New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (2024)

American Recipes

June 12, 2024

New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennessee Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies

last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol for alcohol for alcohol hey your car decline that’s car to CL stop sipping I need you all to CH we’re not supp to let you leave it I’ll go home but if this H me right I might not see it move towards the door move towards the door yall take it on some randoms tonight there’s a party in the Hills Walk of Shame coming soon last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last call for alcohol last C for alcohol last for alcohol last for alcohol last call for alcohol last for alcohol last for alcohol last for alcohol last call for alcohol last C for alcohol last C for alcohol it’s called for alcohol it’s called for alcohol going last call for alcohol last call for alcohol [Music] and we’re live ladies and gentlemen we’re live here with the lovely sha shereé okay what’s up Violet what’s up Sophia hiow Adrian Nunes all my boys in here okay how you all doing today homeboy do we have a lineup for you today okay this is brand new yeah open it yeah but my nails can you open it for me you mean you mean sorry your nails don’t work you mean your nails don’t work I’ll do it I’ll do it I just don’t want to mess my nails with guys this is proof okay these girls with these long nails they don’t work okay I I don’t mean that they don’t have jobs I’m just saying I work very hard those Nails don’t work oh the nails yeah the Y work very hard at try to avoid breaking that [ __ ] okay yeah that’s true by the way she was very mean to me she walk in today right on the gate call me ass no no no I I I thought of a perfect gift for sky and it’s a head shaver so he doesn’t have to keep cutting his head up when he’s shaving what’s up I’m F I’m fine we got your lower third b i we we can check on that anyway go ahead finish yes thanks up Kay baby but then skot shut it down immediately and I’m like Sky you haven’t even looked at it yet okay firstly the woman walk in and say sky I have the perfect Father’s Day gift for you I didn’t even know I had kids okay to be a father hey Henry all right you don’t have any kids no no you have any no okay well leave why would I have kids why wouldn’t you have kids aren’t you old don’t I pull out hi Sophia I mean point taken okay point taken guys this drink today is called a Tennessee milkshake because it has Jack Daniels in it right now we’ve done some Jack Daniels milkshakes before this one is coffee okay yummy VJ you see this this a coffee drink alley yo VJ plug it in plug it in hi vagin* I’m just kidding heyj you call vagin* I’m sorry I’m so sorry VJ That’s So Rude why you picking on VJ what do you do I love VJ what do you do you’re miserable ass his name is VJ that’s why you a got on man okay because you’re too freaking mean I’m not mean you guys think I’m mean that’s why your boyfriends turn out to be gay okay because you’re mean get back L red de redention is my well my brother played that game a lot Riders on the you know what I’m talking about that’s the Red Dead Redemption Song we play version two Red Dead Redemption 2o it’s it’s different oh is it a different song yeah it’s with Dutch and the boys you know and they’re robbing banks and what happy Tuesday boac isn’t that just isn’t that like Grand Auto but like for for Cowboys isn’t it like a cowboy version of Grand Theft Auto it’s just like horses and [ __ ] Yeah well yeah I mean they on the Run cuz the the world’s changing the world’s modernizing and the Cowboys trying to come I mean you hear all this story okay so you played it yeah Red Dead Redemption too yes sir nice I should play it yeah I’m a GTA fan but Red Dead came out and I was like let me check this out okay and then fortnite I was like let me check this out so those three shayla’s on it today what do she smoke I don’t know B crack with Hunter Biden okay cuz he he just don’t found guilty wait for smoking for being a crackhead kind of okay okay cuz okay yes there he is Hunter Biden okay look guilty he’s old well that’s crack okay probably that old CRA exactly make you look young okay probably some missing tee in there too who knows all right boy basically a crackhead but my point is this okay okay with with Trump and okay cuz Okay Republicans are saying that you know hanab about like Biden’s getting off you know two double standards okay well here’s Hanah Biden being confirmed okay okay and then you know uh Democrats is saying you know uh the justice system is what okay anyway both anyway Trump go convicted as a republican this D get convicted as a Democrat they both both parties yeah they both there both got issues no but I mean both parties like complain about the justice system mean more more Trump complain about the justice system but it’s equal Hunter Biden is now a convicted felon Donald Trump is a convicted felon okay for doing crack well he didn’t do well he did a lot of crack okay let okay I was going to say he didn’t do crack he did a lot of crack okay quite a lot of crack matter of fact he get all the people around him hooked on crack oh no but what he did is he bought a gun and when you buy a gun you TI a form right that states that says I’m not a crackhead but basically I’m not using drugs drugs but he was a crackhead and so naturally they convicted him now let’s be clear on the normal circ*mstances there’s no one watching this video who would probably be convicted of this crime but because he’s a politician Yeah well yeah would be convicted of this crime you know what I mean unless the gun was used to like shoot a police officer or something like you know what I mean like something like that same thing with Trump with with the New York case would a normal person maybe not but then see the thing is it doesn’t matter they both celebrities and prosecutors coming dog that’s the way it is okay so don’t break the law don’t do crack you guys yeah okay and don’t pay off your p*rn star CRA K but so said that he wouldn’t pardon him right uhhuh but but like if Biden loses for example he’s definitely going to Pardon him right yeah I mean like most most certainly [ __ ] if he wins he’s probably going to Pardon him too no but but there’s no need to necessarily pardon it well there’s something there’s certain things you can’t do as a felon you can’t own a gun you can’t do this you can’t travel to certain countries and [ __ ] like this right however however let’s let’s be clear he’s only going go to jail for a short time this a first time conviction and then most people can look at is [ __ ] anyway same thing with Trump’s conviction this the first he’s the first time you know and so Nei of them should go to jail for a long most neither of them should really go to jail it should be more probation you know what I mean but who knows you know they celebrities in their particular parties said this is much like why I couldn’t work at the naughty pig because I enjoy the sweet Tangy Taste of crack cocaine oh Bo you can work that okay just don’t do crack at work you know what I mean you have to know when to do crack okay family functions no crap I agree with Kayla crack is whack yeah crack is whack okay no crack Saturdays you ever did it heck you no have you done crack before no but you seem like the kind of person who some one of your boyfriends be like hey sh let’s do little crack no why do I seem like that I don’t know cuz you like that kind of you know like you like edgy dudes you know especially in music too musicians oh they love crap I don’t know about all that was your captain beny some of the best songs were written on crack or ha talking about like Bobby and Winnie oh dude I watch a video Bobby Brown d dancing today right uh this a old school video he’s on MTV dancing this was he was he on drugs no that yeah but hold on listen to what happened the dance was perfect except like when he twisted his cocaine Dro out his pocket a packet of cocaine okay you’re kidding swear to God I was why didn’t save that why did I not save that why did I not save this a piece of cocaine drop in the D pocket the dude you know like did he pick it up you know okay Bobby Brown had a song It’s my prerogative It’s my prerogative It’s wayed one It’s my prerogative then the cocaine just jump hey okay did he go down and grab it he did some little dance moves and swooped that up he’s professional though I swear listen I swear guys the video out there I don’t know why I didn’t save it I keep oh God that’s one of my favorite glasses broke the hurricane glass today so that was one of my favorite glasses okay so there’s absolutely not a single Hurricane left in the building no no no no there’s hurricanes downstairs oh do you want me to grab some just not the not the kind you have just a good GL shattered this [ __ ] was th as [ __ ] anyway though what if someone accidentally accident big mix did you accidentally smell crack and please tell us the story it could happen it could happen accidentally yeah like what you you you you think you’re hitting somebody’s joint and it’s you go girl’s house you know what I mean smoke crack out of pipe yeah Y how do you accidentally smoke crack you maybe thought it was marijuana out of a crack pipe maybe you were drunk and confused daed and Confused be careful Sky you’re just asking yourself to get cut by these shs boy I’m a professional this is what I do that’s the sound it’s like no no no it’s like all over here yeah I’m not going to cut myself baby okay Shaya let’s grab let’s grab the scooper start scooping this ice cream okay here let’s scoop some ice cream homeboy yeah but like they say ladies and gentlemen Kayla said it crack is whack okay is whack folks there’s more here that’s the thing with this glass it goes everywhere they right here that reminds me of like when I anybody ever seen water boy and you know how like his character just stuttered a lot mhm he there was one point in the movie BBY B Bobby buet there was one point in the movie where Bobby buet went to go speak to a bunch of high school students what you laughing at and at the when he got done speaking the coach said okay kids this is important to why you don’t do drugs Adam s got so many memes on the internet cuz there’s that one there’s that one where where the guy sits there where he gives a speech and the guy like he’s he’s a little boy in in in kindergarten he’s an adult in Kinder God you better do it goes at no point during your rambling incoherent speech did you make any sense we’re all now Dumber as a result of haven’t listened to you we award you no points may God have mercy on your soul what was the name of that movie again I remember that one I don’t know was that what was that one guys Adam Sam movies are so dumb and so good he had a he had a good run of dumb ass movie though remember Mr Deeds yeah good what was it big daddy or something daddy oh I remember that when he was an adult he had to go back to preschool grade school how much ice cream uh even more even more okay Shayla you going to hold Court while I grab you a glass okay okay I once accidentally ate some broken a broken plate what were you how you eat a broken plate what were you drunk on homeboy wait what I’ve been drunk but never to the point where I could eat a plate I want to finish scooping okay okay I’m coming right back let me grab the glass okay don’t lose the audience Shayla focus on them so so you guys know how yesterday I broke that hurricane glass and Sky got all upset I was only Instant Karma it wasn’t had because he just broke one again today and there’s more downstairs but anyways happy Tuesday oh Billy Madison Billy Madison that’s the name of that movie so [ __ ] stupid I haven’t actually seen any of these movies since I was a little kid I kind of think I need to like go back and and watch them have any of y’all ever seen hot rod no that you haven’t seen hot rod no oh my it’s just it’s right up there with like the Billy Madison types and like the stepb brother type movies it’s with um Andy Sandberg it’s so [ __ ] funny like I love dumb humor mhm and it’s like uh there’s like that’s where I get like the Cool Beans things from he’s like cool there’s like this thing he’s like cool beans cool cool beans beans it but anyways yeah I love stuff like that so like what um I was just talking to them about um hot rod you with with um Samberg hey Jessica I I that’s what youall seen that scene where he fell down the hill but he kept falling like was falling for like 10 minutes down so you like them movies yeah like Blade the fury and [ __ ] like that okay yeah guys so we’ve been the dumb [ __ ] Shay is your girl hey thank you thank you David thank you man thank you crack is [Laughter] wack I like dumb humor yeah see the new Bad Boys I will see it I I will see it I heard it was funny is this enough ice cream uh go in more go with a little bit more use the use about half the carton okay I mean it is pretty much half guys we doing jumbo today gumbo sorry listen be jumbo jumbo gumbo you funny gumbo what is gumbo from is that that a Louisiana dish yes it is is it Louisiana cajan New Orleans or something thatan New Orleans Louis no how are people from Louisiana called louisianans I don’t know that’s my first time ever saying that word hey anybody from Louisiana in the chat about you guys called souers Louisiana that sounds delicious like and also um beign and stuff like that that’s French right yo Chris welcome hey Ed we put that in the freezer it’s going to get soft Sky pull up your pants what are you talking about is my draw showing you want me to um put that in the freezer I’m sure you can put it back in the my pants are up homeboy my pants are up okay my pants are pulled up tight yeah yeah okay so listen okay all y’all in the chat listen very carefully now it’s an it’s an apolitical show meaning we don’t discuss politics okay but now okay so Trump is a felon he’s a Republican Hunter Biden is a is a felon he’s a Democrat so we all equal okay so no Civil War talking here today all equal did y’all watch that movie civil water no that was the lamest [ __ ] ever oh really yeah because okay is it a Mel Gibson movie no I don’t know who the director is what are we why would Mel Gibson what what what you mean do Mel Gibson does Mel Gibson do all the like war movies no he does good War [ __ ] like like hacka Ridge Apocalypto he did har too right patri no paba was someone else that was [ __ ] Michael ba yeah oh Michael that’s what I’m me to say Michael ba but my point is so no civil but but the Civil War movie I expect him to go in and see Democrats and Republicans go out it right firstly they don’t tell you hi Bambi they don’t get into that okay it’s just Americans having a fight you don’t know what side right what side wron M everybody killing each other like it’s like okay I mean little bit of context there cuz he was really scared to go in as to who’s the bad guys who good guys are and somehow californ and Texas on the same side how the [ __ ] you figure that if there’s a civil war let’s be very clear California and Texas will not be on the same side okay yeah California is way too liberal for Texas yeah okay ready yeah so guys we fill this with coffee ice cream some of the finest okay some of the finest folks and then we hit it with a little bit of Tennessee whiskey okay because shout outs to Tennessee hey hit it one two okay that’s good that’s good good home booy okay we got [ __ ] to live for all right hey Stephanie then we come behind that with a touch of Irish Cream okay luy Irish hit it one two three four okay homeboy home booy take your time take your time all righty I just want to have a heavy pour like um Lexi Lexi n what you saying that I treat you differently from Lexi Lexi n have a heavy por can I be honest with you about Lexi and Janessa well I know Lexi has a heavy por I don’t know all of you equally I never first of all I never said nothing about that I’m talking about poor okay but you agree I treat all of you equally you think it’s one I like more no go ahead go ahead let’s answer this publicly who’s my favorite I thought you said you didn’t like any of us I don’t [ __ ] like any of you I was just trying to clar it up okay K time okay the hate is equal homeboy okay if anyone of them get H by a bus I’ll be sad for 5 minutes okay wow Sky would cry yeah if it was me wouldn’t you cry you would cry right some if I yeah wouldn’t you cry do I look like the crying Ty you would cry do I look like the [ __ ] cry why would I cry you what do you mean why would you cry what kind of question is this you wouldn’t cry if I died tragically you wouldn’t cry what tragically like how’ you die suddenly like I’m healthy one day and then the next day I’m gone of because of some freak accident okay like you were drunk run across the freeway or some [ __ ] like that matter yeah it matters cuz what’s your dumb ass doing drunk running across the diam freeway okay so you wouldn’t cry I’ll make some jokes about that [ __ ] you wouldn’t cry over me yeah I would cry I’d cry okay I’d cry he would cry do I look like a crying type he would cry I had my tear ducts remov okay just s went up you know what I feel like you would cry but you would cry in private yeah in the shower okay Tipsy B you came up with my coffee [ __ ] so I’m getting yours okay okay one and a half tequila one and a half Ava pineapple juice mango juice coconut cream sweet coconut okay sweet now that sounds good screen cap it cuz I don’t have I don’t have I don’t have any my mind have m going now I think you know what that reminded me of just now what me not crying yeah have you ever seen new girl yeah I know the show that’s my favorite TV show ever you guys in the world and there’s there’s one episode where like this dude this girl broke up with one of the characters and he started crying and then he was like I’m going to get back at her I’m going to make her cry so he made his roommate go find her and tell her that he died in a car accident so she could cry and so he could her cry about him but anyways did he did she cry she cried and then he busted out like haha gotcha I’m not dead or some [ __ ] like that hey twitch I’m not a Cryer though you would cry okay ask Emma if you think I’d cry Emma Emma can I do it can I do yeah go ahead Emma Emma does not want to deal with your [ __ ] right now she can answer a question the important you didn’t go gumbo is the rude don’t mess this oh [ __ ] Bambi is on it Bambi I love me some gumbo too so we oh hey Marin where have you been welcome Hey Marin Mar ghost what’s up we got a short somewhere their name after you right didn’t we post a short name after you I think so are we po to short name after Kayla baby okay look at the consistency on this okay stop it stop it stop it stop we didn’t want it to water it’s beautiful okay Sky if I get hit by a bus make a drink in my name call it the commuter yes I will jelly my bread Jesus that’s a good the commuter okay I I’m I I but only if you get hit by a bus that’s so specific I don’t really cry though I can be honest okay I’m not like sensitive but you you but you would cry you would cry and I built for [ __ ] War okay we discussing the Civil War I built for the front line okay when we charging the anime I don’t believe him I think he’d cry sh take a shot to the gut you know you know what if you died I would cry over you I hope so okay if Stefan died I would cry about Stephan to you okay cool I’m just saying okay thank you for crying okay and if Arkansas thank you Mar anything happened to any of our followers I’d cry I cry for members okay so one of yall die please message us before so we can know okay please be a member cuz if you’re not a member he ain’t crying yeah I ain’t crying I don’t cry for n hey Robin first thing I go is who’s dead really how oh my God were they a member oh okay [ __ ] it let’s go on I kid guy I kid I kid I kid I kid hey homeboy I got to put some chocolate okay take your time oh guys okay our main feed is there’s water in here okay get the water out then could you dry it up with a piece of tissue our main feed is YouTube why I telling you all that is because when we play copyrighted music okay if you on Facebook if you’re watching this from any Facebook account okay Facebook cuts that [ __ ] off they did that to us yesterday what were we playing what was the first song we had we were playing um Blink 182 Rihanna and then we have yeah Sky the fact that you taking this much confirms that you’re cry a yeah let me see if I can get Emma hold on let’s see if Emma guy how good of an actor are you huh you can force yourself to cry right if I punch myself in the nuts okay yo VJ I made a Cofe Negroni um with a beti coffee maker and I put the sweeper moo in instead of the water so there’s no watering down thing that was pretty good actually you should check that out I would I would I would like to try that that sounds really good okay you like neon coffee neon yeah I like old Fashions andron red we we we’re live can speak louder can you hear me hi okay if Shayla died do you think I’d cry oh my god well yes or no you can’t ask me these kind of things okay but knowing my personality would I cry probably not okay what thank you yo I thought I [ __ ] joking right get him home boy get up get get your ass up what the hell you doing I’m so sad that you wouldn’t cry about me oh God that was crazy she said oh my God you can’t ask me these things okay let’s try now the question is is she joking or is she serious what you think I think she’s serious damn well there we have it the audience is like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this dude guys I’m mentally ill but yall just can’t tell yet all right that’s actually so cool those little Stripes yeah oh look at that look at St you mess it up right here can I fix it yeah sure okay sure sure what do you mean mess it up don’t worry about wiping it no I just want to get this one piece please no but ice cream’s going on it don’t worry don’t worry okay we got a Super Chat down goes Shayla okay thank you David thanks for the Super Chat Shayla just mess up my little freaking design okay because apparently this doesn’t meet her High stand your hand smaller than Bambi can’t imagine you crying I can’t imagine Sky crying damn okay it’s not that I don’t feel sadness now necessarily but I don’t cry now maybe if I got the [ __ ] beat of me in a [ __ ] corner or something like that I’d be okay but like when’s the last time you cried scy probably 12 at the age of 12 yeah my grandmother died man I feel everybody was crying so I [ __ ] Tred to join in you what the [ __ ] yeah oh no I’m going to ruin it okay I’m probably a serial kill I just don’t know you yeah like you don’t have emotions you should talk to somebody