The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2025)

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Scottsboro, Alabama

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LEWIS ENTER: RXOES Daily (USPS 490 680) $250 Monthly Twenty Cents Daily Volume IX Number 200 Thursday April 26 1979 Twelve Pages One Section Member Associated Press Board stands by rule on school zones A Scotteboro citizen appeared before seeking the to the rule" superintendent On another matter Dr Skidmore told Board member Ronald Drummond regular meeting the board: the City School Board Wednesday night policy in this case because he lives Mrs oster explained to Pepper that the board that students need to be given suggested that the board have the Agreed to pay Rush Contractors all business this at nearer Brownwood Elementary Mrs Martha oster board chair man said Pepper was explained the procedures of the board concerning tye dividing up of the city into school districts by Dr Max Skidmore city in an effort to get the board to allow his daughter to attend Brownwood Elementary rather than Caldwell Elementary to which she has been assigned jt Bill Pepper told the board he was oster exolained to Penner the board could not make an exception for him just because he lives on the boundary line has to be treated the same and the board cannot change the rules for one said Skidmore ffivpn some reward for good attendance citing attendance problems for the past several years Among the recom mendations on this were special rewar ds extra points on grades or hiring an attendance counselor SlltftfPfifpd that thp hnnrrl hnvo tho problem students who fails to regularly attend class visit the juvenile probation officer who could explain to the student and his parents that truancy is a violation of the law In other 11 uJ xj AL2ERTV ILLS al Serving The People Of Jackson County Since 1889 AorppH tn nov Rush rnntrartnra oil except $500 on work on the roof at the junior high gymnasium This amount will be withheld until the board is sure there are no further leaks Was informed by Dr Skidmore that (See Board Page 2) (lie fea it Mil a 1 WEATHER STATE Refuses resignation AREA Correction Service areas Donation Pig sale Benefit bridge Gospel singing Index Singles BITS PIECES Awards program PLEASANT VIEW Cemetery now has a caretaker and those with relatives buried there are urged to help with donations in the effort to keep the cemetery clean Send donations to: Mrs Stella Higgins Dutton Rt 1 35744 Mrs Birdie Ray Pisgah Rt 2 35765 or Delmer Hilley Dutton Rt 1 35744 SECTION will not pick up garbage in Pisgah as it was stated in a story in Sentinel The Sentinel is happy to set the record straight SINGLE ADULTS of irst Baptist Church invite you to be a part of their fellowship The Single Adult Department is for anyone who is single for any reason Single doesn't have to mean lonely Call Steve for further information 574 3308 JACKSON COUNTY 4 Club Awards Program will be May 1 at Page Elementary School The public is invited to the program which begins at 7 pm MONTGOMERY Ala (AP) An official of the Alabama Rural Electric Association of Cooperatives says the real pur pose of proposed legislation to establish service territories for electric suppliers in the state is to benefit Alabama Power Co Dail Gibbs executive vice president of the REA charged Wednesday the the giant utility is attempting a power grab through the legislaton sponsored by Sen Doug Cook of Vestavia Hills and Rep George Clark of Eutaw LAKELAND AIRES will be the featured singers at Saturday night's gospel singing at Mt Carmel Baptist Church Singing begins at 7 pm and the public is invited The church is located three miles west of Bridgeport MONTGOMERY Ala (AP) The Alabama Historical Commission has refused to accept the resignation of A Mortensen who was 'given a temporary six month appointment as executive director in January Mortensen submitted his resignation to the commission on Wednesday declaring that he has found it difficult to serve three mastersthe Alabama Historical Commission the Board of Ad visors to the commission and the Live in a Landmark Rain ending early this morning Becoming partly cloudy by noon with thundershowers during the afternoon and early tonight Sunny and mild riday Winds westerly 6 to 14 mph becoming northwesterly late tonight High today mid 70s Low tonight low 50s High riday near 70 Probability of rain 80 percent today and 50 percent tonight (Complete details Page 2) May 9 is the date for the next Northeast Alabama eeder Pig Sale at Section 1 pm Anyone wishing to consign pigs should contact Hubert Owens Scottsboro Rt 4 arewell to LANNIE HOLMANHappy birthday to LANA greetings today to WENDY DOSS SCOTTSBORO AAUW' has added duplicate bridge to be offered at their benefit card party riday 7 pm Scotsboro Recreation Center NATION Drug sentence WASHINGTON (AP) Legislation has been introduced in Congress that would require a 10 year prison sentence for persons convicted of trafficking in over 100 pounds of marijuana Rep Billy Lee Evans Ga introduced the bill Wednesday saying marijuana trafficking has become a major problem and new research shows marijuana is more harmful than previously thought ederal law now provides a maximum fiveyear penalty for persons convicted of trafficking in marijuana the first time and a maximum of 10 years for a second conviction NEWSWATCH Abby Page 6 Amusements Page 10 Classified Page 11 Deaths Page 2 Editorials Page 2 Society Pages 6 7 Sports Pages 4 5 TV Log Page 10 Disaster loans authorized for Jackson County farmers armers in Jackson County are eligible for disaster emergency loans from the armers Home Ad ministration (mHA) to recover from losses caused by recent severe storms high winds and flooding mHA State Director Elizabeth Wright has authorized loans on special emergency terms to farmers who can uiot find other sources of credit needed restore operations to normal Loans must be based on substantial losses resulting from the severe storm high winds and flooding that occurred on or about April 11 Woodrow Williams Jr county supervisor Jackson County mHA Of fice announced that applications for loans based on losses of physical property will be accepted until Jan 18 1980 and on production losses until April 21 1980 at the mHA Office county courthouse County citizens named mental health chairmen our Jackson county citizens have been named Mental Health Bellringer chairpersons for the May campaign announced Connie Cobb president of the Mental Health Association in Alabama Mrs Rayford Grider of