Right Here With You - Ohlordlarry (2024)

Chapter Text

“I hate this. Why are we doing this? He’s already ours” Chris groaned as he fell face-first into their bed.

Behind him sitting at their desk, Nick faintly chuckled and nodded. His eyes landed on the stray pair of pale pink frilly socks casually discarded on the floor, bringing a small smile to his face. Matt’s socks “I know. But it’s what Mom and Dad want” He expressed tiredly

Chris groaned louder, pulling himself out from the pillows and flopping onto his back instead “Why? When did they become such traditionalists?” He shot moodily, rolling his eyes childishly and snapping his head over to Nick.

Nick exasperatedly smirked, shaking his head and sighing at him. He stood up from the desk and made his way over to the socks, throwing them at Chris’ face “Um? Always. They made us wait an entire year before we could officially claim him. Of course, they were going to make us follow through with all the traditions” He reminded him with a small chuckle, grinning proudly when Chris scrunched up his face due to the sock attack.

Chris grumbled at him, yanking the socks from his face and was about to throw them back on the floor, but pausing when he noticed whose socks they were—unapologetically bringing them back up to his face and inhaling the scent.

Nick watched him with a distressed face “You’re disgustingHe sassed half amused, half repulsed as he climbed onto the bed next to him.

Chris pouted at him and clutched the socks tighter, holding them close to his chest “You don’t judge when Matt does it and he does it with your dirty underwearHe bickered, sticking his tongue out at Nick playfully.

Chuckling amusedly, Nick shook his head and rolled his eyes at him, shoving him out of the way so he had space on the bed “It’s different when Matt does it. He’s doing it to determine whether or not the scent is strong enough for his nest. You’re just a f*cking weirdo” He pointed out humorously.

“I miss him. I don’t like not having him here” Chris whined loudly, clutching Matt’s socks like a lifeline and looking up at Nick with sad puppy dog eyes.

Rolling his eyes for the umpteenth time, Nick gave him a tired look “He’s literally down the hall” He stated plainly, worming his way onto his side of their bed, which now felt so much bigger without Matt there to hog it.

Chris quickly sat up, eyes wide as he stared at Nick “Exactly! He’s not here with us. I don’t like it” He whinged emotionally. His eyes moved to look at the unoccupied space between them. A space that normally would be filled by the world's biggest bed hog and blanket stealer “What if he needs us? What if- What if the water is too cold for him?” He gasped, clutching at straws.

Nick tiredly rubbed his eyes before he looked at Chris with a hard expression “Chris, I don’t like it either, but he’s fine. He’s with Mom. It’s not like he’s all on his own” He reminded him gently, seeing how worked up Chris was getting.

“But what if Mom doesn’t use the body wash he likes? Or- Or if she does his hair wrong! Or if she makes the water too hot and burns him. No, I can’t- I need to help him” Chris cried hysterically, trying to fling himself out of bed and down the hall to get Matt. However, Nick quickly put a stop to that and hastily gripped his wrist to stop him from going anywhere.

“You need to calm down. Mom knows what she’s doing” Nick reassured him quickly “I know it doesn’t feel right letting someone else give him a bath and get him ready for bed, but this is Mom we’re talking about. She’s got more experience getting Matt ready than you and I have combined. She knows exactly what she’s doing

Chris huffed and whined, wanting nothing more than to be the one getting Matt ready for bed. But, and to his utter disgust, his parents were traditionalists and wouldn’t let him or Nick near Matt until tomorrow.

It had been six months since the shooting. Six long tortuous months, filled with heartache, pain and guilt.

In the wake of Brayden shattering their lives, the three boys embarked on a tumultuous journey through grief, fear, and the agonising process of healing.

Flashbacks haunted Matt’s waking hours, vivid scenes of chaos and terror replaying like a relentless film reel. Nights were plagued by nightmares—jolting awake to the echoes of gunshots and the desperate cries of his classmates.

The nightmares were particularly cruel, searing into his consciousness with a visceral intensity that left him trembling in the darkness. The scent of gunpowder lingered in his memory, triggering panic attacks that stole his breath and left him gasping for air. Each step forward felt like a tentative dance on fragile ground, fearing the next trigger that could send him spiralling back into the depths of despair.

Nick and Chris also bore the weight of their own demons. As Alphas, their roles as protectors had been brutally challenged and undermined by the shooter, a childhood friend whose betrayal cut deeper than any physical wound. Guilt gnawed at them, could they have done more? Could they have prevented the tragedy that shattered so many lives, including Matt's?

Therapy became a lifeline, a sanctuary where they could peel back the layers of trauma and confront the raw, unfiltered emotions that threatened to overwhelm them. Together, they navigated the minefield of triggers and flashbacks, supporting each other with a silent understanding born of shared experience. Their therapist provided tools—a vocabulary of coping mechanisms, breathing exercises, and grounding techniques—to navigate the turbulent waters of their minds.

Days blurred into weeks, and weeks into months, as they clung to small victories—a full night's sleep, a quiet moment of laughter, a shared meal where the shadows of the past momentarily receded. Yet, setbacks were frequent and disheartening, reminders that healing was not a linear path but a labyrinth of twists and turns, false starts and slow progress.

It was hard. It was hard for all of them, to know what Matt had been through. Knowing how much guilt he still felt no matter how many times they assured him that it had never been his fault. Seeing him on his particularly bad days was nearly an impossible feat. When the memories just became too much and he could do nothing but blankly stare ahead for hours, if not days at a time. Where no amount of reassurance or love could reach him.

They weren’t out of the dark yet. Still had such a long hill to climb before they would be normal again. The trauma would never fully leave, the scars, though invisible, would never fully heal, but in time would scab over and be less painful than what they once were.

Matt took some time away from school. He just couldn’t bring himself to go back to the place that filled his head with nightmares every night.

He had tried, really tried. But those first few attempts left him having debilitating panic attacks in the car before Nick and Chris could even get out of their seats to unbuckle him. It took him two months before he even had the strength to make it to the front doors before the memories became too much and he broke down right there in the doorway, surrounded by Nick and Chris, other students with their parents and/or Alphas, his surviving teachers and even Mr Howard.

Nick and Chris immediately invoked him in a tight embrace and whispered words of reassurance to him, knowing that as awful as it was to watch Matt have a breakdown, he was still making some level of progress.

Mr Howard had surprised all three boys with his level of compassion, crouching down to Matt’s level, where the Omega had slumped to the floor, reaching over and resting a gentle hand on his shoulder “It’s okay Matt. We all understand what you have been put through. We get it. Don’t force it, you’ll come back when you’re ready” He offered to him softly before looking between Nick and Chris sternly “Let him take his time. Don’t worry about his schooling. The state has awarded special circ*mstances to all the Omegas directly involved inthe incident. Take him home” He informed them sombrely.