about that I have emotions I care about you once you come on time okay it’s okay to cry guys we’re teasing we’re teasing we’re teasing okay we’re teasing okay rip sh okay guys we’re pouring we need we need I’m going to come down here and answer some questions about me oh yeah look at that look at that home boy is Sky a robot look at that float look at that look at that flow Mama wait I want to Mama um no no no we ain’t going to f it cuz we need we need to on top of this look at that homeboy oh sorry that’s all right that’s all right that’s all right yeah down there look at that look at that oh my gosh that’s beautiful she it’s just like one of those uh uh um zebras The Sundays that you get from Starbucks you know when they put the chocolate okay let’s grab some let’s grab some whipped cream some chocolate whipped cream no you no chocolate whipped cream in there oh chocolate whipped cream hard to find man Mr Mr Koo what what kind of homemade wine is that I’m getting high on my own Supply right now homemade wine what kind of wine is this Mountain Dew wine okay so Shay we have a greater okay is it made from the C cotton candy grapes I can cry once you cry for me all right you already made me cry I’m just kidding no I probably didn’t make a cry when did I make you cry you didn’t make me cry yeah I made you cry yeah I [ __ ] made you cry oh yeah you did yeah you did you might make me cry one day but I think you told me I made you cry before no you upset with me I’ve been upset with you but I ain’t cried over you at the beginning in the beginning when we were fighting all the time I think I was not crying yeah you cried okay scy whatever whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel love boy you cried okay you [ __ ] cry all right all right don’t open your eye all wide that looks good put some marshmallows on top place I want to do it but we we using we using Hershey’s chocolate guys so chocolate sprinkles we we doing why why you doing it all dainty like that do the long way hey hey hey hey hey watch this TR you always got to correct everything just let me live like look at that you see that do that oh okay you’re right okay that’s enough that’s enough go to more on the front go to do some more the front and then that’s it okay that’s good okay so pretty thank you all right here you go and there you have it the Tennessee milkshake and I’m going to love it cuz I love me a good old milkshake you guys ni Mr but it’s coffee you know it’s coffee 15% wine that’s good man making your own batch of stuff 15% is it tasty when the silver war start you going have to make your own wine so you learn these skills now is it like when Frank Gallagher made his own beer in the basem*nt and it was horrible you know what I’m talking about I’m Shameless oh M you like it I can taste the Tennessee whiskey mhm but someone bought a ton of it you know they’re having an event I’m going to go to it ja Daniel mhm and it’s probably going to be open bar oh yeah all most of the hey be careful that glass thin as hell I hate these glasses because they so freaking thin you know yeah let me take a picture of that maybe I’ll remake this for the show it’s so good put it down put it that so I can see all the ingredients oh yeah yeah baby I wish we had bigger straws I mean bigger straws we could get those but they ugly yeah this shows Focus the show focuses on cuteness you know yes Stephanie you can taste the alcohol in it but it’s not too strong it’s good stuff Steph Tennessee milkshake Jack you guys this isn’t a real cow this is fake as hell really this jacket cost like 10 bucks on Sheen I I called her ring fake today and she got so upset at me cuz you didn’t have he went out of his way to call it fake no I didn’t go out of my way it was sitting there and I was looking at it say hey here’s your fake ring but I have to wear fake [ __ ] because I always lose jewelry so gu I’m just writing on this recipe guys what do you all think okay it’s so good so right now there’s a huge battle going on right and this was always going to happen cuz you could make you could make freaking diamonds in the in the lab now you know these like real diamonds yeah oh same quality are they losing their value I don’t know cuz women still want like a diamond ring for engage you know what I mean like like I don’t know if you if you tell your girl the diamond rings lab from the lab I don’t know how she huh wouldn’t she be pissed chocolate are you know when girls like sit like the four seats at the NBA game and they have like their fiance next to them and they have like the ring here you can I try it no can you open your mom no hey Sophia I like milkshakes but I us don’t drink them here no but you’re not going to drink this you’re not even going to drink that I’m going to let this be pretty and I’m going to drink this okay but that can just melt and separate anyway thank you hello arkans this one this one’s really good what’s up Ark it’s delici guys I know y’all think me and Shayla I know we’ve been better though cuz if you watch earlier episodes I had to get to NOK cuz she she’s getting under my skin early on but then I grew to realize that she’s I’m a sweetheart I’m a sweet girl that she’s just you know like a nice mentally ill person I just have a little bit of ADHD that’s all yeah with poor tasted men I mean [ __ ] that’s kind of right who you dating now nobody but I have a funny story about that the gu guy the the the artist that I’ve been working with the gay one what the gay dude who’s chasing you has he called you back by the way I haven’t spoken to him my boy leave you this playlist and then bounce yeah pretty much no but um you realiz you have the same play list that he sends to every girl he put my name and face on it though thank you Salvador how is that to do it’s only like eight songs I think he I don’t think like he sends the same playl everybody but anyways um the the so the African artist that I was talking to you guys about Prince or whatever remember I was like I might have a little crush on him I think he’s cute and then I asked my friend about him my friend was like no keep it professional right so I’m in the studio yesterday bie you’re coming right to the team hey bixie so I’m in the studio yesterday and um he pulls up like this video from performing and with these dancers turns out his dancers is like my best friend like my my my really good friend and her friend who actually danced for me at my show so I’m like oh my gosh that’s relle and Yvonne like I know them and I was like Michelle was like my best friend and he was like oh oh so he’s your friends oh right so then I messaged Michelle and I was like I was like um yeah I’ve been in a studio with Prince or whatever and you know he tried to talk to me and whatever she was like heah ho she was like he tried to talk to me too she was like he’s so goofy because he tries to talk to all the girls like this that and the third like when I met him he was with some other girl so yeah he is one of those one of those dudes but you in music won’t every dude be like that yeah I don’t know maybe maybe like how many Saints in music how many Saints there might be a few no you know what I mean probably not yeah them late night Studio sessions yeah dude I remember my boy my I’m like how small can La be like that’s actually kind of crazy okay so guys let me tell you all a story and I got a so my boy dating this chick right who’s a singer right uh-oh and the chick’s a singer the chick is a singer my my boy’s regular Duty dating this chick who’s a singer right and the chick I mean can she sing whatever you know what I mean this no no I’m just saying like she can sing I mean she can be me singing but can she like really S I don’t know okay okay and so this in the fridge yeah and so we have one of my other boys who’s not necessarily friends with this boy so boy a is dating this girl let’s just call her Shino okay so boy a is dating Shino my other boy B he has a band okay and so so boy a says you know him him and him and him and the girl talking and she’s like well hey maybe you should get some help I want him to help me with my music right hey Brian so they start working together in the studio right and every other night is a late night station she have to stay overnight you see what I’m saying okay and how much music are are they working on like a project or who who knows okay cuz I’m not in music my boy my boy boy being in music I mean these things do take time I’m not a music boy aing in music so we don’t know thank you so much salvad thank you thank you man thank you thank you so every fre with this dude right tell the word get out that she’s actually smashing boy B okay wait the one that she’s been in the studio is yeah okay he but she’s dating boy a yeah and they know each other they’re friends did she know that they knew each other yeah dude we all that’s what makes you a hoe we all hang at the same [ __ ] bar and [ __ ] you know what I mean that’s what makes you we all hang out at the same bar okay that is wild so we allang did it blow everything up did it ruin their relationship the two dudes boy a and boy B do they hate each other now yeah cuz boy a grab a baseball b g looking for boy B right you’re kidding yeah and we got to go like look dude this this how the game is played you can’t take this out on see the dude who do okay this is this is the way I view it if you’re my girl and you banging Stefan I dislike Stefan however Stefan ain’t never promised to be loyal to me you did you see what I’m saying saying so I take it out on you you know what I mean so you find me no there’s dudes who can go out and kill everybody okay let’s just be clear some dudes go and kill everybody but I really think that you have to take that up of the person that you’re dating you see and so anyway yeah dude that was a bunch of [ __ ] drama cuz we all in the same not in the same friend group but we all hang out at the same bar you know work in similar places and [ __ ] like that all we seen each other all the time too messy and for this to be going on yeah but I mean messy messy dud some girls you got to turn down you know what I mean like even if the girl wants you you got to be able to you got to know when to say no you know what I mean ladies and gentlemen on next drink top three [ __ ] boy jobs in La number one promoter number two music producer number two damn Bo wait DJ B you’re a music producer right you’re number two you’re number two exactly hold on DJ needs to be right up there too bartender five direct no five five is the [ __ ] personal trainer okay it’s six is a DJ yoga teacher yoga teacher DJs be like that too they be partying for a all them Fitness the fitness instructor oh he definitely buing your chck to it okay the promoter the fitness instructor yeah the DJ oh God the bartender dude certain jobs when you see like oh my oh my ex-boyfriend was this that’s when you go okay this girl out of a [ __ ] mind damn all right promoter I not let me see if you have any co*ke co*ke up here co*ke sure I’m sure they are DJ Bo okay Mr B back Shay look downstairs and grab me a a Coca-Cola okay we need Coca-Cola for this you could grab me some ice um the bag of ice before you go not not that one um there’s there’s one that’s with the small pieces we could use that this time Shayla looking dairy cow not that not that one the other one like iuse that one when I’m blending now yes yeah that’s fine that might not be enough but we’ll see so grab a Coca-Cola okay bring a couple bring a six pack or some [ __ ] okay all right guys we getting some ice in our glass now oh this the firstect come out now this drink is going to have some fire I don’t know if yall going to be able to see it but we can try to make it work okay we going to light this drink of fire we going to set it all on fire DJ bull like spilling [ __ ] I guess yeah I mean dude that is Fox dude like the personal trainer D dude’s buying in your check okay no I’m really going to help her get in shape Scott she’s going to oh my God wait until you see what I do or he got her he got them legs stretch in play ways you’ve never stretched them okay hey Bernard oh you know what I’m just friends with this bartender he’s one of my best friends that’s free drinks home boy okay that come at a price okay someone got to pay for them okay she ain’t paying the cash but it’s being paid okay then the DJ you know yeah we I can get all you and all your friends in I get your drinks okay that comes at a cost as well and the producer oh yeah no trust me I can put you into movies it’s going to be good okay that come the cost as well Harvey Weinstein cost yeah Harvey Weinstein do it that correct L to the list too okay so this is called thing matches for this this thing is called a bardi volcano cuz I got to like this a fire fire okay so Shayla let’s cut that line fire fire on the Dance Floor everybody call 911 yeah it’s a the the theme for the summer is like what cowgirl Cowboy ho down who who who decided that who said that who said the theme was should [ __ ] up Society everybody’s just been doing like everything cow related Cowboy [ __ ] and stuff I mean it’s it even started before Beyonce though like I mean I think she might have like solidified within like the the black lgbtq community but no but I think people have been doing like the the cowgir thing a lot lately like a lot I think I think like even like Todrick had a birthday the theme for his birthday was a ho down he had a horse out there everybody’s it was a costume part your call okay it’s a costume party everybody has dress up you appreciate it hey thank you man thank you Cowboy attire okay it’s kind of been like that’s squeezing some lime homeboy the whole lime yeah Cowboy attire yeah so guys lime and Coca-Cola is a Kua Libre okay with rum yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s right I mean this has rum with it sorry he’s right with rum so if you do like some white rum co*ke they’ll squeeze the lime that’s a Kua Libra does it have to even be a squeeze of lime or just have a lime on it I don’t know but yeah Kua Libra it’s delicious KU lib you know I want people to wear a traditional German Bavarian thing like everybody should be wearing leer hosen or like a dle you know the ler hosen Le hosen what is that that’s the thing that they wear like at at October Fest see like that would be so fun that could be next year’s summer theme yeah I’m I’m voting for that can we make that happen can Society please make that happen I not going to be a summer thing though I used to go to October Fest I used to go to October Fest all the time in Wisconsin we would have like our own little Festival you have a huge German community yeah in wiscons but I really always wanted to go to the October like the real one in Germany it’s fun it’s fun Have You Been yeah nice somebody take me to who wants to go to October first dude I’ve been twice I mean when I mean sorry I’ve been once right but over two days the first day dude I was in bed by like maybe three four drinking all day yeah cuz the [ __ ] thing so the be I’m saying I mean p.m. p.m. by 3:00 p.m. I was in bed yeah CU you the second day I was in bed by like 5:00 p.m. okay that sh*t’s intense how dudes go to that [ __ ] for like a week how long is the festival you all your [ __ ] mind like between two and 3 weeks I think three weeks actually yeah or two weeks two weeks it’s two weeks I think it’s two weeks yeah two weeks I I I think I threw up in the taxi but I don’t [ __ ] know I have no idea you didn’t get charged for it huh you didn’t get charged for it this was but this was like a that’s awesome Hugh like he was going in 2025 into Belgium yeah that’s it’s going to be a nice trip especially if you enjoy beer best that sh*t’s intense but the problem is the Bears are a leader h [ __ ] huge and that’s the only bear in there so you can’t go hey latress give him a bear give me a Jack and co*ke it’s just this one bear okay if you want a different bear from the bear you drinking you got to go to a different [ __ ] tent you know what I mean so you just sit there drinking that bear all day but like the tents are owned by the breweries right so every Brewery has their own own yes yeah I want to go so somebody let’s go and then if you want overpriced food that’s there too yeah dude I even get to eat I was too drunk to [ __ ] eat you got to eat when you’re drinking I was to I got to show you the October Fest video but we can show you that closer to when October Fest is happening okay also running with the bulls we can show you that closer to when running the Bulls is happening when is that July July oh [ __ ] July July 6th or 7th July 6th is when it when the festival opens mid and then the 7th is the morning of the 7th is the first run okay guys bardi 151 they don’t make this [ __ ] no more but you don’t need this you could just get a another high proof rum just get another rum that’s 151 okay so there’s a lot of other brands out there that have this so what I’m doing is I’m just layering this on top I don’t even need the spoon cuz this [ __ ] ain’t a sink okay cuz this this build to float all right oh lot of moisy I wish Shayla luck with this one okay Shayla grab a straw I hope this light a plain one H just like a plain one it’s a little paper straw wait you have to hold one side it would be good if you could hold a particular side take it out though cuz they’re going to burst in Flames so I want you bustard okay let’s get a piece of paper hey Mar it’s usually like the big breweries in Munich you have to be from Munich and that means you have to use Munich water but then like you can buy this all the time but for October Fest they make a special Brew yeah so it’s kind of like that okay let’s put this on the side just to show people show some respect my mom I grew up in my mom cooking with this like this was part of cooking 151 yeah like but she flam flamed it though no no no no no like all the cakes that they make like if they make a rum cake it’s oh it’s 15 if they if she made a rum cake sometimes she’d use like Mardi go but sometimes it’ be 151 in that [ __ ] wow if we make this thing we call guava Duff in the Bahamas is like this dessert I might try to make it one day I have no idea how cuz that [ __ ] complicated she had to put [ __ ] in a pillowcase and all kinds of [ __ ] anyway in a pillow case as I guess she used that as some kind of cloth but you know I mean she’d have that in the sauce you know so we should told I grew up as a little boy would rubing my system you know anyway thank you Mom they’re ring the system okay have to be more aggressive okay oh boy take your time okay okay think that I’m fire mhm can you see it though can you st behind is it on fire no I don’t think it’s on fire no let’s try again hold on man ladies and gentlemen sometimes thank you thank you s Sedar everybody’s coming at my little coat they’re saying I killed a cow H somebody said I was ready for Halloween with your Cod yeah yo k i I think you can get that but most Germans would hate that I would think damn I hate this freaking this one’s this one’s weird oh there we go okay let’s see still what what brother you let the ice melt down too much no but do it this 151 that’s should still float on top anyway you get the point right we might not be able to get this to light up I mean it in the liquid are you sure yeah yeah hey Z welcome well whatever hey grab a straw and there you have it it does smell like fire don’t poke it around oh okay fine you can poke it around go ahead a Koopa lib go ahead no that’s not a Koopa Li that’s call cardio with volcano wo Zing do you think you could drink that I’m not going to ask you to do you think you could yeah I could yeah but it’s strong I mean it’s it’s just a flavor of so damn [ __ ] potent I don’t even know if it’s like more liquor than what you usually put in a drink but it’s just potent well well it it’s the flavor it’s it’s the lime juice helps a lot though yeah try it now after you’ve stirred it up it’s strong it’s strong okay hold on I want this [ __ ] to burn okay okay take one more sip just so you understand what it is cuz you’re not going to be able to drink this after this I’m not I’m not I’m not going to allow you toink after this we going to make sure this [ __ ] flames it’s not my favorite tasting co*cktail though it ain’t nobody favorite tasting co*cktail okay even alcoholics be like y I’m tapping out okay it’s definitely going to catch on fire now right it should should I take the straw out let’s see that does burn too okay we set and fire this [ __ ] come on man what’s up with you you poured it over here it doesn’t matter it’s going to be all over the top no I can’t believe it man too much ice even with even with the ice it doesn’t matter even with the ice it doesn’t matter like this bardi 151 okay now it got to be on fire right maybe no no yeah whatever we tried wild we tried what is going on I don’t know bardi 151 falling off actually let’s let’s see let’s see we’re putting it to the ultimate test folks let’s see let’s go to here Mr Kito wow my wine punches you in the face nice Mr Kito send us send me one what’ he say he’s drinking his own wine he makes his own wine where you going make my own wine no if he sent his wine to us would you try it or did you think he’ll try to poison us I know his wine May poison us even if he ain’t trying who knows okay there we go that’s what I’m talking about so is it on fire I can’t tell H I can tell oh I can see it it’s definitely on fire it’s on fire as [ __ ] wow Mama it’s still on fire yeah can I do it get it in the freaking sink okay okay I I I didn’t I didn’t do it all the way cuz I don’t want to burn myself yeah how long does that burn how long does it burn until all the alcohol burns out of it yeah yeah okay now we doing some dumb [ __ ] that coun on fire too the counter is on fire yeah oh it is on fire it’s on fire Sky it’s on fire no [ __ ] didn’t they just tell you it’s on fire what part of that you miss oh my gosh Sky Sky’s over here doing magic tricks y’all you need magic tricks you’re what about your countertop you’re going to burn it- it ain’t burn like that you never see dudes like you never see dudes like rub their hand in that and then light [ __ ] right literally yo B B that’s racist okay LOL come right here with your black magic [ __ ] okay no racist jokes hi Frank hi Frankie poo welcome to the racist segment arkans sauce hey arkans sace hey arkans sauce the the only time you would use this though is really can I clean this cuz this is scaring me yeah do do it with get some water smell it’s a horrible SM too do it with some water though shav this rag was pretty wet okay so are you drinking this now again or what heck you no I’m not drinking this [ __ ] I was just trying the the thing with bukari 151 right is you want to use that like when in if