to lick, kiss, and suck went back and forth, making his job more difficult.

But what he really dreaded was how the IV-blessed smeargle was going to treat his ass, and it was the ampharos dreaded, the smeargle was not going to be gentle at all. Immediately, on first thrust, probably because his ass had been lubed up and somewhat prepared already, did the smeargle's humanoid dick go through all the way and hit the prostate somewhat somewhere on the way in.

The father wanted a moment for his ass's insides to recover, but the smeargle was ignorant to his wishes as he pounded again, and again, and again.

His thighs, now less restrained than before, now tried finding purchase into the ground, his feet digging into it, hoping that it could be used as a fulcrum or as something to push off of to somewhat escape the aggravating sensations. Alas, there was no use, his uncut dick was rubbed up and down by the quilava, his ass pounded by the smeargle, and his snout being violated by his son's ass.

It wasn't as if the ampharos could skip time and have it be over with, feeling over almost-painful stroke of the quilava, every pound from the smeargles that caused his insides to ache for less abuse, and his snout and tongue hoping for a break against the unpleasant task of servicing his son.

The father tried thinking of different things, but the sensations were all too strong, the thoughts inevitably turned to useless bitterness and regret over things he could not control, and eventually he came to the conclusion that perhaps, it was better not to think of anything at all, while each pound at his ass begged his body's instincts to force his flippers to the ground and try to escape.

But dissociating was impossible, as the sensations at his dick grew more and more, he was suddenly reminded that IV-blessed pokemon had much more virility and stamina, all this could've gone on for quite some time. Which was after every stroke, every effort the quilava made to reach org*sm, the father knew that it would probably take much more time and stimulation for the quilava to reach climax more than him.

This fear turned out to be true when his inevitable org*sm came but the quilava kept stroking, and by that point, the ampharos didn't even remember how much he had come at this point, due to the treatment of his son and his friends. As the now dry org*sm came, to uncut dick squirming livelier than usual, in at attempt to force out the extra bits of cum inside, the quilava had not stopped. To his rising horror and panic, the quilava's soft paws still rubbed, and rubbed, and rubbed.

It was only some time later, through a foggy mind and eyes stained with tears that he vaguely registered that his friends had stopped. Someone dragged him back to the house, and set him on the couch, where he was earlier, watching the news.

IV-Deficient - Chapter 1 - Anonymous - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.