After that, they didn’t try taking Matt back to school until he told them he was ready.

It was about a month after that that Matt approached the topic to his Mates one day after they came home from school.

He and Mary Lou had been home, sporadically spending time together and time apart. Nick and Chris had gotten him ready for the day before they left to go to school. But once they left, a dull ache nestled itself in his heart and he couldn’t take any more of it. Days wasting away at home, bored and depressed. So he got to work, gathering his and his Mate's dirty washing and putting a load on.

While that was happening he went back upstairs and cleaned the monstrosity that was their bedroom. Turns out that leaving it to his Alphas for three months was a terrible idea. He wasn’t sure if it was because Nick and Chris hadn’t spent countless hours being taught how to clean or if they really just didn’t want to, but he did know that his brothers had genuinely tried to keep on top of the cleaning while Matt was recovering. It was just unfortunate that they were both terrible at it.

But, it gave Matt something to do and he was more than happy with that. Something to help distract his mind from the horrors that had been plaguing him for the past three months. And once their room was once again spotless, their clothes washed, dried and put away, Matt found himself looking for something else to do.

He made his way to the kitchen, rummaging through the pantry and the fridge, but internally groaned when he found nothing of interest. Sighing, he made his way into the living room where his Mom was typing away on her computer.

Taking a nervous breath, he bit his lip as he looked over at her “Mom?” He said quietly.

Mary Lou, who had heard him pottering around but didn’t do anything to interfere, not wanting to intrude if Matt was starting to feel like himself again, hummed and looked up from her laptop, smiling at the sight of her boy “Yeah baby?” She asked interestedly.

Matt shuffled on his feet nervously, twiddling his fingers in front of his chest “Um… Can- Can you please take me to the store?” He asked cautiously, not making eye contact with her.

Mary Lou bit her lip to stop the giant smile from spreading across her face “Oh? Did you need something, honey?” She asked patiently, half closing her laptop to give him all of her attention.

Matt awkwardly sighed and continued to look away from her “I just- I want to bakeHe admitted embarrassedly, sort of hating himself for playing right into his stereotype as an Omega. But also just desperate for something to do, something he was allowed to do.

Mary Lou grinned at him and nodded, quickly closing her laptop and standing up “Oh baby, of course. Let’s go and put your shoes on” She ordered softly, stepping closer to him and taking his hand in her own, leading him back up the stairs to his room and plonking him on the bed as she rummaged through their closet for his shoes “You did a good job in here sweetheart. Looks so neat and tidy” She praised fondly as she took in the clean bedroom.

Matt smiled shyly at the praise, feeling a bit of pride swell in his chest. Once his shoes were on, velcro sneakers which made Matt wince slightly, Mary Lou took his hand again, leading him down to the car and buckled him into the backseat. The drive to the store was filled with a comfortable silence, the rhythmic hum of the engine and the familiar sights passing by easing some of Matt's tension.

Once at the store, Mary Lou carefully pulled the frayed leash from her handbag, inspecting it with a thoughtful frown "I’m going to need to get you a new leash soon, this one is beginning to fray," She commented mindlessly as she walked over to Matt's side of the car. She opened the door and unbuckled his seatbelt, then clipped the leash to his collar with practised ease.

Matt felt a mix of emotions as the familiar weight of the leash settled against his neck. The collar he could deal with. In fact, he almost liked it because it was a symbol to everyone that he had been claimed by his soulmates. His new baby blue collar that had been delicately picked by both Nick and Chris always let him know he was loved and protected. The leash, however, was a constant reminder of his lack of autonomy. Yet, today, the leash also represented a step towards normalcy—a necessary compromise for a taste of freedom.

"Ready, sweetheart?" Mary Lou asked, her tone gentle as she extended her hand to help him out of the car.

Matt nodded, taking a deep breath as he stepped onto the pavement. The cool breeze and the bustling noise of the parking lot were almost overwhelming after the relative quiet of home. But he squared his shoulders and took Mary Lou's hand, grounding himself in the moment.

As they walked toward the store entrance, Mary Lou kept a steady pace, ensuring that Matt was comfortable. She glanced down at him, her eyes filled with encouragement and pride "You're doing great, babyShe reassured him gently, knowing this was a lot for him. He’d been held up in their home for the past three months, only leaving for therapy, but even then that was always with Nick and Chris.

Matt gave a small, determined smile, squeezing her hand as a means to ground himself “Thanks, Mom" He replied softly, feeling a bit more confident with each step.

Inside the store, the bright lights and the hum of activity initially made Matt tense up. He clung to Mary Lou's hand, his eyes darting around as he tried to orient himself. But Mary Lou squeezed his hand gently, guiding him towards the familiar aisles where the baking supplies were located.

"Let's see" She murmured, scanning the shelves "We need flour, sugar, chocolate chips... what else, Matt?"

Matt took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand "Uh, vanilla extract, baking powder, and maybe some sprinkles" He said, his voice growing steadier.

Mary Lou smiled, proud of his determination "Good job sweetheart

As they moved through the store, Matt started to relax. The act of selecting ingredients, placing them in the cart, and planning his baking project helped him feel more in control. It was something so mindless and dull, but it was what he needed after everything.

Back at home, Matt gingerly unpacked the groceries, feeling a small sense of excitement for the first time in months. He preheated the oven and began to measure out ingredients, losing himself in the familiar rhythm of baking. The kitchen filled with the comforting aroma of cookies, and Matt felt a warmth spread through him that had been missing for too long.

When Nick and Chris returned from school, they were greeted by the sight of Matt at the counter, a tray of cookies cooling beside him. Their eyes lit up with joy and pride, and they rushed over to embrace him.

“Hey, baby. These smell amazing” Nick commented sweetly, gesturing down to the cookies with a fond smile.

Matt blushed, shyly smiling as he leaned closer into Chris’ embrace “Thank youHe muttered quietly, blushing harder when Chris nuzzled his nose into his scent gland.

Chris grinned, pressing soft kisses to Matt’s neck, while simultaneously stealing a cookie from the tray “Did you have a good day?” He asked curiously, shoving the cookie into his mouth and moaning at the taste.

Matt nodded, smiling as both his mates eagerly began stealing his cookies “It was good. You guys are sh*t at cleaning though” He giggled cheekily, earning a light swat on the ass from Nick, but both Alphas were smirking at him.