you make a drink Sky you you even have my clean with fire you you you you you use bardi 151 like if you if you makeing let’s say some tropical drink and you you You’ only use like maybe like a teaspoon or two of that cuz that that’s so strong same thing with like Myers Myers is Myers is such a specific taste m is 40% m is 40% alcohol right but this have such unique taste very specific you don’t want the drinks loaded with this like like like any of these like hardcore Jamaican rum like Myers Ryan nephew but like if you mix it right it gives it a really good taste yeah super delicious but even still you wouldn’t use like a ton 2 oz of this that’s way too [ __ ] much D It 2 oz of mil in the drink is like G I mean a dark and stormy dark and stomy admires dark and Stor is goling oh but it can still take but and Stor me the rum used in that is the same strength as bukar 151 is it really yeah wait for real yeah oh that’s a black seal rum oh okay so it’s black seal rum so it has to be goling it can’t be you use you could use another rum but what I’m saying officially the trade mark recipe is their rum they created that good Mar can same thing like what was it the painkiller or the pacilla what what did we make that was the new killer that require pusers you know oh yeah pusers yeah yeah like they have like those rums created that recipe nice so if you would have post oh they created those recipes right so if you if you would have post a video using another room and you call it a dark and stormy that company could come after you and make you take the video down if you refuse to KATU you or something like that you know what I mean got yeah cuz it’s it’s theirs yeah that’s interesting I want to make my own drink and patent it so nobody else can use it and start hey Kenya welcome make my own drink thank you Frankie poo thank you Frankie poo yeah he said I look good he said you look what do you bring girls for viewing down do I bring girls for what D do you bring girls for viewing for no no no I have better girls I just bring them because they have nice personalities kind of it’s okay hey hey hey hey like girls like to sit here and watch hey who’s a pretty girl who’s a pretty girl I don’t know you who’s a pretty girl huh you huh who’s a pretty girl with these beautiful nails watch your what a break okay snatching what real damn you can really hurt somebody I know sometimes I hurt myself like I’ll poke myself in the eye [ __ ] with that sharp ass [ __ ] yeah I would just not tell that anyone so guys I have a little snack for Shayla yeah with o rainbow rain party rainbow chip cake mix yeah let me get a B can we squeeze some lemons in this bad boy no you’re not squeezing any lemon in that what the hell wrong with you it’ll be tasty what it’ll be tasty there’s pudding in the mix what there’s pudding in the mix we can’t squeeze any lemon lemons in it no what kind of crack at of you m I love anything that’s Citrus flavored hold B got this girl all messed up I still have cake at home I haven’t ate yet really yeah you have a Tipsy am I all raise up for Rihanna no I’m not I’m going straight home after I leave here and I’m going to sleep y’all why cuz you woke I was in the studio pretty late last night sh needs to come to the rod in Dallas I would love to go to the rodeo with Prince we were working on music shut up was he like hey baby could you sing that one more time he didn’t say that but he was definitely asked me to sing bunch of stuff and I like working with him though because like I’ve seen a very particular way and he’s like he’s like bringing me out of my shell he’s like no sing it this way do this do that so I’m just like okay okay guys I’m learning this is a cake cookie hat you don’t know what the hell we doing here hold it cuz apparently she has she know was going on so you’re using cake mix to make cookies and you only need what are you making no no no no no big papa no stop big papa what the hell you laughing at okay we’re not doing them we’re not doing them Starbucks cake pops again what quite a cake mix in here why you take it off the bag like that oh W Sophia very nice have fun in Apostle and in Disney World so apparently you only need three ingredients to do these cookies you need a cake this is cake mix though yes you need cake mix yes okay no [ __ ] what you thought what you thought it’s not cookie mix it’s cake mix I just said said you’re making cookies yes from cake mix okay I’m glad this is clarified now half a cup of oil okay two waos those wavos okay two eggs all right thanks for watching VJ thank you for watching VJ thanks VJ have fun at work but like where you work VJ are you bartending right now slide back what are you doing Chay I’m just tying my coat how much clothes you need home boy take I get cold and then I get hot and then I get cold again so maybe you menopause it my mom said I might have Prem menopause damn I know that’s [ __ ] up right you Barn already shut up talk about that in the Bible okay the young shall be Barren okay and their boyfriend shall be gay where hats and making a playlist okay here start it up wow you just really dug into me huh what wearing hats and making play say that that’s Jesus saying that okay he really just he really roasted me y’all just now he came for my life oh no and you need new BS cuz these ones are trash okay let me see let me see slide slide let me see if I can find a b April Diaz used to make them that’s good oh boy you just elbow me in my eye my bad Big T is constantly asking for Texas moonshine ooh don’t you have to make moonshine by the way did you all see a video of the bull jumping into the crowd the bull jumping into a crowd yeah watch out lose that one no there there’s there was a rodeo somewhere somewhere in there’s another one right here Skye Does this one not work no no no no no you don’t don’t put no your that okay by the way I’m aware of what everything here you know you know it right okay it’s trying to be helpful I know I know I like that you try are you sure you don’t want to squeeze any lemon juice in these [ __ ] you think I would squeeze any lemon juice in your I think it’ be guys how many of you squeeze lemon juice in your cakes watch these D if you don’t you need to start watch these dudes go like yes scy we totally put in lemon juice lime juice pineapple juice okay no okay no no I do not want to put any lemon juice in in the cake what kind of dumbass [ __ ] is that it’ll be tasty that’s what you grew up doing I love Citrus okay but some you put you put citrus in your chicken mhm I put it on everything it’s really good especially squeezing lemons over a plain bag of potato chips mhm delicious sounds fun it is awesome okay these cookies about to be good though look at how cute this cake I don’t know if y’all can tell but it’s colorful ooh yeah that was do all right it’s thick homeboy need some 151 you need some 151 yeah oh [ __ ] red panda why are you a hater Shayla I don’t like them and stuff how’s red panda a hater what Happ put what they say they don’t like lemon they think I’m weird a dump cake uh-uh so we have made on on definitely knock on me we’ve made like at least 25 dump cakes what a dum it’s just you you pour in everything without mixing it so you uh the cake mix goes in then you put apple pie fing on top and in the end you put like these knobs of butter and then it all melts together into one big thing interesting is it good yeah some of them some of them good some some of them are good but like some other ones I Ain never heard of a dump cake I ain’t never heard of it I only know dump can I help yeah you can help watch come on Sky okay make a ball no I mean okay here here here here you could use this one okay let you make a ball all right see if you asked for my help you wouldn’t be struggling as much I struggling let me help make it even smaller than now cuz these cookies is going to expand Sophia what did you say did you go to Disneyland uh Disney World not a f not a f not not that either just relax just relax just try to relax okay hold on give me give me give me the spon give me the spoon Give me the spon give me this one chist big mad okay so big mad knows what I’m talking about bigie buggy knows what I’m talking about about what putting cake in putting lemon just Citrus in general how tasty it is yeah it is elevates dishes in general it does elevate dishes this is definitely going to touch don’t worry we can make it work okay it does elevate dishes it’s supposed to be like a ball actually but whatever Sky these cookies are going to grow together you have them way too close don’t worry homeboy all righty just trust the you got it cherry dump cake I ain’t never heard of no dump cake really never they went super viral did they yeah yeah yeah a lot of people made D never heard of it Cherry that’s interesting see this the ideal size right here actually like these ones are too big so I can I can turn that into a third you know oh yeah if that makes sense okay cherry cheesecake dump cake yeah damn cherry cheesecake dump cake I love cheesecake y’all mhm like burnt cheesecake have you ever had that like Japanese burnt cheesecake M you try that super good never had it or Bosque I’ve never had like tiu either isn’t that Japanese damn Italian yeah you should you never had chamu oh my god I’ve heard of it a bunch though it’s so it’s delicious crul is that uh that’s crambula that’s French so I believe he’s he’s saying that he’s a baker yeah see a lot of it y’all know what I’m talking about yeah lemon noce say Z you ain’t talking about the juice though the juice adds flavor homeboy no but the zest would add flavor too okay bitter you think so bit yeah I mean iron fan has a point Sky you have to make tiramisu that’s actually a good idea what is turu what is it it’s it’s um it’s a it’s a it’s like lady fingers soaked in ESO mascapone or something like that and then layer with mascapone and uh whipped cream and egg okay and then it’s delicious okay what are lady fingers it’s like a kind of a cie cookie like in like thing okay got you okay that sounds good it ain’t exactly a cookie I’m down I’ve had Che I’ve had cheesecake before I love cheesecake I’m trying to get in one more layer right my favorite kind of cake is like um like just regular old chocolate cake or vanilla cake yeah put one here and put one here make them small you got it mhm these supposed to be nice little balls but that’s fine see if you would have let me help you I could have done the little ball yeah do want do a little ball like that that’s beautiful that’s a beautiful little yeah see but you never want my help I know I know yo Big C and we like it too I made a waffle tiramisu with mini waffles that’s super delicious too yeah Captain bendini right t s the best okay there we go how’s that okay I mean he’s probably going up touching but who cares I told you Scotties yeah we’re going to make something German at some need have never mind I need to have what it’s fine I think we should bake pretzels at some point pretzels out of pizza though we should make pretzels and beer dip beer cheese dip yeah exactly put one here put one here you know what we got to do cheese curds like good old go get Wisconsin cheese curds or like a poutine a poutine yeah mhm or Disco fries what are Disco Fries it’s like a New Jers [ __ ] fries covered in [ __ ] okay guys so let’s let’s give this a try these going to be some hideous looking cookies but hey life’s short okay I am thank you bozak giving credit where credits due what do you say I’m the professional ball handler of the show yeah yeah yeah yeah you good with balls man thank you tell that to my future husband I know you want to get married mhm right now tell the audience what kind of guy than thank you I appreciate it for me it’s just mostly important that like we share the same kind of values you know okay like somebody that’s like funny kind I’m as not notom asking for you to be rich or like six feet tall like you know but just somebody that’s going to be very loyal I’m looking for somebody that’s like going to be my you TI again Che somebody that’s going to choose me every day as much as I choose them you tired of getting cheated on exactly how many times you been cheated on maybe like twice damn okay she’s been cheated on twice okay guys we got that we got what you ever just eat the dough yeah you can eat the dough it’s tasty yeah I mean you could eat cookie dough watch we lose some followers over eating dough you got to get some Bill what are you going to do with this guys check this out so last night kais had a stream and he had Kevin har on his stream and he also had Jui and had a did you see the fight was it a real fight I know but it was crazy did you see it who who who fought ji and um Kevin har no no no Kevin Hart was in the mirror in the thing dancing and K sonat and Jui was back there fighting each other were they really fighting though can I show you the video no I mean I mean well don’t show me because whatever we do we show them but my point is that might not even been a real fight here put this in okay don’t don’t show me because whatever you show me you need to be showing down okay so so but anyway so kaai that biggest one of the biggest streamers was on Twitch mhm he had Kevin har first firstly hold on let me let me tell you all about the stream okay you have a picture of Ka there anywhere or no so okay play play Let’s play this let’s play this piece okay they having so much fun that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about okay guys number one let’s let’s let me clear this up first if you’re watching this cuz we stream to YouTube We stream to Facebook all this music they’re playing from other places Facebook cancel the video they did that to us yesterday so if you on Facebook come over to Tipsy bartend if you get cut out okay cuz you probably will they’re playing music though yes but they on Twitch Facebook’s different there’s a reason why no one’s streaming from [ __ ] Facebook cuz Facebook you know they block your [ __ ] too really fast so all yall facebookers in here come over to YouTube If you don’t watch this [ __ ] anyway my point is K I had a stream right and ladies and gentlemen at one point he had 672 th000 people watching you understand how many people are is yes you have the NBA Finals that have millions and millions and millions of [ __ ] but for a dude on YouTube or twitch or kick to have that many people watching that’s crazy another crazy C part to this is shout out to Kevin Hart cuz Kevin har making a lot of money right and people wonder how it’s because he understand social media because I can tell you right now the typical celebrity is not going to go on his stream all night the way Kevin Hart did they might go for like five minutes go for like an hour to provote some [ __ ] or something like that you know what I mean but to like spend the night and do all the [ __ ] and have all the dudes come through yeah Kevin you really got to be social how long was the stream for hours how like three longer than 3 hours dude they were falling asleep so they probably there all night it was a sleepover but my point is to get cuz Kevin Hart pretty much is the aless actor you know what I mean that and and he have so many different businesses that’s a dude who probably making over $100 million a year yeah so he don’t need to do this [ __ ] thank you so we don’t need to do this [ __ ] but to be Savvy enough to go on this that open it up the he probably had fun the first time he just wants to [ __ ] like he it looked like he was honestly having a good time yes it’s business but he also has fun but we discussing the fun part of this my point is just being smart enough to do that cuz I watched Tom I watch like Tom Cruz do a promo for Mission Impossible with some influences and it was like him standing next to them for like 5 minutes doing some [ __ ] right Kevin goes in and immerses himself in there so you can’t help but like him especially if you like a young dude coming up so he completely different cuz celebrities don’t do that [ __ ] they’ll come by say hi has a lot of like uh gen Z like and stuff like that so that’s the way for Kevin har to kind of I mean fanas nii was on there n was on there but again she was on she wasn’t on there like that I mean she was on there for a while but not like like how Kevin H was Kevin H like went in so it’s literally like everybody just got to witness like the Bros having a like a a a a bro night even Lebron Lebron called in like when I was watching Lebron called in you know and and he was talking to Kevin Hart and he was like Kevin was like dude I’m on stream I don’t know if LeBron knew he was going to be there right and and Kevin H was like dude right now there’s 600 [ __ ] thousand people watching so he was even shocked at the number wow like you cannot you cannot get that kind of publicity like that is crazy how does he how did can how did he get so popular Kai I mean he’ve been doing it a long time and the bigger you get the more powerful your guests could be coming in so but like what what does he do was his thing like he just was like talks about what’s going on [ __ ] like that like I mean he cooking and stuff but he talks you know music like all the like all the kind of different things was he like doing video games and stuff he’s he plays video games sometimes but he’s not he’s not necessarily gamer he’s not a gamer not necessarily no but he does play video so it’s just his personality just him just talking to people every day yeah it’s yeah it’s it’s fun sky from stand up the other year he made 250 million from a Kevin har yeah I mean Kevin har makes bank which is why I said he doesn’t need to do this but the fact that he commit to doing that [ __ ] cuz you realize he got to leave his wife and kid to go on stream for hours where there’s like no break you know what I mean like you [ __ ] like once once you turn the camera on like something got to be happen do all his streams stay up Kai I think twitch deletes a like a week out so you could go watch it tonight or tomorrow if you want just play it in the background and you can listen to some of it you know but it’s good it’s it’s like fun good stuff like respect you to be able to pull that [ __ ] honestly and it looked like it was entertaining to watch from the little clips that I saw on the internet yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like there was one point where it was just Kai and dusi and Kevin and Kevin’s just like in the in the camera just winding his hips like that and then druski and Kai are throwing chairs at each other and like rolling around on the floor fighting and [ __ ] and Kevin Hart’s completely ignoring them so I was like okay this is a fun yeah yeah yeah the sh*t’s fun like dude streams could be wild if we get big enough we can have some wild [ __ ] too cuz then you have guests coming in so if you know you going to be live for like 10 hours like every 10 hours so every hour every 30 minutes you got someone new walking through the door and some new [ __ ] to keep [ __ ] going and then if you fall asleep they throw buckets of water on each other that’s the [ __ ] was [ __ ] Wild was a wild crazy ass stream last night that’s so fun yes yes so does he go live at a specific time every day or something that’s like we’re we’re we’re consistent at the same time but some of them do but but they they go much longer you know what I mean than than we do like three hours like we do we do like about three hours but I’m saying does Kai like have a specific time of day I don’t think he has AIC specific schedule the he just goes live whenever he feels like it they all go live whenever they feel like but some dudes follow schedules some dudes will be like hey I’m live every day at such and such a time is he one of those for like [ __ ] 8 hours I don’t know I haven’t followed him closely enough all that you know what I mean but he I mean he been he been he been in the game for a while does he announce when these people are coming to his live stream yeah he he gave a shout out that Hey Kevin Hart and drewski coming over for sleep okay got you got you got you okay okay why you want to do a sleepover stream no you see the commitment so we flipped the camera we put down beds and stuff and we just did it but the whole point is you got to keep going all [ __ ] are fun is Jui in Ka I mean dude we going be firstly we going to be smoking and we going have to be drinking and we going to be doing all kinds of [ __ ] okay maybe I think mine my stream more likely to get banned the longer I [ __ ] go okay yeah cuz sh*ts can go Haywire fast but no we could we could do we could D we could definitely have what are you talking about we could have a bunch of old school Tipsy girls coming in but see you need money to get people to do stuff you know what I mean like it’s it’s just let’s grow and let’s see how it goes figure some [ __ ] out you know you know you want you tell me this I want you to I take it home for your cat yeah I want to take it home or we can try to make a giant cookie with this and see what happens we can yeah okay that’s next right you’re going to make a giant cookie and put it in a blender Right Bingo Bingo I thought we pour some lemon juice in it though I’m going to airor myself really quickly why are you so mean I I think it’s I think it’s a good idea wait what were somebody said that I was on to something out of all the hundreds of people in here one person say yeah you want to suffer okay yes that one Albert Einstein in the comment section was like yeah Shay you want something okay give me that poker thing let me see if my my my cookie is done that poker thing you think I’m mean nope you’re great hey hey hey hey you’re the nicest person I’ve ever he hey hey who’s a pretty girl who’s a pretty girl you know you you’re a pretty girl you with this I know you shank me little r ass if you got 10 hours you need to keep bail money ready yeah literally cuz what we could have a real fight chill and y’all can start crying and [ __ ] and get into it with another girl you know I mean that’s how streams off why do I think lemon juice and cake is a good idea because it’ll make it citrusy and delicious maybe you should just get a lemon cake you ever thought about that lemon cake you can turn it any cake into a lemon cake which is some lemon juice here we got a recipe from Big tea okay okay Tios lemon juice honey syrup club soda okay I mean that’s fresh mint that’s interesting and guess what I don’t have the mint but I have a spicy honey he he said regular honey syrup he didn’t say spicy honey syrup I know but we Chang we changing biged tea by the way big tea is a cowboy so you could ask him about the cowboy life oh yeah how’s that holdown going Big T yeah Big T how’s the ho down this summer and the rodeos I want to go to a rodeo one