Hollywood Mrs Virgie Chambers of Dutton Mrs Jack lowers of Section and ire Chief Lonnie Webb of Scottsboro were selec ted for the position Mental Health Association is the largest voluntary ad vocacy organization in the United States fighting mental illness and promoting mental said Cobb Since the organization if non governmental its entire support must come from contributions such as those collected in May The origianl and continuing purposes of the Association are to: attitudes toward mental illness and the mentally ill services for the mentally ill and for the prevention of mental and emotional illness and promotion of mental health Through social action the association sees that mental health services are made available to citizens who need them Through the advocacy work of the Mental Health Association over 32 million dollars have come to Alabama from the federal government for sup port of community mental health cen ters throughout the state The association is carrying on a state wide educational campaign about depression which affects about one out of every ten persons in Alabama Consumer prices aRRflk HR I I I increase again WASHINGTON Consumer prices increased another 1 percent in March led by sharply higher prices for" food housing clothing and gasoline the government said today It said gasoline prices rose 38 per cent the largest monthly jump in nearly four years Both housing and food costs were up by 1 percent The March increase in the Consumer Price Index which followed a 12 per cent rise in ebruary means that the 35 million Social Security recipients will receive a 99 percent in crease in benefits to offset the impact of inflation in the past year officials said The average benefit will be increased by about $25 to $283 a month Checks reflecting increases will go out begin ning in July Although the increase in the Con sumer Price Index was less than in ebruary it was still at a level that en saahgers the success of the Carter ad anti inflation program Prices during the first three months of 1979 increased at an annual rate of 13 percent the highest quarterly rise in years and far above the ad target for this year of 74 percent The increase for the 12 month period ending in March was 102 percent One of President top in flation advisers Barry Bosworth told The Associated Press Wednesday that if inflation does not begin to cool soon it is likely to get much worse as workers demand steadily higher wages to keep pace with steadily rising prices At a Democratic fund raising dinner in Bedford NH Wednesday night Carter also warned of further price in creases "Inflation is bad and it will be months (See Prices Page 2) Cleaning up i ij A 111 4WRR fe Aw This Scottsboro citizen is joining in the city wide effort to beautify the city during Clean Up Week All citizens are urged to clean up around their property Also heavy items are being picked up today and riday in the two remaining areas of the city where the trucks have not yet been On Saturday the National Guard will assist the city is picking up heavy items which were not ready on the initial visit to that area Delegates Debbie Wilkerson and John Graham juniors at Stevenson High School have been selected as delegates to the Student Conference on American Government The conference will be at Jacksonville State University (Photo by Bill Verhine) Stevenson conference Two juniors at Stevenson High School have been selected to attend the 1979 Student Conference on American Government on May 4 5 at Jacksonville State University Stevenson Counselor Paula Talley said Debbie Wilkerson and John Graham will be the conference delegates In addition to the scheduled program delegates will spent time in seminar discussions with prominent state judicial leaders Efforts are being made to get the state attorney general and a state supreme court justice to at juniors delegates tend the event Ms Talley said the program will be a valuable experience for the students Among the speakers at the conference will be Joseph Sorrentino who has spent much of his life in prison and is now a judge with several books and a movie to his credit and David Toma whose series and its revised version are based on his ex periences as a New York policeman This program is in its 14th year and is sanctioned by the Alabama Association of High School Principals as an ap proved calendar event Northeast gets grant Northeast Junior College has received a $2000 grant from the oundation sponsored by Sperry and Hutchinson Co Dr Knox Northeast president said the grant will be used to conduct a two day lectureship program centering around Right to in the fall The program will be free and open to the general public Outstanding educators among women will help conduct the seminar These include: Dr Azalia rancis associate academic dean Athens State College Dr Barbara Jacobs clinical psychologist in Scottsboro Dr Martha Wingard Task assistant to the president University of Alabama and Ms Shirley Woodie assistant direc tor of programs Enterprise State Junior College Working with the visiting educators will be Mrs Anna Ruth Campbell director of community services and continuing education and Ms Phyllis Kirk director of career placement cen ter both of Northeast Northeast is the only college or university in Alabama to receive a grant award from 1979 80 from the oundation Mrs Madge Wilbanks federal programs coordinator at Northeast who wrote the initial grant proposal ex pressed her appreciation to the oun dation for granting this award which should be of great benefit to the women of Northeast Alabama March of Dimes Superwalk Saturday Calling all men women boys and girls in Jackson County time to get a comfortable pair of shoes ready for the March of Dimes Superwalk for Saturday Walkers will begin their nine mile trek at 9 am Saturday from Scottsboro High School Barbara Bouldin and Ruthy Roberts chairpersons say that more than 500 residents are expected to participate in the Superwalk to demonstrate their support for the March of Dimes efforts to prevent birth defects defects are the num ber one child health they said year more than a quarter million infants are born with mental or physical damage This nationwide figure includes our own Pledges from the Superwalk will assist March of Dimes programs of research medical service and education according to Mrs Ada Wan Jackson County chairman or further details contact the March of Dimes by phone Mrs Bouldin 228 3078 or 574 2341 or Mrs Roberts 259 4540 3 IlK I iatJ.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.