It wasn’t until a few hours later, after a family dinner, that Matt brought up the topic. Nick and Chris were changing him into some pyjamas, gently easing his dress off his shoulders, when his mouth started moving faster than his thoughts “I think I want to go back to schoolHe announced suddenly.

Both Nick and Chris froze for a moment, their hands pausing in their task as they shared an unreadable look. They turned back to him with concerned expressions “You want to go back?” Nick asked, his voice filled with both surprise and worry.

Matt nodded, feeling a mix of determination and anxiety welling up inside him “Yeah. I’m tired of being stuck at home. I want to feel normal again

Chris knelt beside the bed, his eyes searching Matt’s face for any signs of uncertainty. “Are you sure you’re ready for that, sweetheart? You’ve been through so much, and school wasn’t exactly your favourite place, to begin with

Matt took a deep breath, feeling the familiar weight of grief and trauma “I know. I lost my friends there, and it’s hard to think about going back. But staying home all the time, doing nothing... it’s driving me crazy. I need to try to move forward, even if it’s just a little bit

Nick sighed, sitting down on the bed beside Matt and gently taking his hand “We’re just worried about you, baby, that’s all. School can be overwhelming, especially after everything that’s happened. We don’t want you to feel pressured

Matt squeezed Nick’s hand, appreciating the concern in his Alphas eyes “I know you’re worried, and I appreciate it. But I need to do this. For myself”

Chris nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes “Okay. If this is what you want, babe, we’ll support you. But we’re going to talk to the school, make sure they understand what you’ve been through and what you might need

Nick agreed, giving Matt’s hand a reassuring squeeze “We’ll make sure you have all the support you need. And if at any point you feel like it’s too much, you tell us. Okay, sweetheart? No questions, no judgment

Matt nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him, his love for his Mates swelling in his chest “Thank youHe whispered gratefully.

As they finished dressing him into his pyjamas, the weight of the conversation lingered in the air. Matt knew that going back to school would be a challenge, but with Nick and Chris by his side, he felt ready to face it.

Later that night, as they all settled into bed, Matt nestled between his brothers, surrounded by their comforting scents. Despite the lingering fears and uncertainties, he felt a small spark of hope. The road to recovery was long and winding, but with each step, he felt himself growing stronger.

After that night, Matt had gone back to school. It had been hard at first, the memories threatening to become too much at various points of his day, but he managed to push through and keep going. Something that both Nick and Chris were extremely proud of him for.

In the mornings, as Nick and Chris got him ready, Matt felt a strange mix of dread and determination. The familiar routines of being dressed, having breakfast, and heading to school seemed almost normal—except for the weight of his past experiences pressing down on him. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness as he remembered his friends who weren’t there anymore, victims of the horrific event that had changed everything.

The first day back had been the hardest. Walking through the school gates, Matt felt as if he were stepping into a different world, one where his trauma and grief were both starkly present and eerily absent. The hallways were the same, filled with students hurrying to class, but the absence of his classmates was like a gaping wound. He saw their faces in every corner, heard their stifled laughter echoing in the silence between classes. Each classroom held memories, both good and bad, that he had to confront head-on.

Sitting in his classes, Matt found it hard to focus. His mind would drift, replaying the events of that fateful day. Sometimes he felt a rising panic, his breaths quickening and his vision blurring. In those moments, he would clutch the tag in his collar, his nameplate that reminded him of his Alpha's never-ending love, drawing strength from it. He reminded himself of the promise he’d made to his brothers and to himself: to try, to keep going, no matter how difficult it was.

His teachers were understanding, often giving him a moment to gather himself when the memories became too overwhelming. They had been heavily briefed by Nick and Chris, who had made sure the school knew exactly what Matt needed. Despite the accommodations, there were times when he felt like he was barely holding it together, the weight of his loss threatening to crush him.

Lunchtimes were his saving grace. Every day he would FaceTime Nick and Chris so that the three of them could share lunch together, despite their distance. Just seeing and hearing his Alphas was enough to help him balance all the trauma.

Nick and Chris were his constant support. Each day after school, they would ask him how it went, listening attentively as he recounted the challenges and small victories. Their unwavering support and pride in his efforts were like a balm to his wounded soul. They celebrated the little milestones with him, reinforcing his sense of accomplishment and encouraging him to keep pushing forward.

Slowly, the days began to blur into a new routine. The sharp edges of his grief and trauma started to dull, replaced by a cautious sense of normalcy. He began to participate more in class, finding solace in the structure and predictability of schoolwork. While the memories and pain were still there, they no longer dominated his every thought. Instead, they became a part of his journey, a testament to his resilience and strength.

Which is what brings them to now, six months after the fact. It was the night before their bonding ceremony.

They had pushed back the ceremony, waiting until the dust had started to settle before even mentioning it. But now, with Matt back at school and their good days growing more frequent, the timing seemed right. Something good after experiencing something so awful.

While it was something the three boys were looking forward to, they, unfortunately, had very traditional parents who were adamant that they adhered to traditional bonding etiquette. Meaning, that Matt wasn’t allowed to have any contact with his Mates the entire night before the ceremony. Something about keeping him pure and innocent, like Nick and Chris hadn’t shattered that image from their boy the moment their souls bonded.

“I don’t understand why we’re not allowed to just have him here with usChris whined again, moodily getting himself more comfortable in their too-large bed.

Nick yawned tiredly, rubbing his eyes and turning on his side to look at Chris better “Mom wants to maintain his purity and innocence, you know thisHe grumbled tiredly, reaching over to pull Matt’s pillow closer to his face, deeply inhaling the scent of their missing Mate.

Chris scoffed at him and smirked “Matt’s innocence? Matt? The same Omega who willingly got on his knees for us this morning in the shower? What innocence is there left to maintain?” He asked smugly, grinning when Nick smirked at the memory.

Nick bit back his grin and giggled I didn’t say he was innocent. I said that Mom wants to keep him pure. You and I both know he’s the furthest thing from innocent, but Mom and Dad don’t need to know that” He reminded fondly “They don’t need to know what their sweet baby Omega Matthew gets up to in his spare time

Chris grinned proudly, reminiscing on all the times he and Nick had thoroughly destroyed all of Matt’s purity and innocence, all the while keeping Matt gagged so their parents didn’t hear God I can’t wait to ruin him tomorrow nightHe admitted hornily, fumbling his hand under the sheets to steal Nick’s hand and tightly squeeze it.

Nick groaned and nodded, looking at Chris with dark eyes “Stop talking, you’re getting me horny and I do not want to go to bed with blue balls” He scorned seriously, smirking when Chris proudly cackled at him.