day a real Rodeo we had a bar back at one of the bars that I used to to work at and he used to go to rodeos and ride bulls and stuff all dude we had one too what we had one too yeah yeah yeah probably talking about the same dude I was Jose Jose this dude named Jose who used to work at Barne when I used to work there oh he used to ride the here this this dude okay one day well first he used to drink like crazy right he had to drink like crazy this dude com in ladies and gentlemen the dude face flat like a [ __ ] pancake he walk in and then the the dude face flat you all understand LP right and I’m looking at him and I’m going dude what happened here’s what happened he riding a bull right and the bull bucked and so his face smashing into the top of the Bull’s Head oh my all this flat my boy look like a pancake you know what I mean he came into work still dude knows the dude like I have you know I mean I have a wider nose this dude knows did he broke any break anything dude his area was [ __ ] broken in there yes no it’s flat as [ __ ] he looked like a boxer that’s insane okay poor guy yeah yeah yeah was that is that like permanent damage or I ain’t see that that [ __ ] ain’t heal did his face inflate back up to normal happy birthday David happy birthday David happy birthday that sh going to be normal happy birthday thank you shth DAV I want to help I know I know you do I can I can do this part okay here thank you goit Marin it’s your birthday too today or what you got to sing one more time happy birthday Mar happy birthday Mar happy birthday thank you beautiful what are you doing M you can pick him up with your hand now I wish I could push a button and then you would sing a certain song you know like human sound a human soundboard yeah like that one episode of Black Mirror guys so listen we start looking back at some old songs right so I went back to the year 2000 and looking at some of the hits so yesterday we showed um what did we show yesterday yesterday we covered um Blink 182 Blink 182 and then Rihanna Ranna Rihanna pay just those two right yeah I believe so okay no no no we did Cisco thumbs the thumbs up the thumbs on the thumbs on thumb s if you’re watching from Facebook okay yeah please go to chipsy Bart because once we start this Facebook where we can kill Al alive so just know that okay come over to the good side come to you come over to YouTube so I went back in 2000 right I look at some of the top songs so this was a banger uhoh from back in 2000 a happy birthday Marin so this is my boy Nelly okay oh wait you got to get this [ __ ] yeah so this this a good song I already know what song this this Nelly This Nelly from this Nelly from 2000 okay okay cookies I mean you could eat these already so many Geminis in the house okay here we go ready okay okay you ready hey Facebook bring your ass to YouTube cuz you can get canceled right now okay let’s [Music] go look at this video look at what they dressed though look look at how look at how they dressed by [Music] there you can find me St Louis rolling on smoking on up [Music] like accumulated enough SP just to navig Wood decorated on Chrome and it’s candy painted ft while I’m see how many people they brought out for that video you remember they shut down the whole block this black he used to wear like a bandaid you know he he wear it right now he wear it right now [Music] basically feel like a big ass y hustle I did not time you out I didn’t do that what’s up man hey [Music] Manny I thought you going to play hot in here no no no no no no no but okay but would this fashion work today no guys if if the stream stops keep watching keep watching we will be back [Music] in so yeah I I mean yeah that blacken okay so like the F okay so you know how the dud used to wear just like everything super big like their t-shirts really large and their jeans really large I feel like you can take aspects of this fashion and think it works to dude I saw Drake in a picture with some pants on look like he say look at n PS some pants f*ckinge I know you can take certain things from this and bring it back right but I don’t think you could just wear but okay but if he walked outside we that right now would you know that he’s from a different tricking era yeah you think so [Music] just the way the clothes fit you know like look at abely [Music] absolutely so when I was um I used to work at this restaurant in talk to me but I never saw him his regular clothes and we hang out outside of work he was dressing just like this and I couldn’t do [Music] why when they produc and sell same twice but they Ice Baby all over close to never so from broke to having broke my price [Music] range that’s a Crum you know when them D is doing that [ __ ] remember that that’s a shout out to Donald Trum you right [Music] used to get shout out a lot [Music] of yes what a good J classic classic classic classic classic all right Shaya I want to try one to okay St stefin can try go ahead than you no that cookies bomb that’s all right the cookies are really good ladies and gentlemen the cookies okay and so you can do this with any cake all you need is a half a cup of oil two eggs I didn’t realize that’ll make it such a damn good cookie mhm it’s just like super soft on the inside mhm it’s not too rich like too sweet it’s really good mhm yeah this is good home boy okay we should make a cookie chami Su a cookie tasu mhm so you soaked a cookie in coffee made a tasu out of it that sounds delicious I’m going to try to he made a lot of video models famous did he a lot of what she said Nelly made a lot of video models famous maybe maybe I worked a nelly event one time where I was like one of the dancers SL models mhm and he was on stage performing and I was like there’s a girl to his left and there’s a girl to his right and I was one of the girls when I said that man was tow up who Nelly he was lit he was so damn drunk like his eyes were barely you know really yes I was like man is this was years a couple years ago before he got with a Shany who was performing yeah and then they made us stay on stage and keep dancing cuz his ass didn’t want to get off the damn stage thanks Mike we were ready to go they’re like he’s not done performing yet it was fun though there was a lot of people there too it was like the Dodge it was like some kind of dodges event or whatever it was like a Dodges event mhm okay yeah okay well do the do the Banana Foster praline dessert okay that goes good with gumbo guys before we make our next drink right ooh so for the gumbo I need a root so this is oil okay don’t [ __ ] it up baby said don’t [ __ ] it up I I know I know this this the this the most difficult part of it so I got my pot so I come in with flour a cup of flour and then I come in with a half2 cup of oil right mhm and now you can stir these two together can I stir it on a low heat can I stir it yeah I mean this isn’t this isn’t necessarily like super quick but yes not but not with that Shaya you need you need like non-metal o o what bless me bless you what I’m sneezed oh sorry bless you thank you you’re miserable B I think Facebook oh no here are we still up are we still up are we still up y’all Facebook we still up right can somebody comment Nelly had the best marketing for brand for Band-Aids yeah yeah yeah yeah period right I bet the band how much I bet I bet the sales for bandaids went up did they ever sponsor that dude for that I don’t know but they should have somebody said you did it backwards I work backstage I work backstage for the ying-yang twins BLS back in 2014 oh we got a we got a couple of yin-yang twins what does that even mean we got to get a Yin Country Grammar saying things like R oh like like the best Southern Twain oh oh oh okay my Sal string is pretty weak I am so interested I would love to see you try to speak in an American accent one day Stefan yeah Okay this not today I can do an American accent yeah you Stephan can you no I don’t think so hey you want to St something St oh [ __ ] e we hey de ho neighbor how you do doing I don’t know man I don’t know that sounds like so okay so there’s like the there’s like the Boston American accent and then there’s like the southern American accent there like the valley girl accent like Ben affle and Matt Damon they got at that [ __ ] yeah I mean they from Boston though right aren’t they both from Boston yeah I know um to be honest for example it took me like years to just train my ear to hear the different accents you know so in the beginning I kind of know they they speak a little bit different but I’m just like I don’t know what is is are you from Australia Oh no you’re just from a different State you know got you so it took forever uh for me to to learn this just question though like when you’re when you you grew up obviously you you grew up overseas do people associate American accents with the southern American accent pretty much really a lot yeah wow that’s interesting like I mean the classic stereotype is like somebody in a cowboy outfit yeah and then like that’s the that’s the American stereotype Ty mhm at at least like I think they changed now but when I grew up it was kind of like that that’s so funny Shayla come here get us a stir move that around yeah man I’m the only one that’s one funny German okay homeboy homeboy so she she’s stirring our roof hold on let me just show them taking it off to show you don’t mess it up SK so this is the oil and flour right and we have to get this to a nice dark brown okay like chocolate color brown without burning it should we pull this camera over there or no we could we could we could like are we going to do a lot over there um no we because once once that’s done I can bring everything so we don’t we don’t need to do that okay okay where’s this recipe youall want us to make now DN I keep eating these Theos recipe you want to try you want to try Theos one you um I don’t want mint though guys what you want us honey barbecue fried fish lemon herb mahi mahi oh y’all going [ __ ] oh Mahi yo Shabaka welcome hey shaca my boy mahi mahi dude this ship was hard cuz I had to find this what is called an an and andu a n d o u i l l e and and andalo sausage yeah the sausage right specific kind of sausage I had to go I had to go find that sausage boy for this [ __ ] gumbo where did you have to go you have to go to more than one place Thomas yeah I remember The Bad Touch interestingly The Blood Hound Gang was super super popular in Germany Way Beyond the time here it’s kind of sad oh I got another classic for you all hold on now you mention a blood hound Gang right cuz this just kind of like up that alley okay sh put this in okay guys this bad boy also from 2000 all right you ready for this one okay wait this one yeah okay all yeah of course okay again facebookers if you all get a kick out here come to YouTube you ready okay hit it yo listen up here’s the story about a little guy that lives you never heard this before his house with a blue little window and blue Corvette and everything is blue for him and his and everybody around cuz he ain’t got [Music] [Music] I’ve never heard the beginning of this song [Music] before I love the S dude but did David gu or some one of them like some BL it’s a couple from this right there was just a song it was him and r or someone else no what’s that blue song that was out recently what’s that blue song that was [Music] out you know what to but I’m good and I’m feeling all right best [ __ ] time of my life oh yeah what are you getting out there Sausage King Sausage King Sausage King I need I need to Shar my night I need a bigger [Music] C this was super mive in Germany super super m [Music] oh yeah but in time in time okay in like 20 years okay yeah Gom styling that you look at the chefs here double Chef in this is like the same color [Music] really okay I think we off are we done what happened happened they K black stream it’s black stream scream let’s see okay we’re going to be back we’re going to be back we’re going to be back back back come on so why does it matter the year of the song If it’s going to do this anyways people are you guys back are we still there are we here okay are we here folks let’s see everybody let’s see are you guys back we’re coming we’re coming we coming we coming we coming back we could do the JoJo sea dance to it the what was her what’s her dance I don’t know that that’s the jojoa dance right JoJo yeah something like that let see please stand by ladies and gentlemen we’re going to be back soon hello is everybody here what’s going on well let’s see let’s see I’m watching on Twitch are you still here on DJ bzac hey is Twitch still there twitch is probably the only one twitch still damn wow who snitched on you no no one snitched that’s just how it is thank you Marin Hey we back y’all are we we’ll be right back we’ll be right back after these messages commercials messages twitch is still up twitch is still up I came to Facebook Facebook here you’re good Facebook is here Facebook’s still there Facebook here okay you’re good okay awesome thank you Facebook is working thank you Mark Zuckerberg we love you and Taylor Swift We love you too TL Go [Music] Army okay stand by homeboys I saw we boy I say we boycot YouTube no let’s not do that they will be back soon yeah we are hello again are we back I mean twitch twitch is Twitch is still going we can see you okay cool Brandon thank you you must have to cook this for a while yeah it got to turn brown you turn to look at this sausage though this looks okay hold on cut cut that sausage cutting the sausage sausage cream some sausages y’all I bet what’s your favorite sausage Italian spicy Italian sausage what about you I like breakfast sausage [Music] too I don’t know like I you’re German so you have you’re used to like trying all different kinds of sausages right yeah I oh okay my favorite sausage is curry worst Curry worst oh we back we’re back we’re back yeah Curry worst oh you know what BR worst honestly wor is my favorite is my favorite so you take a brat R cut it guys we’re back we’re back okay no more no more music today equal equal equal what are y’ favorite what are y’ favorite sausages is it not equal sky like she gez Louise these are not good Cuts he always got something to say just like somebody’s father some lucky gu’s going to marry and be so happy Shayla twitch gang Mr bozac thank you DJ we’re back we’re back on YouTube we’re back on YouTube I love chopped sausages that sounds painful me too you know you ever like chop up a hot dog and then fry it up and then put some barbecue sauce on it afterwards yes ma’am I used to do that as a kid all the time you did I sure did okay what was the drink we supposed to be making now something we’re still talking about right that’s it’s the best way something with titos this this knife is so dull yeah I mean a a Tios Dr was kind of easy what did Big say Diddy stuffin loves chocolate damn salsa sausage dude so last night they had a they had a diddy roast in Miami no they did not yeah the comedians roasting Diddy right and 50 cents showed up okay show no no no I thought he had like a I thought there was a power release uh party or something eating sa EA saage 50 showed up right nice Mar nice damn and he post a video saying you know he thought Diddy was going to be here that’s why he came to show his support right why would he why would he think Diddy would show up to the Rose I mean cuz he saw he said he he said he saw he saw um he saw um Tom Brady at his roast so check this out hey big mix I love cutting phic [ __ ] okay here put this in so we got a video of 50 and the Diddy roast okay so check this out all right based on a lot of your reactions throughout the course of this show you didn’t know you’re coming to a [ __ ] roast P did right this from 50’s Instagram oh don’t you dare say that about the billionaire pedophile how dare you he did accomplish a lot in a short amount of time the numbers don’t bu three Grammys 11 number one hits billion doll net worth 13 rape allegations seven [Applause] murders drives look at all that [ __ ] all that evidence H there’s evidence there of abuse trafficking [ __ ] unreleased mixtapes listen D only gu in jail the drop the St on purpose yall can hear what they say really again that’s what you understand sh are not a man who found company he’s he’s a man who’s this is for fashion and this is who we supposed to trust it’s a grown ass man looking like a child who’s about to act as a businessman in a school play [Music] know men was me was dude did is didy is legit [ __ ] done he’s there is no there’s no way he could ever come back he’s done like like there’s no Rehabilitation to his career I mean yeah he’s he’s done yeah I mean obviously chill let’s give them the string girl okay what we doing what drink are we making you want to try that simple one with the with the honey and stuff oh yeah sure with your spicy honey that you love so much and you like spicy [ __ ] I like spicy [ __ ] okay okay so it’s titos I got stuff flying Tios fresh squeezed lemon juice the spicy honey club soda this more of a refreshing drink okay titos lemon juice club the recipe again is the mint is the mint like is the mint fresh mint sprigs for garnish or the mint’s just a garnish so we can get away with that you got club soda and you got the spicy honey right yep here catch throw please throw the carbonated drink it’ll be great okay catch this DJ we made uh cookies out of I knew he was going to do that crackhead [ __ ] I was trying to show him we made cookies out a cake bottle okay we made cookies and then they made a r in the bag for the gumbo no the cookies went crazy low key y’all got to try making cookies out of cake batter for real it’s tasty Bambi getting his leg little she said don’t burn that room it’s not burning bom bomi I’m a professional Diamond okay it’s not burning yesterday I went to Victoria Monet’s um party she had a party yesterday she just dropped a music video for anybody that listens to her stuff um the music video is fire she played tribute to Michael Jackson Janet Jackson she plays tributes to a lot of the greats right but what was so particularly fun about this party is that well a me and my friends finesse like VIP wristbands so we got to like hang up hang out with her up there upstairs but B she was like so nice to everybody and all her like all of her fans and stuff like she was like dancing with everybody taking pictures with everybody I went up to her at one point and I told her I was like I’ve been listening to you since like this one song thank you John thank you and she like she was like shocked she’s like oh my go and she gave me a hug and she was like it’s so nice to meet you was she trying to smash no she has like a boyfriend and a a kid I think they’re monogamous even though she is bip or not bipol oh my gosh bisexual really she bisexual what how come everybody’s bisexual now she and kaani have a lot of songs about each other they used have a thing okay hold on hold on excuse me guys guys how many guys are there are bisexual in this chat cuz apparently all girls are bisexual now I think it’s up in the water make me guys you want to see some crazy [ __ ] okay so Swifty Army why are you doing that this it’s annoying I report all music you guys play to all she’s not you’re not really doing that pay with the Army if it’s not Taylor swim okay so check this out so freaking Miss Alabama okay this was a big deal okay guys big [ __ ] deal Miss Alabama let me show you the new Miss Alabama okay okay all right that is Miss Alabama okay okay and people been lose don’t come at okay okay okay like all innocent like okay come over I’m trying to get you from behind the photo trama right you let me we have another photo of her so she’s the newest Miss Alabama she’s the new Miss Alabama right okay what’s wrong with her people lost their [ __ ] [ __ ] is it because she’s so extremely plus-sized H why you say like that wouldn’t have been like oh because she’s plus-sized why you because she’s so extremely plus siiz yeah cuz she’s like not normal plus- siiz she’s like plus plus size okay whatever so is that why people are losing their [ __ ] yes and they were like oh my God this is that dude I’m talking dudes are losing their [ __ ] okay what kind of woke [ __ ] is this did she have to still do the bikini contest okay but see and and then you know like um you know as people began to complain Tanisha you don’t know what gumbo is baby girl as people began to complain they realized that okay wait a minute there’s another Miss Alabama okay so stepan have a photo of that okay so yes so you see the one on the right that’s the Miss Alabama who end up going to like Miss Universe and all that sort of [ __ ] okay this one on the left is a Miss Alabama but she’s in some competition that’s not necessarily about beauty it’s about brains and personality and all that sort of [ __ ] you see BR Zach don’t be an [ __ ] about brains and personality right so it’s a different competition you see what I’m saying yes so what’s wrong with her besides this [ __ ] Alabama Alabama red as [ __ ] okay in a wokeness in Alabama Alabama most of the people in Alabama are plus siiz really yeah eating all Liv oh no that’s Texas I lived there for a while and there’s a lot of plus- siiz people in Alabama I mean what’s wrong with her winning though she’s smart and she’s funny and she has all the other aspects other than like the skinn but dude they’ve been tearing her apart online well that’s she should have known that was going to happen when she just decided to be in a pageant half the chat would probably thank you Jean people acting all funky now yeah like I mean let’s say home boy if you could would you yes you y’all would yeah I mean look here dudes don’t usually say no okay I heard that never mind no you heard that Bo no no no no no go ahead I know what you was going to say you heard that big girls go on I can start it for you you heard big girls what have very tight holes you been really why would their holes be that’s what I heard why would their holes be tighter than anybody else’s holes I heard that they are tighter than everybody else’s holes will you hear this cuz there’s a lot of weight squeezing the holes shut really heard I’ve heard it I’ve heard it from that’s absolute [ __ ] big girls have really good that’s real that’s all that’s [ __ ] okay I know didn’t you didn’t you have the thing for big girls back in the day h i take what I could get so tell us it’s there’s no different all the same there’s no different he’s lying there’s no [ __ ] difference he’s lying so you guys there’s no difference okay besides my cousin there is hope for you my my cousin will pick her the one in the red any day over some [ __ ] super model exactly so there there’s a market for that absolutely ping is just gone all holes are open at 4:00 a.m. damn