Just as Chris was about to reply, a delicate knock sounded at their door, seconds before Mary Lou walked in, smiling at her boys as she made her way over to Matt’s dresser “He’s fine, I just need to grab some of his pyjamas” She reassured quickly when both Alphas hastily sat up and looked at her with wide eyes.

Chris began pulling the bed covers back and hopped over to her with a desperate look “How is he? Did you use the body wash he likes? Does he need us? Cause we will go to him if he needs us” He quizzed her quickly, pouting when she chuckled at him.

“He’s absolutely fine. I’ve just bathed him and now I need to get him changed for bed, but he’s fine. And yes, of course, I used the body wash he likes. This isn’t my first rodeo Chris” Mary Lou chastised fondly, grabbing one of Matt’s soft nighties and a fresh pair of his fuzzy socks.

Can we- Can we at least get him ready for bed?” Chris tried, looking at her with pleading eyes, hating to be apart from his Mate even just for one night.

Mary Lou offered him a fond look, reaching up to gently cup his chin in her hand “I know you both miss your Omega, but you’ll see him tomorrow and then you can keep him on a tight leash for as long as you like. Now, scent this, both of you, and then I can continue getting him ready for tomorrow” She ordered softly, pressing Matt’s nighty into Chris’ chest.

Chris quickly snatched it from her and began lathering it in his scent, doing whatever he could to help Matt. Nick hurriedly ran over to the pair of them, yanking the nighty from Chris once the younger had successfully drenched it in his scent and proceeding to coat it in his own as well.

“Thank you. Now both of you relax, Matt is in safe hands and tomorrow you’ll get to spend the entire day with him, officially and ceremoniously bonded” Mary Lou reminded softly, taking Matt’s nighty from Nick’s hands and smiling at them.

Nick flashed her a grateful smile and nodded, taking Chris’ hand and slowly leading him back towards the bed “Thanks, Mom. Tell him that we love him” He pushed softly, equally feeling as distressed as Chris about their missing Mate, but knowing how important it was to their Mom and Dad that they stuck to tradition.

Mary Lou smiled fondly at him and nodded, making her way to the door “I will. Get some rest boys, you have a big day tomorrow

Once gone, Chris groaned and hid his face in Nick’s chest as the older boy wrapped a comforting arm around him “You heard Mom, he’s fine. We should try to relax and get some sleep, the last thing we need is to have eye bags and be yawning throughout the ceremony” Nick joked amusedly.

Chris chuckled and nodded, slowly pulling his head out from Nick’s chest, but still curling close to make up for the lack of Omega between them “Matt would never forgive us if we yawned through the ceremony” He giggled playfully.

“No, he wouldn’t. And I really don’t want a pissed-off Matthew to have to deal with” Nick chuckled fondly.

In Matt’s nest room, Matt sat on his mattress in just his towel, waiting for his mom to come back with his pyjamas. He clutched his stuffed pug close to his chest, trying to take in the lingering scents of his Alphas. It comforted him, reminding him that he was loved and cherished.

“You doing okay, baby?” Mary Lou asked with a warm smile as she crept into his room, slowly crouching down to Matt’s level and softly tousling his towel-dried hair.

Matt smiled sweetly and nodded, leaning up into her touch softly “Yeah. Just a little nervous” He admitted quietly.

Mary Lou’s smile widened as she kissed his forehead “That’s completely normal, sweetheart. Tomorrow is a big day. But don’t worry, everything will be perfect” She stood up and opened his pyjamas, a soft pastel pink nightie adorned with cute little bows.

“Let’s get you dressed, okay?” She prompted gently. Matt nodded, and Mary Lou helped him slip into the nightie, her hands careful and practised. Once he was dressed, she sat him down and started moisturising his freshly shaven legs with his peach-scented moisturiser, humming a soft tune as she did.

As Mary Lou moisturized his legs, Matt’s mind wandered. He thought about the past few months, the nightmares, the flashbacks, and the constant fear that had plagued him. Being cared for by his mother like this was a reminder of simpler times before everything had changed. It was a weird feeling, almost comforting, to be taken care of so thoroughly.

“You’ve been so brave, baby,” She reminded, her voice soothing “I know it hasn’t been easy, but you’ve come such a long way. Nick and Chris are so proud of you. We all are

Matt blushed at the praise, fiddling with the stuffed pug in his hands “Thank you. I just want everything to be normal again” He expressed nervously, taking in the comforting scents of his Alphas that drenched his nighty.

Mary Lou finished with his legs, wiping her hands on his discarded towel and moved on to his hair, carefully placing rollers to give it the perfect amount of curl for the ceremony “I know, honey. And you’re getting there, one step at a time” She worked with a gentle precision, making sure each roller was just right.

Once his hair was set, she took out a bottle of nail polish, a delicate blue colour that matched his collar “Let’s do your nails now,” She said excitedly, holding his hand gently. As she painted his nails, she continued to talk softly, sharing fond stories and making him laugh with tales of little mishaps and sweet moments.

Matt smiled, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Nick and Chris. He missed their presence, their scent, their touch. It felt wrong to be going to bed without them, to face the night alone. The past few months had been a struggle, but they had faced it together. Tonight, without them, the bed felt too big and the night too long.

Though he would never have true autonomy because of societal constraints, he never blamed his parents or Mates for how they treated him. The infantilisation, while extremely overbearing and undermining, was something that he had grown accustomed to. His family sincerely believed they were providing him with everything he could ever need. While it wasn’t what he truly wanted, Matt was grateful for the love and care his parents and Mates showed him.

“You’re going to look so beautiful tomorrowMary Lou whispered emotionally, blowing softly on his nails to help them dry “Those boys won’t be able to take their eyes off youShe added with a small giggle.

Matt giggled softly, blushing lightly, feeling a bit calmer despite the nerves “I hope so

Mary Lou smiled and kissed his forehead again, continuing to blow on his nails until they were completely dry and then proceeding to slide his fluffy socks onto his feet “Now, let’s get you tucked in. You need to be fully rested for your big day tomorrow” She helped him lie down, tucking the blankets around him snugly.

As Mary Lou turned off the light and left the room, Matt snuggled deeper into his nest, the scents of his Alphas and the comfort of his mother’s care surrounding him. The night felt strange without Nick and Chris, their absence a constant ache. But amidst the nervousness and the longing, there was also a flicker of excitement. Tomorrow was a big day, a new beginning, and he was ready to embrace it.

The morning of the bonding ceremony dawned bright and clear, casting a soft, golden light over the house. The garden outside was already a vision of flowers and fairy lights, prepared for the event that had been anticipated for so long. Inside, the air buzzed with excitement and nervous energy.

In their room, Nick and Chris were getting ready, their expressions a mix of anticipation and anxiety. They stood in front of a large mirror, fumbling with their ties and cufflinks, their hands slightly shaky.

"I can't get this rightNick moodily muttered, his fingers tangling with the fabric of his tie "Why is this so hard?" He whined agitatedly.

Chris, equally frustrated, was battling with his cufflinks "Because we’re nervous wrecks. I can’t believe it’s finally happening. I just want him back in my arms already” He groaned, missing their little Omega more than he thought was possible.

Nick sighed, looking over at Chris with a worried expression “I’m never sleeping without him again. It felt so strange not having him there. I feel like I’m missing a part of me without him here” He admitted tiredly.

Chris nodded, his eyes reflecting the same sentiment "Yeah, I kept waking up, reaching for him. It just felt... wrong. There was too much space in the bed. For someone so small he certainly likes to hog the entire bed. It felt weird not worrying about whether or not he was going to accidentally knock me off the mattress” He chuckled fondly.

Nick smiled softly, his eyes filled with love for their absent mate “I know, it felt so weird this morning to wake up with the blankets still on top of me. Never realised how much I loved his wriggly sleepy state. And not having his grouchy, morning-hating ass in bed with us when we woke up was so bizzare” He mused softly, reminiscing on how annoying Matt was when he slept, but realising how much he had grown to love it.

Chris's hands stilled on his cufflinks as he looked at Nick "We’ve come so far. From the shooting to now, I sometimes wonder how we managed it. But we did. And now, we’re finally getting to celebrate our bond with Matt"

Nick nodded, taking a deep breath "I know. I just hope we can make today perfect for him. He deserves that after everything" He expressed seriously, his eyes wandering around to all the things in their room that clearly screamed Matt. His soft pink blanket, the hair clips dotted around his dresser, his many stuffed toys, and the Omega play mat they stick him on when they need to work on their homework and need something to distract him—no matter how much Matt moodily grumbled about it.

As Chris opened his mouth to reply, Jimmy entered the room with a broad smile "Alright, alright, step aside. Let your old man show you how it's done" He said with a chuckle, moving to help Nick first.

"Thanks, Dad," Nick said gratefully, his voice tinged with relief.

Jimmy deftly tied Nick's tie, making it look effortless "You boys have been through a lot, and today’s the day we put all that behind us. You’re doing great" He reassured them, noticing their nervous demeanours.

Chris managed a small smile, nodding thankfully at his Dad’s words “How’s Matt doing?" He asked eagerly, looking at him with wide eyes.

Jimmy finished with Nick and turned to Chris, smiling amusedly. “He’s doing fine. Your mom and grandma are taking good care of him. Don’t worry, you’ll be back with him soon.” He paused, then added with a grin, “And he’s not having any trouble with his dress, I can assure you” He chuckled humorously.

Nick and Chris both laughed hard at that, the tension easing a bit “Thanks, Dad. We just want everything to be perfect for him” Nick said seriously, fiddling with the base of his tie.

Chris nodded, adjusting his collar nervously “Yeah, he deserves the best after everything he’s been through

Jimmy patted Chris on the shoulder, his smile turning a bit more serious “I know, boys. And he’s going to have the best. You’ve both done an incredible job supporting him. You’re both growing into wonderful Alphas” He reassured calmly, picking off some lint from Chris’ shoulder.

Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair “It’s just... Omegas need so much care. I mean, they really can’t handle these things on their own, can they? It’s good Mom and Grandma are there to help him, even though I wish it was us helping him” He admitted with a longing sigh.

Nick nodded in agreement, his expression earnest “Me too. Omegas just aren’t equipped to deal with the complexities of daily life. They need us to protect and take care of them” He stated honestly.

Jimmy smiled and nodded, clearly proud of his son’s dedication “Exactly. Omegas are precious and delicate. They need Alphas and Betas to look after them, ensuring they’re safe and happy. And that’s everything you’ve been doing. Keep doing that and you’ll have a sweet happy Omega on your hands” He grinned eagerly.

Chris relaxed a bit more, the reassurance helping to calm his nerves “We willHe agreed quickly, nodding at his Dad’s comforting words.

Jimmy finished adjusting Chris’s cufflinks, clapping him on the back, then stepping back, admiring his sons in their suits “You two are going to make today perfect for him. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing and everything will work out perfectly

Nick and Chris shared a determined look before Nick turned to Jimmy with a grateful smile “Thanks, Dad. We will” He promised sternly, reaching over to rest his hand on Chris’ shoulder.

As Jimmy moved to leave the room, he glanced back with a teasing grin “And remember, don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Matt’s going to be over the moon just seeing you two waiting for him” He pointed out with a small giggle.

Chris chuckled, shaking his head “We’ll be fine, Dad. Just make sure he’s ready. And tell him we love him

Jimmy nodded, his smile warm and reassuring “Will do, boys. Now, get those ties straight and be ready for your Omega

As Jimmy left to check on Matt, Nick and Chris shared a moment of quiet reflection, their thoughts drifting to their Omega and the bond they were about to formalise.

In Mary Lou and Jimmy’s room, the atmosphere was a flurry of activity. Mary Lou and her mother, Ana, were working with practised precision, ensuring every detail was perfect for Matt’s special day.

Matt stood patiently in front of the full-length mirror, letting his Mom and Grandmother get him ready, wearing a silky yet soft, pastel blue off-the-shoulder dress that matched his eyes and new collar perfectly. It was the most mature garment he had ever worn, and he couldn’t help but admire himself in the mirror as Mary Lou gently styled his hair, removing the rollers and delicately combing through the strands.

The dress felt like a departure from the usual infantile clothing he was accustomed to. Its elegant cut and delicate fabric made him feel a sense of grace and maturity he rarely experienced. As Mary Lou worked, Matt’s thoughts wandered to tomorrow—after the ceremony, he knew he would be back in his familiar attire of pinafore dresses, overalls, rompers, onesies, and elasticated waistband skirts and pants. The reminder of returning to his normal Omegas wardrobe weighed on him, but for now, he embraced this moment of feeling almost grown-up.

Mary Lou and Ana exchanged soft words of encouragement and affection as they meticulously attended to Matt’s appearance. Ana hummed a tune softly, her hands deftly applying a light touch of makeup to Matt’s cheeks, enhancing his youthful features without overpowering them. Mary Lou worked to add small flower clips to his hair before she adjusted the sleeves of his dress with gentle care, ensuring everything fit perfectly.

“Almost ready, sweetheartMary Lou murmured, her voice filled with pride and tenderness “You look so grown up. Just like a princess in one of your stories” She praised emotionally, tearing up slightly at the sight of her baby Omega looking so beautiful for his bonding ceremony.