more cushion for the pushing exactly boy y all are some yall are some freaking haters though what’s wrong with yall man just kidding respect to her yeah a look I’m she it takes a brave person to R to run for a pageant M anybody and it takes especially Brave person to not look like the stereotypical outline of beauty standards come on Sky shayla’s got to be right yeah Shayla got to be right but what Sally what sh right but I thought the guys like him that’s what I’m saying Bambi they do cuz apparently you know guys like thick but they like thick with like like BBW she’s BBW right yeah exactly guys like BBW yeah I mean you take what you get get you know what I mean you take what you get okay you put it on the table some dudes will take it now you you put there a special that um Remember When Ty Banks had her talk show uhhuh oh and she put on the the the the fat suit no no no she had a special Where She interviewed these dudes who only dated really big women because he liked when the women would like fall on top of them so I interviewed I was like a thing back in the early Sky John days this pre- Tipsy Bartender we know DJ Bo we know back in the early Tipsy bartend on their boyfriend like bartend was like a weird Kink there was this this there was this dude who only like he he ran a magazine for like plus-sized girls and these girls were big and they had a club out in Long Beach uhhuh they had a club for big girls on Long Beach you know what I mean I love that for them um I forgot what his name was this he was up Nigerian descent or something like that dude his girls were like big on actually they were big but they were in proportion if you know what I mean like like they had they had a lot of Curves dude but they was like heavy like there’s no I’m lifting up none of that [ __ ] okay but he he um so he had a magazine and everything and he was kill he was killing it says I do like being smothered yeah it’s a kink it’s a kink for you to just like lay there and then let your partner just flap just fall on top of you and Crush you look if you could handle it Go Full Speed Ahead homeboy if you can handle that kind of way L of do is in here scared man she too big okay homeboy Soldier up all right okay this election we about to break out in Civil War so you can’t be scared of something a little thickness okay prepare yourself for war get yourself a thick girl and go all in okay good for her though I’m proud of her for winning good good job girl Miss Alabama and everybody talking [ __ ] can can go kick rocks you know yeah yeah I mean cuz you I mean you you’ve experienced people calling you unattractive how’ you call cope with it I was like you’re a delusional really pretty much ke moving pretty much so who call you on ATT something’s wrong with your eyeball so who call you on attractive somebody’s in the chat one of these [ __ ] why B you guys with bare bellies okay Sally Sally okay now Sally has a point Sally is saying how come women could be big and beautiful but men can’t be big and beautiful since when can’t men be big and beautiful would you ever see any 400 lb D [ __ ] come up but he biger beautiful I’m just saying that like there’s there’s Su wrestlers you don’t think they get no vagin* in Japan I’m just saying y’all I’ve seen many Couples married couples where the wife is skinny and the and the dad completely done lost himself okay let’s go let’s make this Oh you mean like King of Queens like yeah type [ __ ] okay so what are we doing 2 ounces of au uh-huh oh yeah you got it m MH put it in a mixing glass let’s get some ice in that mixing glass too okay and then we can strain it into the other thing on top it with soda okay but going back to my Victoria Monae secret though or um story I really like how she interacts with her fans and it made me more of a fan because like there’s some artists where you go to their events and they’re just like for example Norman had a listening party right who Norman remember I was telling you about her about her yeah bring the hold by guys sh have that so she had a listening party all these people showed up she was there for 10 minutes oh [ __ ] clean men too yeah see there’s a there’s somebody out there for everybody what what but Norman showed up to this party her party was there for 10 minutes played 15 seconds of each of her songs signed like maybe three posters and then left and so all of her fans are feeling underwhelmed and like dang we just drove all here to see her and some people are saying that they were pissed off yeah but that’s dead dumbass for being a fan cuz guess what if I show up somewhere for like l’sen someone come out to see me and I show up for 10 minutes and be like hey thank you very much and then you leave that’s not fair exactly it was kind of like a big [ __ ] you to her fans but Victoria Monae she was dancing with people she was saying hi to she was taking pictures with people she was interacting with people she was treating us like humans and not just like you know but see that’s what I saying that’s how Kevin har came across on the stream that’s what I’m saying he comes across like hey personable like a you know and that’s how you keep your fan base that’s how you get people supporting you yeah I was it was such a great event yesterday I was really happy to be there don’t be a dick is what they’re saying Shayla yeah exactly cuz after Shayla got like nominated for that award for that movie like her personality total change you know I me oh my God wow I walk in Starbucks with her right people like hey Shayla what’s up I’m nominated for this award for an independent film okay EXC the LI I’m like holy [ __ ] the lies you saying I’m like the two Emmy girl yeah don’t touch me I have two Emmys I could never I could never what if I start dating two Emmy girl would you be upset no I just you I just wouldn’t want to be around you and her Shayla like if you have me around you better not have her around too it going to be fight I definitely don’t [ __ ] with her I really want us to slap [ __ ] out of got I got to get two Emmy girl on this show so please tell us about your two Emmys oh gosh I’d like to I would feel so betrayed if you did that really not really excuse me ma’am can you tell us about your two emies she’ll be happy to [ __ ] tell you about her weak ass two emies she’d be so happy excuse me ma’am can you just make sure you don’t touch her though cuz that’s inappropriate you know how you like grab you by my shoulders and you’re like hey who’s don’t do that with her cuz then she’s going to she’s going to stab you with them emmies I I don’t want to touch I don’t want to touch anyone I touch you cuz I know you hey you want to play pop in sausage Okay no Okay if it’s a little boy okay let’s go let’s go oh god wow hold on wa wa wa little okay and the Catholics are gone no Catholics in here man by the way did not get bigger buggy don’t don’t don’t listen to scy he’s lying about what you got F him my no I didn’t even win the damn competition I know but guys she had a lot of attitude though after that okay she I did not have no attitude she was struck around here throwing [ __ ] breaking glasses and [ __ ] okay who broke a glass today that’s not the point I accidentally broke that okay she was throwing [ __ ] at the wall I’m [ __ ] nominated you guys this is 2 oz of au vaka why you shaking home but okay cuz I don’t want to spill it okay now we we need to we need to um okay just run some hot water on it like you do the chocolate it’s not going to dissolve homeboy it’s not going to dissolve okay guys so here’s what you do we got our little this if I drop this in this drink it’s not going to dissolve okay I Ain even going to show you all that cuz it’s a waste of time so I can put a little bit in here okay okay then I come in behind how much how much how much honey did he say seven what our recipe you can throw it on screen for a second so they can see it 1 half o of honey syrup 1/2 o well we can see we can see what happens okay okay so let’s put a half2 oz of honey and now we got to get some water in here okay water okay just like that right now you can see the two of separate when I when I hold it to the side so what I stick in the microwave put this in the microwave give that a stir give what a stir I just stirred it the r homeboy the rud I just stir the rud homeboy start up [ __ ] rude she was a Feer what you talking about tanka Ryan did you ever go see your date which Ryan oh you Ryan did you ever go Ryan Ryan bought this Ryan was the one who bought the carette right yeah Brian bought the Corvette to go see his love the love of his life how’s the Corvette doing yeah I want to know are you picking up a lot more chicks with the Corvette Ryan yeah Ryan how’s that going for you I’m so curious are are these girls nowadays like they only like electric cars what are they into I don’t know there’s a lot of electric cars are out now good question big be is by the way I’ll be stroking remake I need to hurry up you should have recorded yesterday at the studio electric cars are getting cheaper guys so just hang in there if you look oh my gosh it’s bubbling over is it m oh [ __ ] it did bubble over oh snower but anyway we have enough I think okay guys look Big T said I promise you you’re going to take me for this recipe it’s a drink I like to make during the summer out here in Dallas all right he in Dallas it’s lemon juice how much lemon juice 1 o okay let me go ahead get this lemon all cut up Tesla Trucks Only yeah only Tesla Trucks Only cyber truck cyber truck let them see you cutting and move the [ __ ] from in front of you so you can see what you’re doing I’m just cutting up a women in half yeah but still let them see it put the [ __ ] aside what would you go on a DAT with a dude in a cyber truck shayer would I go on a date with the dude with a cyber truck I don’t I don’t judge people based on the cars they drive oh really so yeah what if it was like a sh*tty Toyota Camry from 200 oh D and we really break right good yeah I would still go on a date with him if guys you notice that a glass didn’t break because the glass is thick I would date a guy that doesn’t have a car at all I’m not like that really oh really what about ja well that’s different you I’m not nobody’s mom I mean yeah fair enough I ain’t got no kids what if I just got laid off like last year it’s already June homeboy you ain’t found no job yet B is asking if you can see your nails can can you hold them into the camera oh yeah on top of the sausage oh beautiful thank you thank you B you guys I did my nails myself wow I can see that though okay I can’t see that I didn’t notice that you I do not have I’m I think they look like Salon quality so don’t I’m legally blind I can see barely I can see barely barely you talk about that lady who was about to get arrested yeah all I can say is my I don’t know any other side Mama I love you hold down P this is 1 oz of um of lemon juice 1 oz of lemon juice folks Mama I love you hold down that [ __ ] was hilarious oh my God she got a horrible laughing holy [ __ ] you know somebody just told me recently that they’ve really enjoyed my laugh really that dude just trying to smile that was a dude for sure it was a dude okay thank you rocket juice and I am and I think they do look like I think they look pretty good you guys I think it looks like they the salon could have done them I mean you don’t think so a new salon that’s just starting out yeah you’re such a [ __ ] hater I can’t deal I can’t deal with the hater you know someone looking for a green card just start working at the nails Sal they’ve never done Nails before you know but they learn wow okay they always look violent what did they say say your nails always look violent they also look violent thank you big bearded okay you ready to shake that you shook that I’m about to shake it now okay shake the [ __ ] out of that shees got the longest strink moo oh yeah oh yeah what I shook it I don’t shook it on up wow okay ladies and gentlemen make sure no excess water in here okay go ahead wait wait wait remember we got to top it with oh [ __ ] you have to top it with with the club soda yeah I know but if you top in something like that you don’t want that much of the liquid in it I mean no I think this is perfect I think this a perfect ratio that’s not a good ratio he told he told us what the ratio was and we use the the measurements that he told us yeah yeah yeah yeah but but look how small this glass is do the math bartender come on now let me just yeah no no but do the math that’s this is a regular siiz glass that you use at a bar to make any yeah but it might not have been in a glass like this like that’s I I know that that’s too much all you okay hold on hold on hold on no hold on big tea big tea big tea is this too much liquid I’m just telling you like all the too much do cuz this is his dream you probably do I need to pour some of this out dude when you top with soda it would make sense oh my gosh let me pour some of it out no no no no no no no no no just pour okay all I’m saying is just pour in here right if you feel good that’s good you feel this wrong that’s good if you feel this is wrong oh my gosh that’s too much then you can put it back in okay you poured half the damn drink out I know cuz that’s how it’s supposed to be it’s going to be water at the [ __ ] down know what you do with your way go ahead go ahead bartend it’s going to be water now now here let me just taste it how it is and I’ll see if it needs more sorry I didn’t mean to argue with him no no no no no no Z drink you know what you’re doing so he says yeah pour a little bit out it’s over drowning it okay you’re okay so we poured some out what what do what do you guys think if they tell you if they tell you top with if you get okay like a Mojito right the liquid in a Mojito is like 2 ounces of rum and then the the muddle mint lime and lime juice right so it’s but that much and then You’ add in like that much soda right like if the drink already appear and you top that with soda that didn’t really have soda in it it got to be one that should I just top it no no no I don’t know you tell me how it tastes I mean it tastes good it tastes normal okay go ahead but you can’t fill the drink and just put in a splash of soda that doesn’t work I do it all the time you guys I know that’s why I don’t come to you for no damn drink come to me if you want a nice strong por guys when youall see Shay at the bar go to the next bar when people order a a vodka soda I put this much vodka and I just splash your soda that’s nuts I’m just kidding she probably not that ain’t my bar I’m I’m just kidding I don’t do that jeez I just she probably does do that like I know how to trigger you Sky not me that a’t my that’s the that’s that’s that’s Ryan and the way he looked at me just now that’s Ryan and Island you got to take that [ __ ] up for them okay um should we garnish it with a lemon a lemon wedge I need you to do me a favor yes sir I need you to debone this chicken okay you think you can handle that nice yes I can okay thanks Big T where you land where you land the cut whatever never mind you don’t like my lemon wedge in cutting school I don’t know where she Lear to cut though whatever I was just cutting a lemon wedge I know but that’s not how you got a lemon wedge either I think it looks good no sure debone that [ __ ] homeboy I’m deboning the chicken now so put the put the bones back in the bag and then you can put the meat in this I’m mainly concerned like the breast the thigh the little wings and stuff on the side don’t worry about those okay so debone the meat and then put the bones back in the bag yeah do you want the the juices from the meat put that over there the drink do you want the juices from the meat it tastes good by the way yeah whatever you want to do whatever you want to do whatever whatever you want to do you got it who doesn’t love a good rotisserie chicken do you want the skin or no no leave the skin out Kayla wants you to make her drinks Shayla I got you girl I got you girl only come to me if you looking for a good time rocket juice it’s pretty straightforward you just take out the bones like no I’m not sure what to tell you bro what smart ass comedy [ __ ] making now like he was just like wait are people supposed to know how to debone chicken what’s that oh SK but he was probably thinking that it’s raw chicken okay if it’s raw chicken yeah that is like a different it’s already cooked so it’s going to be real easy to be sorry B sorry B your non-cooking ass your Uber Eats ordering but you gay you’re supposed not a cook right is that a gay stereotype I yeah what is that a gay stereotype is that a pre gay know how to cook but what gay is good at watch it be so [ __ ] up what what you say but what a gay Is Good Hat only baking baking just pastries what Ryan says he never heard of a Tennessee coffee milkshake and he is from Tennessee Ryan okay let me tell you son I spent a lot of time in Tennessee okay the majority of my life was in Tennessee it’s because of the Tennessee whiskey and I used to drink that every single day I’m kidding I’m kidding Ryan it’s cuz of the Tennessee whiskey Ryan I’m kidding Ryan [Applause] are you from Tennessee cuz you’re the only 10 I see damn yes rocket juice that’s why you never thought that’s why you single that’s why you can’t pick up a chip cuz your lines are [ __ ] what that was a famous one huh that’s a famous line homeboy I know but I mean like it’s just I’m rich gay guy I don’t cook babes period Stratosphere good day so only only PA people cook is that what she said dang how about do rich people be cooking though do they be using those fancy ass kitchens yeah some like they cook do they like clean afterwards or do they have somebody else for that some there’s no one style of rich person dude there’s a lot of different styles okay okay so you being rich I’m not rich what do you usually do Skye what do you see me doing do you see me here doing a live show do you cook I cook every freaking day you all see me I know talk about like dinner and stuff you know what do you mean do I got to fancy dinner I can’t afford a fancy dinner I’m chipsy bartend okay you can’t afford a fancy dinner I don’t take girls for lobster you don’t take them for lobster I take you to McDonald’s though you want Big Mac McDonald’s you want a Big Mac that’s crazy I love me some I took Amma to McDonald’s last night really what did y’all get what’s your McDonald’s order huh what’s your MC what’s everybody’s M uh McDonald’s order I need to know hold on if can I I need to know for the culture okay can okay and so let’s say my weight’s under control whatever I eat I’m not going to gain weight right okay what’s your order so I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight I’m not judging you no I’m just saying I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight yeah there’s no there’s no health issues nothing I could eat whatever the [ __ ] I want yes exactly okay then I can go and I go order a freaking filo fish you like the filo fish I was not expecting that to be the first thing that come out of your mouth you just listen Okay you judgmental bastard okay with no man okay so F fish and then I probably would go classic with a Big Mac okay okay probably no pickles and then no pickles super siiz fries they don’t do super siiz anymore large super siiz no after super siiz me they cut that [ __ ] really yeah okay and then and then uh strawberry milkshake okay and I like their I like their banana smoothie their um what strawberry banana smoothie I think that’s what it is so I would get that oh yeah we frying them I like their cheeseburger meal like the two cheeseburgers that come with the fries and then some sweet and sour sauce on the side so I can dip my burger in the sweet and sour sauce okay probably shouldn’t be frying all these at once but whatever life short this gumbo about to be good as [ __ ] good as [ __ ] oh yeah wait wait chicken nuggets and fries with hot mustard sauce mixed with a barbecue sauce oh you might be on to something there what the mixing the two sauces together have y’all been a Jack In The Box and had their like lime cilantro sauce or whatever that [ __ ] is good too Big Mac and two McChickens you know and a piece okay I like their nuggets I like their McChickens but they be putting too much Mayo on it for me I be having to tell them light mayo who but I like a good spicy McChicken that sh*t’s good too a good spicy McChicken uhhuh MC nothing oh the quarter pounder is pretty good you guys the quarter pounder is pretty good the yeah the quarter pounder is really good okay [Music] all right we getting this cooked up how long you got to cook the sausage for uh you know you wanton Brown up the sausage where my where my freaking tongs I haven’t had gumbo since my mom made it I never had gumbo oh my gosh you’re in for a treat you already said your mom sucks as a cook you told us that yeah but but she makes a good gumbo though you sure everything else is questionable but her gumbo is really good what does your mom think about me me and you on the show has she ever watched it I don’t think she’s ever watched it she might have seen like some clips here and there I don’t tell my family about this show because like I be cussing and stuff and like talking about my love life and my sex life like how is your sex life byday how was yours huh it’s non-existent right now homeo yeah you ain’t getting nothing nonexistent no I’m not all my pipe layers out there out there in Tipsy land we need cover all to step up show Shayla what time it is pipe layers is crazy I I know big beard big beard is I know I know I’m pretty excited though okay well I got most of the uh meat at this point I’ve got most of the meat homeboy Big T says making gumbo is a sport down here in the south in the South I know and you guys make it in huge quantities right like massive you know it’s also a sport in in the South what fish fries mhm at least with my family my family always got to throw some kind of fish fry and then my uncles be competing with each other and [ __ ] yeah say whose fish taste it better type sh coming for me yeah that’s dop though because the you can eat it all like that’s super good and it’ be fresh fish too like they will go out fish and then come back home and do a fish fry fresh where do you like more like you family in Alabama right yeah Alabama or California what do you mean I mean which one would you say is more fun I know they’re different but I have family in Chicago too you have to I ask you about Chicago you have to pick between Alabama and California could only my family you could well what’s the question your family could be and either one right would I rather my family be here in Cal or or in just listen to the question since you soaped down okay I’m asking you to pick a