Matt nodded, offering a shy smile in the mirror. His eyes met Mary Lou’s in the reflection, filled with a mixture of gratitude and a tinge of melancholy “Thanks, Mom,” He whispered softly, his voice barely audible above the rustle of fabric and the hum of their bustling preparations.

It wasn’t how Matt had envisioned his life unfolding—to be constantly treated like a small child, even after all he had been through, sheltered from the world’s complexities, and denied the autonomy he yearned for. This reality stung all the more because he had grown up alongside Nick and Chris, his brothers and Mates who were Alphas—the revered pillars of society, their strength and dominance celebrated from a young age.

Living in the shadow of his Alpha brothers was a daily reminder of the stark contrast in their treatment. Nick and Chris were groomed for leadership, taught to be assertive and commanding, while Matt was guided into his submission, nearly all of his decisions were made for him under the guise of protection. He admired his brothers’ confidence and the ease with which they navigated the world, but it also emphasised his own perceived fragility.

Yet, despite these disparities, Matt harboured absolutely no resentment toward Nick and Chris. They were not only his brothers but also his soulmates—bound together by a bond deeper than societal roles or expectations. They had grown up together, sharing moments of joy and hardship, their bond forged through laughter, shared secrets, and unwavering support.

Matt knew that Nick and Chris loved him fiercely, their protective instincts extending beyond societal norms to encompass genuine care and devotion. They shielded him from harm, both physical and emotional, and their presence was a constant source of comfort in a world that often felt overwhelming.

“They love you so much, sweetheart,” Mary Lou murmured, her voice tender as she adjusted a strand of Matt’s hair before pressing a soft kiss to his temple “We just want to keep you safe and happyShe expressed emotionally.

Matt’s smile widened slightly at her words, knowing they came from a place of unwavering affection. He appreciated their efforts to shield him from harm and to keep him happy, even if it sometimes felt smothering and condescending. The constant doting, the restrictions on his freedom—it was all part of a complex web of laws, rules and behaviours that had shaped his life from the moment he was born.

“They are going to spoil you rottenAna added softly, her hands smoothing the delicate fabric of Matt’s dress “You’re our precious little Omega, Matthew. We want to see you thrive

This bonding ceremony was really important to all members of the family because it shows how special Matt is as an Omega. It's a big moment that celebrates their love and commitment to each other, especially Matt's role in their family as their cherished Omega. It's a way for them to come together and show how much they care about each other, and it highlights Matt's unique place in their family of Alphas and Betas.

As Mary Lou and Ana continued their meticulous preparations, Matt took a deep breath, steeling himself for the day ahead. Today was a significant event, a celebration of the love and commitment he shared with Nick and Chris. Today was the start of his future. A future that oftentimes looked bleak and dull. Forever relying on Nick and Chris for the most basic human functions, serving as a housemaid while his Alphas got to go out and work.

Despite these thoughts, Matt's heart softened as he thought of Nick and Chris. The thought of their unwavering love and support brought a glimmer of hope amid his uncertainty. Their presence in his life was a constant source of strength, anchoring him to a future he accepted, not out of resignation, but out of love too immense to defy.

With a final adjustment to his dress and a reassuring squeeze of his hand, Mary Lou smiled warmly at him “You’re ready, baby

Matt nodded, his reflection smiling back at him uncertainly. He knew this day would be a milestone in his life, a day that marked both his acceptance of societal norms and his unwavering love for his Mates. As he stood, ready to join Nick and Chris for the ceremony, he silently vowed to cherish every moment, even amidst the complexities of his reality.

His grandma leaned in closer, brushing a stray lock of hair away from Matt’s face “You look beautiful, dearShe remarked warmly, her eyes shimmering with pride.

Matt’s heart swelled with warmth at her compliment. He glanced at his reflection again, marvelling at how different he looked compared to his usual attire. The dress and the care put into his appearance made him feel special, cherished and loved.

"You look so gorgeous, sweetheart" Mary Lou said, her voice full of affection, hands softly rubbing his arms as she made eye contact with him in the mirror "Are you excited?" She asked eagerly.

Matt nodded, though a hint of nervousness lingered in his eyes “Yeah. Just...a little nervous" He admitted quietly, gently playing with the delicate bracelet Nick and Chris had gifted him.

Mary Lou smiled reassuringly "That’s perfectly normal. You’re going to be wonderful. Nick and Chris are so lucky to have a wonderful little Omega like you” She grinned proudly.

Matt's grandmother, who was lightly spritzing some perfume onto his collarbones, chimed in "You’re going to take their breath away, darling

Just then, Jimmy appeared at the door, slightly out of breath but smiling widely at Matt’s appearance "How’s our boy doing?" He asked eagerly, eyes glistening slightly the longer he looked at Matt.

Mary Lou glanced at him with a proud smile "He’s ready. How are Nick and Chris?" She asked with a small laugh, given her husband's slightly frantic state.

Jimmy amused sighed and grinned "They’re all set, thanks to my expert tie-tying skills. How’s my Matty feeling?” He asked softly, looking back at Matt with an endearing expression.

Matt smiled, feeling a rush of warmth at seeing his dad "I’m okay, Dad. Just nervous" He stated quietly, nibbling on his bottom lip.

Jimmy smiled proudly at him as he walked over and kissed the top of his head, being mindful of the clips Mary Lou had expertly placed in his strands “You’re going to be amazing, Matt. We’re all so proud of you" He reassured calmly before he then turned back to Mary Lou "Anything else you need, dear?"

Mary Lou shook her head, grinning at him “I think we’re good here. Just keep an eye on the boys. Make sure they don’t get too antsy" She informed him with a humorous giggle, knowing her two Alphas would be close to clawing at the walls to see their Omega again.

Jimmy nodded, smirking at her “Will do. Alright, Matt, I’ll see you out there. It’s going to be a beautiful day"

As he left the room, Matt felt a mixture of emotions. The love and support from his family were obvious, and though the day was filled with traditions that sometimes made him feel confined, he was grateful for the care and attention they gave him. He missed Nick and Chris terribly, the night without them had been strange and unsettling, but soon they would be together, making a promise that would last a lifetime.

Mary Lou softly ran her hands up and down his arms again, smiling brightly at him “Just a little longer, sweetheart. You’re almost ready"

Matt took a deep breath, his heart swelling with a mix of nerves and excitement. Today was the day they had all been waiting for, a day of new beginnings. And despite everything they had been through, he knew he was surrounded by love.

“Heard someone was getting bonded today?” Justin joked as he walked into Nick and Chris’ room, smiling proudly at his little brothers.

Nick and Chris turned, grinning when they saw their older brother.