place California or La I mean or Alabama right California or Alabama but don’t don’t don’t think of the family cuz your family could be here or there you see what I’m saying we’re just dealing with the place now so your grandmother I know she’s in Alabama but she could she could be living in California you know what I mean okay you just picking the place which one California D why cuz it’s more liberal and Alabama’s still very racist really that bad it’s yeah it’s pretty bad still but don’t your white dudes down there dating black girls and black girls black guys dating white girls not not an Alabama homeboy no not that much you don’t see mixed couples down there it’s more mixed in like the Midwest and [ __ ] like in Milwaukee Wisconsin and [ __ ] like that yeah maybe like Detroit Michigan really but not down South experienced a lot of r down south okay crazy there was one time never mind I’m not even going to say it what are Hush Puppies that’s a food Hush Puppies what is that I forgot I don’t even know is that some kind of pancake thing what oh we should do dumplings here too AKA moza balls for all the uh Jewish people in the chat Shay had a Jewish Boyfriend by the way who dumped him yeah he did dump me but he taught me what um bagel and locks are he taught me matab balls even though my matab balls is just like the Jewish version of dumplings yeah flip those over are you guys putting okra in the gumball are we no we got celery and other [ __ ] no we got no Christy it’s a no on the okra no okra no okra ochre is like slimy isn’t it when I remember the first time I ever seen it I was like Mom what is that she told me it was troll boogers troll boogers yeah it’s like and then one time when I was little I was eating a pomegranate and I ate a seed and I said Mom what happens if I eat a pomegranate seed and she was like well pomegranate is going to start growing in your belly and I got really paranoid after that see your mom [ __ ] you up he just stirred it didn’t you just stir the roof mm I just stir it I just s it about um okay so har puppies are cornbread that has onions that is rolled into ball and fried I’ve never had them but that sounds fire I’ve heard of them before sounds fire okay here oh this Tennessee though here and we have mixed race couples here no problem yeah that’s Tennessee though Tennessee is more Lial I won even say liberal just more um depends on where in tendency you go to socially advanced man I had a white boyfriend in high school thought she was a hot mess why you know his parents when when they found out that he was dating a black girl his parents came over and picked me up and brought me over to their house so he could dump me this is a true story what it’s a true story they were so nice to me too they were nice with the dumping too they were nice they were so nice to me but they brought me to the house so he could dump me and then when I got back he dumped me and then when I got back home I told my grandma my grandma got pissed and wrote him a letter and they never responded to the letter did y’all ever hang out again after that no this is Alabama yep y but did you saw him in school though I we went to different schools how’ you let him dating because he was he was like best friends with my cousin okay and I would see them hanging out all the time is he still best friends with your cousin I don’t know I haven’t it’s been so long I don’t know but I mean at that time was he still best friends with your cousin after that yeah yeah he’s like my parents aren’t racist like you know I’m best friends with your family and [ __ ] like that but like yes they are they don’t want you dating a black girl you could be friends with us but you can’t date us [ __ ] was wild but you know life is weird did you cry I probably cried I mean I’m sensitive I probably cried I don’t remember but probably I had to guess Mom e d me I knew it wasn’t his choice though so I don’t think I was like upset with him you know yeah y all could have still faked it though just go along with it guys like oh okay I understand Shayla I’m dumping you okay I can’t be with you anymore okay all right and that way you have this like illicit I I didn’t want to date anybody whose parents didn’t like me or you know but sometimes okay but if you meet a girl who’s one religion and you’re another religion that’s going to make the it’s going to make things very difficult down the line when y’all have kids and [ __ ] no no no no no no because I mean neither y’all could be serious about that religion but that’s what your parents are so you just played the game oh you know what I mean I suppose I’m not a very good liar hey let me ask you guys okay a lot of you are religious cuz I see he Praise Jesus a lot in the chat I’m kidding I don’t see that but I’m just saying right but Praise Jesus anyway I’m just saying what would you all do now okay if aliens were suddenly to land on Earth would you still be a Christian or a Muslim or Jew or whatever you are cuz that would pretty much what would that do I mean where in the Bible doesn’t account for that [ __ ] there’s like there’s a bunch of books in the Bible that are missing okay well if they missing we don’t have the book though so I mean like how do you okay how do you explain some cing On’s Landing I don’t know y’all answer that question I was still believeing in the Bible and stuff I try to become a Republican and build a wall around the aliens can come huh love you Jesus so what what do you think Shayla what do you do God created aliens too bam really God created aliens too they just have a different book than we do okay would they would they should they convert to Jesus aliens uh should they convert the Christi I don’t know they have a different story than I do I I’m asking your kid but this this the kind of questions you got to ask their story is not my story they’re not even human so how am I supposed to know what they’re supposed to do okay so basically what you saying they have their own Jesus pretty much they probably have like an alien Jesus you know they have some alien Goden Jesus that should be there should be a song alien Jesus that’s a great song that is a good that’s that’s a good band name too alien Jesus yeah yo I was in a band and we had the worst [ __ ] name the pra you teach czy easy mm convert them for the Lord that’s dude you imagine dudes convert trying to convert these dudes Hey listen guys how you all doing you know what I mean how you doing Mr snuffle upus listen um glad you could make it to Earth you know what I mean okay and love nice spaceship nice lasers and stuff have you have you heard a lot about Jesus you know he died for your sin I can totally see that dude I can totally see that happen that be wild and then the Mormons come hey I’m Elder Stephanie have you ever heard about be some wild [ __ ] on there homeboy it’s going to be wild be so ridiculous but it’s probably going to happen Christy said we need Jesus I know it’s probably going to happen that’s what I’m saying like one day you can wake up and dude some [ __ ] like this is going to happen this seem like wild out of the world [ __ ] this rout is coming along very nicely you guys be professionals I just want to can I show them what it looks like watch it I feel like Bambi is that can you hold that yeah let see Bambi also the shrimp are coming just wait for a second just rest it here rest it here rest it here it’s not that hot Skye look at that R it’s nice and Brown y’all right okay let’s let’s keep going look at that R let’s go all right the r is what counts there you go oh yeah oh yeah so guys so freaking um um so there’s another big streamer this um very popular streamer am I supposed to pour this over the chicken no you ain’t supposed to do [ __ ] just relax have a cookie and shut up okay okay you should learn to juggle so you could juggle of me can you juggle so I can do something right can you juggle I I I have to set up a meeting with my psychiatrist yeah just see see see see why don’t you just go out on the side of the street and do that to better than tisy listen anyway so there’s this streamer called zerker okay mhm Now isn’t in real life streamer in real life streamers is the dudes who walk around the streets don’t [ __ ] right I mean sometimes he at home but you know he’s a he’s a red pill guy you know what I mean I believe he’s a red pill guy those of you know what I’m talking about thank you Captain Bandini um but he’s you know he’s one of them dudes out there man of this women of this and all that sort of stuff and so you always got girls on the Stream right so and he always I mean he says controversial [ __ ] damn what’s going on and they talk about banging they talk about banging young girls and [ __ ] like that anyway so [ __ ] they meet up with some girls okay what happened and one of the girls claimed she ain’t got a ID or something but she’s like 18 all you know what I mean yeah but here’s the thing if you have to ask a girl for ID you’re already lost you know what I mean how old are they are these older dudes or they young dudes Z probably like 30ish late 20s 30 something like that yeah these D like in the 20s maybe 30 at the most right and they hanging out with this chick and turns out she’s really only like 16 just turned 16 or some [ __ ] like that right now there’s a couple get in trouble yeah he got kicked off kick kick was his main platform you know it’s kick T she ruined his whole career cuz she lied about her age yeah but understand did she got like this is [ __ ] yeah I know but did she though did she that’s so freaking frustrating okay but did she did she because clearly she lied I don’t got my ID but I yeah yeah yeah but she okay but the point is and these these little girls be looking grown as [ __ ] now I know I mean she was our party and Ry meta I think or some [ __ ] like that but so then how like how is it his fault he didn’t know yeah but my point is yeah Shay but he’s always been like controversial involved in these kinds of things right okay my point is well first thing they both at for cuz that girl her parents what the [ __ ] she doing out there you know what I mean what she doing hanging out late in the night with these parents don’t give a [ __ ] when you’re like 16 sneaking out the window maybe that’s true but then on the same same time like dude if I have to ask your ID that’s already a problem you know I think by default just ask everybody for their ID just in case because damn yeah but but it sounds like the show sponsor by Drizzy Drake damn but my thing is my thing is okay my thing is dude like you know girls supposed to be like well Sky I got to go to work tomorrow morning at such and such or like this my friend from work and she you know what I mean like you could kind of see when girls a little older you know what I mean yeah her being 16 and him believing that she’s older than that like that’s kind of and he he was when he was talking in the beginning he was like are you yeah yeah yeah yeah like dude like why are you proceeding you know what I mean yeah I would n homie I can’t F he claims he set up cuz you know like there’s there’s podcasts like fresh and fit and all that there’s a lot of guys probably was set up though what if you okay but there’s a lot of guys that interview like these only fan girls right and so apparently they use this they yeah yeah Zer for yeah and he and Mike they both got banned off twitch okay so they use like Bookers right like this girl who go and find a girls for them and they blaming her for sending them the 16y old girl cuz she’s the one who vouched for this girl right but dude like but now his whole streaming career is [ __ ] I mean on on kick you probably could do something somewhere else the Ramstein singer said the same thing like he tried to to play it off on her on his Booker mhm but but she just gets like a massive amount of girls into his changing room and he’s just like banging one after another apparently oh wow yeah you could bang you could bang a bunch of chicks right but you got to make sure 0 of age and then at this day and age I want like some kind of [ __ ] consent right yeah I don’t want you just I don’t just want you to tell me you down I want I need contract I I want a video recording of like Hey we’re about to do this let’s go if you can be buying a bunch of chicks yeah yeah like okay if you come to my if you come to my changing room I’m some kind of thing I need need you on camera saying hey we about to do this and this and this and this and this is consensual I’m not being forced I’m not under influence any drun yeah you need to say that they need a speech for people and you need that [ __ ] before they start drinking cuz don’t come drunk and then saying that cuz that still don’t count yeah yeah it’s kind of awkward I I would have a person in the front that makes sure that document and then I don’t have to do with that that’s true right but then you have to trust someone which is also a problem I mean like if they’re getting paid to do the job yeah but if you if there’s some kind of issue at some point yeah so they so they so they’re ban off but but but i k probably wanted them going any ND are required yeah first if you sleep with a famous dude you’re probably sign a [ __ ] NDA somewhere you know I know somebody who slept with Chris Brown think he made her sign an N cuz I found out about it I don’t know she probably got a big mouth she told someone though she did tell somebody I guess that somebody told me that’s why you tell no one I know somebody slept with P Diddy too how did she say it was amazing she was like oh my go when all the P didy stuff when all the P didy stuff happened she called me she was like oh my gosh this is so crazy and I was like yeah she’s like you know me and P I had sex with P Diddy before and I was like girl why are you telling me this information yeah do you want me to call care she was like she’s like it’s just crazy cuz I could have got caught up with all that mess you know and I was like yeah maybe he wasn’t end up like that he didn’t keep her around right I don’t know I don’t know yeah CH would you do a consent video H consent for what what are you talking about no what we were talking about like if I was a p*rn star sure no I’m not a p*rn star if you go up to Bruno Mars and Bruno Mars is just like hey you want to bang and then he’s just like hey can you s to the camera we I’m down would you do that if it’s whoever if I if me and Bruno Mars are dating yes I understand that like celebrities need to be able to protect themselves because they get a lot of that [ __ ] they get a lot of people a lot of false accusations a lot of that yeah I would cons yeah I would do a consent video you’reall going to protect I respect somebody who wants to protect theirself you know you would do it yeah a lot of girl would be offended by that though mhm I would do a consent video Yeah well get over yourself then don’t sleep with them H then just don’t sleep with them it’s that simple yeah because at the end of the day people will be crazy what if he did something to hurt your feelings and now you’re turning around you’re trying to ruin this man’s career you know what I’m saying I think it’s I think it’s a respectable thing to do but no no I ain’t slept in no celebrities so really mm all this time in LA and you Bor One Celebrity no I haven’t I have not kind gentlemen okay okay that sounds good you want to pay my airfare to Hawaii I’m sorry why would I want to pay a to wife she go to wife vacation but let Sky pay the air oh really okay cool I’m down if Sky pays for my air I’m so down M mhm I have homies in Hawaii too yeah just hold your breath so I can die [ __ ] I wonder if the audience thinks I’m mean can we do like a can we do a fun shot of something do whatever the hell you want Miss Emma bartender you guys can we do a fun shot of something can y’all tell me what to drink I’m looking for one shot of VJ uh let me see here really quick I don’t know know if this is a shot so now let me get my pan okay that’s a big ass pan holy [ __ ] so here here’s here’s one from this a [ __ ] monster boozy chocolate balls 1 oz of wford Reserve double oh we don’t have that we don’t have that 1 oz of coffee lorasa and frelo so I I can do a different kind of whiskey there might be wood for it might be it’s the double oaked oh no not not double O but what about just regular Whi you just regular [ __ ] whiskey why I got to be Woodford let’s just do Jack you work for them we can do Jack does he work 1 of Jack he said frelo and what else do a shot of soy sauce soy sauce that’s going to be let’s get that sodium level going okay guys let’s bring this together now okay so I got the I got the p on okay got that up so half so this this 5 and 1/2 oz of chicken [Applause] broth 5 and 1/2 oz I mean five and 1/2 cups okay sorry sorry cool okay that okay with you did you get this pot just for this or you already have this huh did you already have this then this the onion I had it uh no I needed a pot so I got a pot wow that onion smells good yeah so that’s onions I cut these earlier okay actually yeah I I cut this I had I’m helping me this is a beautiful pops sky thank you you want to borrow it no Ty gave me a dutch oven that’s very similar okay and I really like it okay I use it to make my buffalo chicken D mm celery huh so this is celery yeah this is this is celery this about to be good as [ __ ] mhm that is celery I can’t wait okay and then youall remember this right when I when I when I took that out of out of the pot that I was frying the sausages in okay damn this is about to be so stinking delicious then this is uh this is parsley I can’t wait yeah take the rest of that use use your fake ass nails and take that some green onion [Music] IIT green Pepperell pepper delicious okay is it though is it look at all of these ingredients where’s my my little Stu should have reach beneath you yes sir got me a glove one of the red ones okay hey sky can you look at your mic I can’t wait I just made a song you guys one step okay should be probably go okay I just made a song you guys I can’t wait I can’t wait okay watch out let me see and now now guys that’s Theo coming inbo look the r i mean I guess I could have gone getting it gotten it darker but whatever LG oh yeah let me do go ahead go ahead St it in I have a feeling we might get strong reactions right now from what from the audience are we going to season what’s the problem baby what’s the problem use the spoon use the spoon man use the spoon I think it’s doing a good job what bomi usually the veggies get sweat a bit before that okay bomie I just fall in this recipe are we going to season it up uh no okay I mean I um oh yeah there okay we don’t have that VJ this there’s this Cajun sauce that comes in as well okay nice start it in and then there’s uh watch out there’s this where’s my garlic press right here where oh okay can we get this for next week what’s that this stuff here 400 GM I don’t know what that means sem sweet chocolate ship I think he mean ground oh okay and then you make that into balls I don’t really get it sh use a [ __ ] Spoon Man watch out watch out watch out watch out that’s not going to take it off dude what wrong with you use a spoon a wooden spoon just grab a wooden spoon CU that didn’t set up properly I can’t wait for this gumbo it’s going to be so delicious I hope so we know so bomie what you thinking so far when you look at this you’re going like nah just got to let it cook C on down this is the most popular recipe online by the way okay so so big T says you have to saute first or it’s going to be a crunchy as gumbo mhm well we didn’t saute [ __ ] I mean they didn’t they didn’t sauté it either this is just the way they did they put it in and like I say this the most popular online recie re for gumbo what yeah she was asking what re following uh this is authentic New Orleans style gumbo that’s the name of it h that’s the name of it yeah hey VJ can you make a video and send it over to us and then we can recreate it because I don’t fully get what what how that works St you don’t need to start a Taylor let it let it um Let It boil is the fire up high enough yeah should we put the top on it so it yeah you can put the you can put the top on it and then let’s let this cook for a little bit while we make our fun whiskey drink yeah the the fire’s not up I drink a whiskey drink I drink a vodka drink one Margarita I’mma shake my ass two Margarita yeah so let’s get that about five minutes okay cool and so I can soften that that that that boilings can soften the vegetables up so we don’t need to sauté them you got it can you keep up hm yeah I’m just cleaning up a little bit okay well I’m trying to I think we need for Angelico though gra it okay I can put these away just grab the front jelo go ahead I think it might be up here still no it’s downstairs okay grabbing the Fran gelico what are you trying to make that St put the recipe up okay there’s a recipe wait hold hold on like which one is she talking about I don’t know the one with the uh wood for Reserve oh that’s the the yeah but these are chocolate balls these are these are chocolate balls we have to make something else like uh oh okay I don’t really get it okay well then what kind of shot should we do okay we have a couple of things here hold on I’m going bti 151 just to show how bad I so here here is one that’s pretty straightforward and simple wait that we just kind oh okay oh Jolly wrencher shot apple vodka Peach chnops cranberry juice pineapple juice okay I’m down we have apple drink that’s a drink sheo that’s a she said shot apple vodka is crazy 4 oz yeah that’s that would that would be but we can just do a lot smaller we can do smaller okay okay so Peach knobs and apple vodka I don’t know if we have apple I saw Apple down there I think we have I think we do I’m I’m going to go check really quick just bring Apple whiskey as well okay we can butcher your drink right now Christie nice pick Christy why you look angry who piss you off hey crystalin C dude so so Louisiana passed this law right wherein um now if a dude’s caught being a pedophile right can you hear me I’m good if dude’s caught being a pedophile like they could cast straight you right clinically chemically yeah yeah in [ __ ] in Louisiana wow so they were asking Chris Hansen like what he thought about it you know he’s like even if you do that the dud it still be touching kids so yeah oh my God I don’t know but see my problem with the chemical okay cuz everybody’s like let’s punish these dudes right my problem with this castration [ __ ] what if you get accused F falsely though cuz there’s every [ __ ] time not not every time but I mean like dude every every other day there’s a dude who did 20 years for a crime he did not [ __ ] commit how much alcohol you bring in buty I brought