“Yeah, we heard something about thatNick responded dryly, attempting to sound casual despite the excitement dancing in his eyes.

“Just a small eventChris added with a laugh, smoothing down his tie “No big deal

“Can’t believe our little Matty is finally getting bonded and it’s to you two… What did he do to deserve that?” Justin joked amusedly, grinning when Nick and Chris both scowled at him before they rolled their eyes and smirked back.

“Guess he just got luckyChris retorted, nudging Nick “Or maybe we didHe added, not even trying to hide the pride in his voice.

Fondly rolling his eyes, Justin shook his head “Yeah, yeah, just make sure you don’t mess up your vowsJustin teased, giving them both a playful shove.

Nick chuckled, shaking his head “We’ve only been practicing them for a year and a half now. We’ve got this. Don’t worry” He bantered amusedly but was secretly terrified that he would do something to ruin Matt’s day. Yes, it was all three of their day, but everyone knew that today was all about Matt, his Mates included.

Justin chuckled, stepping forward to help adjust Chris’s collar “You two nervous?” He asked concernedly, bullying his little siblings was always a right of passage, but with endless bullying also came the need to support them with anything.

“A littleNick admitted, glancing in the mirror and then back at Justin “It’s just… it’s a big day for all of us

“More than a big day,” Justin agreed, nodding his head “It’s a milestone. But you both have done great so far. And Matt is lucky to have you two

Chris sighed, fiddling with his hair “I just hate that we had to wait so long because of everything that happened. But I’m glad we’re finally here” He expressed with a sad smile.

Justin’s expression softened, understanding the weight behind Chris’s words “You’ve all been through a lot. Today is about celebrating your bond and looking forward to a better future” He reminded gently, patting both boys on their backs.

Nick nodded, then looked back at Justin, his eyes showing a flicker of concern “Have you checked on Matt? How’s he doing?” He asked nervously, biting the inside of his cheek.

“Yeah, is he okay?” Chris added, a hint of worry creeping into his voice.

Justin smirked and nodded reassuringly “I just came from there. Mom and Grandma are taking good care of him. He’s excited and looks beautiful. You don’t need to worry about a thing

Nick and Chris visibly relaxed at Justin’s words, letting out the breaths they didn’t know they had been holding “Thanks, Justin,” Chris said, his voice filled with gratitude.

“No problemJustin replied fondly, patting Chris on the shoulder “Now, let’s finish getting you two ready so you can go see your Omega” He grinned excitedly.

The bonding ceremony was a picturesque affair held in the boy’s back garden, adorned with delicate floral arrangements in pastel hues that complemented the serene atmosphere. White chairs were neatly arranged in rows, filled with family and friends who came to witness the union of Matt with Nick and Chris.

The garden exuded a tranquil charm as evening descended, bathed in the soft glow of fairy lights strung delicately among the branches. Floral arrangements of blush peonies and ivory roses adorned rustic wooden stands, lending an air of natural elegance to the outdoor sanctuary.

At the heart of the garden, a graceful archway stood adorned with seasonal blooms, framing the altar where Nick and Chris stood side by side. Their faces reflected a blend of nervous anticipation and quiet excitement as they awaited the arrival of their Omega.

Friends and family, seated with reverence, murmured in hushed tones, their expressions a mix of joy and solemnity. In this peaceful oasis, love and unity were poised to be celebrated, marking a significant moment in the lives of all who gathered.

As Nick and Chris stood under the beautifully adorned floral arch, their hearts raced with a mix of nervous anticipation and overwhelming excitement. They clasped hands tightly, their fingers interlocked as they exchanged brief, nervous glances while waiting for Matt to appear.

Chris couldn't help but fidget with his tie, adjusting it for what felt like the tenth time since they had taken their places at the altar. His gaze kept shifting towards the entrance of the garden, where Matt would soon make his entrance with Jimmy by his side "I hope he's doing okay" Chris murmured softly, more to himself than to Nick, though he knew Nick understood exactly how he felt.

Nick squeezed Chris's hand reassuringly, his eyes scanning the garden path expectantly "He'll be fine. This is everything he’s been dreaming of since we all presented” Nick replied, his voice filled with pride and admiration. He couldn't help but feel a surge of nerves himself, despite knowing deep down that this day would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives together.

Their friends, Josh and Aidan, who stood nearby as groomsmen, exchanged knowing glances. Josh leaned towards them with a reassuring smile "He's almost here, guys. Just take a deep breath" Josh said softly, his tone calming and supportive.

Aidan nodded in agreement, patting Chris on the back reassuringly, his presence offering a quiet strength amidst the jittery anticipation.

The gentle breeze rustled through the garden, carrying with it the scent of flowers and the soft murmur of guests. Nick and Chris turned their attention back to the path, their hearts skipping a beat as they finally caught sight of Jimmy escorting Matt towards them.

“You ready, Matty?” Jimmy asked in a soft, reassuring tone, his eyes warm with paternal pride as he extended his arm for Matt to take.

Matt drew in a deep breath, nerves and anticipation fluttering in his chest. His fingers trembled slightly as he accepted the bouquet of flowers from Mary Lou, her gentle kiss on his head offering a moment of comfort before she and her mother slipped away to find their seats. Matt managed a shy smile up at his dad, grateful for the steadying presence Jimmy offered.

With a nod, Matt tentatively reached up to grasp Jimmy's arm, his touch light but seeking reassurance. Jimmy returned the smile with a proud nod of his own, brushing a kiss against Matt's temple before guiding him out into the garden where Nick and Chris awaited.

As they stepped into the softly lit garden, Matt's heart quickened at the sight of Nick and Chris standing together at the altar. Their eyes met across the distance, and an overwhelming wave of emotion washed over Matt. Chris’ face broke into a broad, affectionate grin, his eyes bright with love and excitement. Nick, usually more composed, couldn't hide the nervous anticipation etched in his features, but his smile was warm and reassuring.

Jimmy escorted Matt down the aisle with measured steps, the garden blooming around them in a tapestry of soft hues under the canopy of fairy lights. Guests seated on either side turned to watch, their faces reflecting a mix of joy and admiration for the trio.

As they approached the altar, Jimmy gently released Matt's arm and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Matt blushed but gave his Dad a thankful nod, then turned to his left so he could pass Mary Lou his flowers, unable to hold them and hold his Mates at the same time. Mary Lou accepted them, tears already threatening to spill as she looked at her three boys. Blushing even harder, Matt looked back towards his Mates, smiling shyly as he noticed their outstretched hands, both of them ready to embrace their Omega.

Matt's steps faltered for a brief moment, overwhelmed by the gravity of the moment and the love radiating from his Mates. But as he looked into their eyes, all his fears and doubts melted away. This was where he belonged, surrounded by love and acceptance, ready to embark on the next chapter of their lives together.

He accepted their outstretched hands with a shy smile, looking between both of his Mates with wide adoring eyes, tightly gripping their hands to help keep him grounded.

“You look breathtaking babyNick whispered fondly, staring deep into Matt’s eyes, smirking when he noticed Matt’s blush growing stronger.

“You’re so beautiful PrincessChris commented proudly, grinning as he took in Matt’s appearance up close.

Matt wasn’t sure he could blush any harder and was thankful when the officiant began to step forward.

The officiant, a tall and dignified Beta woman, stepped forward with a serene smile, her voice carrying easily over the assembled guests "Welcome, honoured friends and family" She began, her tone warm and inviting "Today, we gather to witness the sacred bond between these three souls, Nick, Chris, and Matt"

The audience hushed in reverence as the officiant continued, her words weaving a tapestry of love and commitment. She spoke of the strength found in unity, of the deep connection between Alphas and their Omega, and the significance of their chosen path. Each word resonated through the garden, drawing everyone into the solemnity of the moment.

Then came the vows, each Alpha taking turns to profess their love and devotion to their Omega. Matt, as tradition dictates, wasn't allowed to verbalise vows of his own, as for him the act of accepting the collar presented by his Alpha's was enough to show his submission and trust.

As the oldest, Nick went first, taking both of Matt's hands in his own, his voice steady but filled with deep emotion "Matt, my Omega, my Princess. From the moment we were born, I knew you were the missing piece of my heart. You have been through more than one person ever should, and while I wish it had never happened, I’m glad that I was able to stand by your side and help pull you from the darkness. Today, I vow to cherish you, to protect you with every fibre of my being. I promise to stand by your side through all the highs and lows that life may bring. I am yours, now and forever. I love you so much, sweetheart”

Matt struggled to maintain eye contact with Nick as he spoke, too moved by his words, blushing up a storm and unable to stop smiling. Nick, grinning fondly at him tightly squeezes his hands before he gently passes them over for Chris to replace.

Chris, who stared at Matt with so much love it was almost overwhelming, quickly took Matt’s hands from Nick, reciprocating the nod the older Alpha offered to him, spoke next “Matt, baby, my gorgeous little Omega, you are the light of my life and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Today, I pledge to you my unending love and support. I will be there for whatever life throws at you, holding your hand and guiding you through it. You can lean on me at all times and know that I will always be there to hold you up. I love you endlessly baby boy

Matt sniffled quickly as his eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill down his face, nodding lightly and smiling brightly at Chris. Chris smiled at him lovingly, pulling Matt’s right hand up to place a delicate kiss on before rearranging them so Nick could take hold of Matt’s right hand again, while he kept a firm grip on his left.

After a brief moment, allowing all three boys to gather themselves the officiant continued "Nick and Chris, as Alphas, it is your duty to love, protect, provide for and cherish your Omega. Matt, by accepting this collar, you acknowledge your trust in them, your unwavering obedience and your commitment to this bond” She stated firmly, presenting Matt’s new collar on a small pillow.

Matt stared down at the collar he had already been wearing for the past six months, due to their bond already being legal, but now seeing it in a brand new light. It actually felt real now. He was finally officially bonded with his Mates, and the thought made him feel incredibly warm and loved.

Nick and Chris reached over, delicately taking the collar from the officiant and carefully bringing it up to Matt’s bare neck, staring down at Matt with fond, proud gazes.

Matt nervously swallowed before he tilted his head up slightly, making more room for his Alphas to wrap the collar around his neck.

Taking their own nervous breaths, Nick and Chris carefully placed the collar around Matt's neck, securing it with the clasp. The gentle click of the clasp closing echoed through the garden, sealing their vows. Matt reached up, touching the collar lightly, feeling the smooth leather and cool metal against his skin. It was more than an accessory, it was a tangible representation of their love and commitment.

The guests, moved by the intimate and unique gesture, watched in respectful silence, many with tears in their eyes. Mary Lou dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, Jimmy's arm wrapped around her shoulders in support. Even Justin, sitting next to their Mom, had a soft smile playing on his lips.

The officiant's voice brought them all back to the present "With this collar, you are now bound to each other, a bond that signifies love, loyalty, and unity. May your journey together be filled with joy and unwavering support"

As Nick, Chris, and Matt stood together, the collar now resting around Matt's neck, they felt an overwhelming sense of unity and love. They were no longer just mates; they were bonded in a way that transcended traditional ceremonies. This was their unique declaration, a testament to their love and commitment, witnessed by all who were present.

“You may now kiss your OmegaThe officiant commands fondly, smiling at all three boys.

Nick and Chris grinned proudly at each other, both of them squeezing Matt’s hands in their own “C’mere babyNick whispered fondly to Matt, leaning closer to the smaller boy and capturing him in a passionate, love-filled kiss.

Chris watched them, his heart soaring as he felt an overwhelming rush of love and joy.

Matt melted into the kiss, responding eagerly to Nick's embrace, feeling the warmth of their bond enveloping him completely. Around them, their guests erupted into applause, their happiness echoing in the garden as they celebrated the union.

Once Nick pulled back, he rested his forehead on Matt’s for a brief moment, staring deep into his eyes and grinning “I love you so much, sweetheart”

Matt blushed and nuzzled their noses together “I love you too” He whispered back emotionally, biting his lip when Chris gently tugged on his hand and pulled him closer.

Chris grinned broadly at him, using his free hand to reach up and cup Matt’s jaw softly, leaning in and pressing a soft, emotional kiss to Matt’s lips, finally sealing their bond.

“We did it, baby. You’re all ours now. Our precious little Omega” Chris smiled proudly, softly thumbing at Matt’s cheek, while the smaller boy blushed and chewed his bottom lip to contain the giant grin that threatened to overtake his face.

“Love you, my AlphasMatt whispered emotionally, leaning closer to both of his Mates while they began to slowly move down the aisle and over to the reception.

Glancing over to his parents, Matt could see that Mary Lou was now openly sobbing happy tears as Jimmy proudly smiled and comforted her, offering Nick and Chris an approving head nod as they passed them.

The three of them entered the reception area, greeted by applause and cheers from their friends and family. The patio was adorned with delicate floral arrangements and soft lighting, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Matt felt overwhelmed with love and gratitude as he realised how far they had come together.

Bad days would still come and go, but now he officially and ceremoniously had his Mates by his side and knew that they would be able to overcome anything.

Right Here With You - Ohlordlarry (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.