the green apple he said Apple whiskey too yeah just as a backup but go ahead make that thing do your thing like there’s always some dude getting accused who [ __ ] didn’t do it though so if you lose so if you lose your nuts and [ __ ] yeah that’s kind of and you didn’t do it that’s the problem I don’t think there should be any laws regarding around anybody’s bodies right like what cranberry juice do we have cranberry juice here yeah cranberry juice downstairs as well is it downstairs yes ma’am you want look at this re that’s a viation you know like what of like just like saying women aren’t allowed to do this with their bodies men time we’re going to cut off we talking about pedophiles so you know yeah but like you shouldn’t be able to cut people’s body parts off it’s just a [ __ ] weird it ain’t cutting it off they just give you this medication where it doesn’t work anymore oh God is it reversible no I don’t know if it’s reversible dude I I doubt it it’ll never work the same again that’s my thing though if that happened and then you didn’t do it oh [ __ ] didn’t didn’t they uh chemically castrate the invent of the touring machine the touring guy oh yeah yeah yeah and he helped them win the war yeah he had them win the war and then okay so the guy the guy who help who helped the Allies win the war you know he was able to crack like the the Nazi Cod and [ __ ] he was gay yeah so they Tau what this dude after all that [ __ ] and now you hear what his name all the time touring this Touring that you know that’s one of the big names in science you know cuz there’s a touring test to see if a machine’s intelligent now it’s crazy time to be alive man okay guys we’re boiling up sh*t’s getting ready we’re ready to rumble let’s see let’s see let’s get all this [ __ ] out the way all right so okay like VJ is sending look at there look at there look at there what VJ saying VJ is giving instruction for these chocolate balls so we if you want we can make them at some point screen cap it screen cap yeah I got it I got it thanks BJ okay so I see reg cranberry did see white cran Peach sure bring that and since the call for peach so we got the sausage here we got rotisserie chicken here and we got shrimp here okay shrimp taking the tails off of those shrimp no okay I mean this this is the way they did it I just swallowed a recipe why don’t we just take the tails off it’ll be easier to eat no not easy to pick up okay you high maintenance you know you know that imag if I was your your husband I’m not high maintenance you say that all the time I have a Buri in the backyard you know all right so Skye what did you do with my daughter nothing she went to the mall she’s dead H y’all remember this case okay so it’s it’s it’s maybe like a week or so before this I think this happened in Florida it’s a week or so before the dude for before this girl gets married right what you doing I’m moving this to the side M it’s a week or so before this girl gets married right okay what she did what happened she he killed her no we listen to the [ __ ] story okay it’s a week or so before she gets what you looking at me like that for what is what is the recipe Peach snaps and what else Peach snaps cranberry juice P apple vodka pineapple juice cranberry juice def you can move that off the screen now cuz I think I think she got it Peach snaps apple juice cranberry juice okay week before the wedding guys listen to this [ __ ] you remember this the bride who had like the bug eyes Okay her eyes were kind of like bug looking I’m going see if youall remember this but a week before the wedding you know the fiance mhm calls the police okay right her fiance and says hey you know like my my my wife to be has gone missing oh no okay shayo hundreds of people to stand on the town searching all the woods and stuff for her the fiance I mean obviously when your girl go missing the fiance is the prime suspect right right so he’s nervous now before wonder when the police can grab him right mhm everybody’s looking the parents are wondering like where she is oh my God everyone’s like you know this dude probably kill the chick buing her M right oh my gosh yeah after a couple days the male fiance gets a call from her turns up she’d been kidnapped by this Latino guy and this and this white lady right and they put in a van and drove her to another state they drove it to the other side of the country they assaulted all this sort of [ __ ] you know they mean everybody’s trying to find them right uhhuh and then the police s down and start asking about the details of the [ __ ] right right the FBI to get involved and they realize wait a minute this [ __ ] story is not is not addding up right uhoh okay we ready ooh it’s boiling this story ain’t [ __ ] out right so guys so I’m taking the apple vodka so let’s add in our chicken this story ain’t [ __ ] adding up right so they they um they finally get it admit there is no white woman in Latino [ __ ] dude she just got nervous but the [ __ ] ready wait what you’re kidding and [ __ ] run jump on the bus and [ __ ] left yeah you’re kidding mhm Peach schnaps you guys jump on a bus and [ __ ] left yes that’s actually wild yeah dude that poor guy yeah and the whole time people are like oh my God he killed her he did this he did that you know oh my gosh did you hear about that that um the lady who went missing and and her boyfriend called the police she like went missing out of their bed the boyfriend called the police and then and then she like turned up again or something like that started BL this is Netflix this is on Netflix yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like the dude who like kidnapped her she was like he like released her or some [ __ ] like that and then the police was blaming the couple yeah yeah yeah and then he got upset that she was getting blamed so he came clean and was like I was the one who kidnapped her yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a Netflix show it’s called um what is it called did you watch that did you see did you see this was this was on Netflix recently it’s a documentary yeah it’s the craziest story ever like when this woman tells you what what happened you’re not going to [ __ ] believe it right so I understand why the police was like [ __ ] you know but it turns out it was a true [ __ ] story like this dude was so Twisted he broke in a woman’s house was going to you know uh rape her and then she was like don’t use the word rape he was going to get into some grape right uhhuh and freaking she was like I’ve already been assaulted before and he’s like well hey I don’t want to cause you that kind of trauma again and [ __ ] left that’s how this dude was this dude was a Harvard grad and a [ __ ] lawyer or some [ __ ] this was a brilliant [ __ ] guy oh yeah I remember that now yeah yeah yeah he was just [ __ ] nuts he felt so bad for he felt bad for women that’s crazy you know look at that and when they start when they start falsely accusing this one that he he messaged a journalist and he was saying like please stop she’s telling the truth wild stuff man yeah dude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude [ __ ] out there’s wild okay guys let’s see how this go Bambi you looking or Bambi like [ __ ] this I’m out that [ __ ] don’t look right Bambi said we didn’t season it Bambi we we didn’t season it we put we put in huh yeah but chill I’m following the recipe right yeah so I put in I put in the freaking um the cajan seasoning that they want would I add more seasoning probably so this is the drink this is somebody’s recipe we just did right here Christy the Jolly Rancher shot but it’s like a drink so it has some Peach chnops crayon Apple pine pineapple juice and apple vodka so I think it’ be tasty about to taste it what with the drink yeah if for whatever reason the [ __ ] ain’t seasoned right I’ll just add more seasonings to it I don’t know I didn’t think the the fish was properly seasoned and it was very delicious so I mean but the the fish was heavily seasoned home boy this is a Jolly Rancher drink you guys oh it legit tastes like a Jolly Rancher it does yeah it does hold let me see that yay I think it need to be to spr thank you christe for the [Applause] recipe I didn’t follow her exact measurements you did I did not cuz she said 4 oz I didn’t know you got you could figure it out but yeah I’m changing your recipe just a little bit I’m going to top it with some Sprite and I think this will really take it to that Jolly Rancher level it will really take it to that Jolly Rancher level the [ __ ] does that even mean yeah this legit tastes like a Jolly Rancher it’s good good recipe who did that recipe okay let’s check this [ __ ] out now all right ladies and gentlemen it’s done yeah I mean pretty much oh yeah Hallelujah pretty much holy PL and not bowls I mean you want use a bowl yeah that makes more sense I mean I can take up a bunch just in case you all don’t even [ __ ] like the thing you know Bambi what you laughing at mean k what you laughing at Kayla baby this [ __ ] looks fire it looks good it looks so good oh yeah smell good it looks delicious smell good I’m going to take a bunch of this home if he doesn’t want yeah so guys when I when I when I um when we make stuff here right I just try to follow the recipe Stephanie want up yes please I just try to follow the recipe online you know I don’t yeah I don’t add in my own stuff just because it’s their recipe let’s see mhm and then if you like it or kind of like it you can make it again and realize okay next time let me add more salt let me add more seasoning especially being black you know like we we tend to go overboard which is why all of us suff from high blood BR to be with cuz we like the way food tastes we like to taste our food you go oh wow this is so well seasoned but you know we die first oh my gosh you guys this looks amazing oh my gosh look at that all right that’s beautiful that is a beautiful plate’ food food makes me so happy really yes true I love it one of y’all guys can marry this girl she can be big though just be prep I’ll be cooking and stuff she can be a big woman to my future hubby yeah I’m not gonna be a big woman hell yeah but you see much you like food I love food I know that’s what I’m telling my boy my boy this is she’s going to be a heavy weight oh my gosh that looks so good you guys she’s going to be a heavy weight bamby what do you think how do we do she didn’t in here she probably she left I think the food upset her so much she was out she’s like [ __ ] this what you the thickness is encouraging what do you eat this what do you eat it with you eat it with a a fork spoon what I’m going to use a spoon so I can e all the flavors okay yeah Stephan you can try that one thank you sir give a like a napkin or something it’s like falling off the plate here yeah I mean a bowl would have probably been more ideal but I wanted you little you wanted us to see it be able to see it and [ __ ] here you go stuffen thank you thank you very much all righty this looks thoughs food makes you happy too yeah okay let’s see what we got yeah big mix I didn’t know you were black oh here hold up close to the camera for just so beautiful thank you oh my gosh it smells good not too shabby what do you think I think it’s good mhm yeah is pretty good wow what do you think I I mean this the recipe M now if you make this again you can play the recipe and change stuff if you want the vegetables are crunchy mhm I think we could have cooked the celery down a little bit Yeah the celery is crunchy as [ __ ] I supposed to boil it for longer I night oh my gosh thank you VJ daro daro is good it’s it’s nice and thick mhm so some of you guys some of you guys are asking me about um M my picture on Sky John let me send it to [Music] you a what are you taking martial art classes now h no that’s what this what dudes who follow in my Ig were asking me Stephan you got that Maran says we should make stuffed bell peppers I agree we should didn’t come to you it’s good you guys you know what I’m going to say it could have used a little bit more seasoning but other than that it’s not it’s not bad it’s seasoned well it tastes good mhm you got any okay it’s not like flavorless or anything it’s a little crunchy it’s good I would eat a bowl of this okay so we can throw it on screen for a second M mm who’s that your your coach see all the stripes on these dude’s belts Jesus so that’s Gracie that’s that’s the that’s the that’s the Gracie brothers from Gracie University so this Jiu-Jitsu M so that’s so that’s from Gracie University in Torrance mhm and this dude here would be like my day-to-day coach him nice you know so anyway so you’re you’re taking Jiu-Jitsu yeah like I could beat your boyfriend up you want me to do that really uh depends boyfriend might be a black belt that’s cool though that’s company I like when I I like when I know that a guy can fight H just in case he needs to defend my honor one day you’re just only about fighting though it’s a lot about making love too you jitu yeah okay because it’s like body weight so for instance if you in a guy like this then he could do some [ __ ] chop you to like put you in a different position you down put you in a different position you know and it’ll be seamless oh that’s cool so why did you choose Jiu-Jitsu thank you as to superat nice Jack Shaya plus the gumbo and drinks look good that chat always come up with some great ideas I agree I think we should do stuff bell peppers next like Marin said Marin you late we already did stuff B oh we did mhm I wasn’t here for that one I know I was thinking of you I was eating it though damn I D ielle was here it’s [ __ ] up yeah I know why didn’t you call me I called you didn’t answer cuz sometimes she my call M mhm when you get a message from me you guys it tastes good when you get a message from me what do you think I just listen to it it’s usually a voice note would it be sweet no it’s just like hey sha so on Monday make sure you do this make sure you do that bring in a song you know you’re very straight to the point oh you want me to ask me like how you doing and [ __ ] like that hey Shayla I hope you’re having a beautiful day today you’re such a lovely woman and you know I just wanted to let you know that on Monday perhaps bring this kind of material so what do I say right now that’s what I just said no but I mean like so that’s what I said Marin we just strug off to but how would I say that same message H I can just have the audience listen oh [ __ ] people are asking for crab cakes oh crab cakes I love a good crab cake don’t worry about that don’t worry about the message cuz I’m going to said some [ __ ] Hey shayo listen the music thing we did the other day was fun I want to incorporate more music um so let’s each of us bring in two songs that are [ __ ] dope but they got to be from at least 15 years ago okay so let’s look let’s look at some of the hits from you guys get that you guys get the idea so it’s usually that it’s never hey Shayla how are you doing you know how are you feeling how’s your mental space today are you are you doing all right you know how are the cats how’s your mom okay ask what your cats for what kind of dumbass [ __ ] is that how are your cats those are my kids if a dude ask you how your cats you should leave him why would I leave him my cat got really sick recently look a [ __ ] the California gumbo bomie shut up shut up bom Bambi I would love to have your gumbo one day I’m sure you’ll blow me away let’s see a gumbo so I could talk some [ __ ] about that Bambi you send us a recipe why don’t we have the audience send us food recipes and we choose cuz the audience might Google it 5 minutes from the same place I got it from oh okay what about people’s Like Home recipes like somebody’s Grandma makes a good salsa send us send us the recipes usually look at M of the recipes yeah I tried to find the one with the most the most the highest rated one so this this this particular recipe had about this had thousands of this this is one of the highest rated recipes online I mean that I’ve looked at so far from the food we’ve made and all that called for was that one little Cajun seasoning that’s it yeah but I mean I was supposed to probably cook boil the boil the the vegetables a little bit longer before I add the meat to soften up the celery to so it isn’t crunchy you know what I mean mhm but I mean it ain’t it ain’t it ain’t bad and now I understand the gist of a jumbo so you can now start playing with the recipe mhm like I would add more Spice in this you know to make it spicier mhm what does it mean bamb Bambi Gula style Gula style what’s that home boy we from the damn South to understand all these little [ __ ] terms you know look at big beard he said he said exactly Bambi gentrified as gum well DN I’m music’s day is done though cuz the music too complicated like no dude you see YouTube it’s so much fun YouTube freezing the [ __ ] stream now so so you just don’t touch music like that if you have’t cuz we playing the whole [ __ ] song too why don’t we just do 30 seconds of it I mean probably could do 30 seconds of it out yeah I mean 30 seconds of it wouldn’t be bad say he needs to send his cousins Louisiana gumbo for us to try Sean this is Louisiana gumbo Sean St tell your cousins their [ __ ] ain’t ready for my [ __ ] okay that’s good that’s feeling too feeling I’m full let me see you put no weight in anyway girl God damn I know why your stomach so big I’m on my period you ass oh you sure you’re pregnant I’m not pregnant cuz I’m on my [ __ ] period what well fre Mary was a virgin LOL I am no mared I’ll tell you that much really what do you think Joseph’s reaction was when she walking and S she is a lying this [ __ ] is lying and no but imagine that okay just I don’t mean huh his reaction was this [ __ ] is a liar I’m going to [ __ ] leave her but I don’t want to embarrass her so I’m going to wait to leave her and then while he was waiting to leave her he got a message from an angel too yeah that was like it you know yo what’s up dog it’s not yours it’s gone all right so you just chill okay chill yeah hang with that okay I think she stayed a virgin too like damn that what do you mean she stay pretty sure she stayed a virgin her whole life what do you mean she stayed a virgin her whole life thank you for the Super Chat drinks and food it was all kinds of [ __ ] like whatever you know what I mean so basically what I did was last week Friday shut up last week Friday I ask you guys for a bunch of different recipes right and so on Friday I write all the recipes you name down and then I try to go through and pick what I could do cuz I don’t like to tell you tomorrow we’re doing this cuz I realized half the time you go to the store and they Ain got this [ __ ] big mix is right he offered her a divorce some [ __ ] like that really yeah he was going to leave her ass he was going to leave her which like if my girl popped up pregnant talking about I’m a virgin I probably want to leave her ass too like you not about to see her make me look stupid anyway between the aliens and this virgin this thing we have we have some interesting times ahead okay between an AI didn’t she say stay a virgin y’all did she stay a virgin her whole life I’m pretty sure she did see I don’t know if I would have been able I would have have to leave her I would have had to leader true he probably had some on the side you know know anyway look here probably honestly probably honestly guys listen that’s our stream today tomorrow will be better okay tomorrow will be better now we know this music thing we can’t play the whole song we can play little clips and [ __ ] like that clip some music we don’t need the whole in that song cuz after about 30 seconds like dude you [ __ ] get it you know what I mean say yeah we should CH like our favorite 30 seconds of the song yeah our favorite 30 seconds to jam out too yeah okay all right we can do that okay yeah ladies and gentlemen it’s been a pleasure it has been real okay Shayla hey eat that can I tell them what what drinks you made eat every drop of that [ __ ] you we made we made a jolly raner drink we made a a Koopa Libre why you can’t situation I feel like all of this on the top is [ __ ] bardi 151 and ice sip it we made big teas um uh honey drink honey vodka drink with lemon juice and my personal favorite of the day was the Tennessee whiskey milkshake that they don’t serve in Tennessee cuz so [ __ ] this [ __ ] hey homeboy Rapunzel take a sip of that [ __ ] of this hecky no just just step from the top see from the top see see if any liquor on the top like ooh I feel like this is all Liquor on the top just okay go down to the bottom then step from the bottom go for the bottom first it’s like all separated and layered and I know just step from the bottom first what you can I just show them what how what it looks like cuz it’s very like if y’all can look at how separated that is okay oh St from the bottom then step from the top okay okay now go to do the top is all liquor the top is all liquor I knew it was that home boy that’s weird how it separates like that hey hey hey hey hey hey thank you for the day you coming to Med tomorrow again yeah I love my nails I do that myself look like a cat not a sexy cat by the way okay one of them little ratchet Aly cat that no one want that’s mean c be looking [ __ ] up too I know that’s what I’m saying that’s why it reminded me in your nails anyway look here guys all right this is really good too yeah your drink responsi don’t drink and drive stay Tipsy thank you all for coming through remember Sky John I mean ti/ Tipsy Bartender sorry come over become a member you know what I mean um make a donation if you can I understand homeboy money tight you know money tight okay make a donation anyways spend all your money no you don’t do that you don’t do that okay you don’t go hey look your like CU some streamers be like y’ broke [ __ ] come on some dudes do that and people and then and encourages people to donate no but that’s you begging for money and you calling people broke okay how be like hey can I borrow $5 I Ain got it you B [ __ ] you’re the one trying to borrow my $5 people be doing that I know that’s what I’m saying you can’t do that you you you say hey support the show if you can’t do it you can’t do it more important than than supporting is getting people to watch you know what I mean guys tell all your best friends and homies about us rip any Clips out of this that you like share with your friends okay see you all man manente nor we got better looking girls tomorrow or that’s see you again tomorrow hey no next week maybe I’ll wear wig so I look different no don’t do that okay that going freak me out your nails are ready enough for me to cope it I can’t cope with wig too okay we’ll see okay later I wig [Music]


  1. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (1)

    @jaamalbass9045 2 days ago

    I love chala ❤

  2. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @Clarkgriswood 2 days ago

    Nah sweetie, that's a tune by The Doors!🤣

  3. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (4)

    @kd7cwg 2 days ago

    The bob barker and Adam Sandler fight on happy Gilmore 🤣🤣🤣

  4. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (5)

    @BlakieTT 2 days ago

    Skyy I thought about the electric shaver thing too (wrt you and your cabeza, not me lol). You don't think it's a good idea? A really good machine could change u life homeboy… (that's what she said).

  5. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @WilliamJones-yp2sl 2 days ago

    That new bad boys is pretty good it's funny things is violet singing I'm gonna go back to the theatres this weekend and watch it again because I like Martin Lawrence
    he is funny

  6. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (7)

    @WilliamJones-yp2sl 2 days ago

    That is a classic Nelly why can't play all the classics Nelly song

  7. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @WilliamJones-yp2sl 2 days ago

    my two favourite songs by Nelly is dilemma and batter up

  8. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (9)

    @WilliamJones-yp2sl 2 days ago

    there is Chingy right by remix featuring Trina and Jermaine d pre

  9. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (10)

    @WilliamJones-yp2sl 2 days ago

    believer and there are guys that like girls that are plus size because yes their holes are tighter and makes the boys get harder

  10. New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (11)

    @HeightenedZone 2 days ago


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New Orleans Style Gumbo, Tennesse Coffee Milkshake, Barcardi Volcano & Cake Cookies - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.