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PAGE 2 THE DAILY SENTINEL SCOTTSBORO ALABAMA RIDAY MAY 11 1979 SrlM PMl 01 JatUoa Cox I i IMSaiiy entiaiefi Published daily Tuesday through riday afternoons and Sunday mornings by Scottsboro Newspapers Inc JAMES HARKNESS President Editor and Publisher Tom George Advertising Manager Peggy erguson City Editor Edna Kirby Office Manager Bookkeeper Perry Sweat Circulat ion Director Production Supervisor The Daily Sentinel is successor to The Progressive Age (established 18891 The Jackson County Sentinel and the Sentinel Age Publication offices 701 East Laurel Street Scottsboro Alabama Second Class Postage paid at the Post Office in Scottsboro Alabama 35768 The Daily Sentinel reserves the right of reproduction and publication of all news and advertising contents of this newspaper To reach all depart ments Phone 259 1020 Office Hours: Daily 8 am to 5 pm Saturdays 8 am to 1 pm Closed Sundays MEMBER The Associated Press Southern Newspaper Publishers Association and Newspaper Enterprises Association VIEWPOINT EDITORIALS AND OPINIONS SALT passing at lunch By MARTHA ANGLE and ROBERT WALTERS WASHINGTON (NEA) At least once a month since the latter part of 1978 a half dozen to two dozen per petually harried US senators have been getting together for lunch to chew over the details of the emerging SALT treaty The menu varies and so does the guest speaker who is usually a top echelon Carter administration of ficial But the purpose remains the same to prepare the senatorial par ticipants for an active role in the bit ter ratification fight that is looming over the strategic arms limitation pact That may not sound like a big deal but it is a major tactical breakthrough in the Senate where the only members usually possessed of enough expertise to argue in telligently about anything as technically complicated as SALT are those who serve on the Armed Services Committee a panel not known for its sympathy to arms con trol A prime mover behind the mon thly luncheon group is Sen Gary Hart Colo who is emerging as one of the Carter most crucial allies in the treaty bat tle Well over a year ago Hart became convinced the administration was not moving fast enoughto lay the educational groundwork for a new arms limitation agreement The senator not only began speaking out on the subject himself he also badgered Secretary of State Cyrus Vance Vice President Walter Mon dale and ultimately Carter as well to do more to explain the SALT process to the Senate and the public To fill part of the vacuum Hart along with Senate Majority Whip Alan Cranston Calif and Sen John Culver Iowa organized the Senate lunch group and began drafting speakers from the ad ministratiion for their cram course Once the debate actually gets un der way those three senators plus oreign Relations Chairman rank Church Idaho will be serving as the key advocates of the new SALT agreement Hart at 41 is nearing the end of his first Senate term He is probably best known as George 1972 campaign manager but the identification is deceptive Hart is no knee jerk liberal on national security issues or anything else Unlike most liberals who tend to gravitate towards committees like Human Resources the Colorado Democrat serves on both Armed Sergices and the Senate Intelligence Committee He plays an active and increasingly effective role on both winning high marks for diligence and brains even from colleagues who disagree with him It was Hart who was largely responsible for conceiving the theoretical framework for selling SALT II which the Carter ad ministration ultimately adopted a contribution which outshines even his considerable organizational aid The Hart (and now Carter) theory which is known as the security" approach to SALT goes something like this: Competition with the Soviets is inevitable and permanent but for our own security we want to see it bounded in the area which is most dangerous strategic nuclear weaponry In order to maintain a strong defense force we need to know the size and scope of the threat we face The best way to do that is through limits on the Soviet strategic buildup which can be achieved only through SALT And capping the strategic arms race will permit us to compete more ef fectively in other areas of military strength including conventional for ces and tactical nuclear weaponry This rationale is a far cry from the moralistic arguments of yesteryear in favor of nuclear disarmament and in Soviet good intentions But as the experience of the last decade indicates it is far more realistic SALT I was distinctly oversold by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger who wrapped it all up with detente and some hazy promise of a bright new day in Soviet American relations Thanks in large measure to Gary Hart the Carter ad ministration will not make the same mistake with SALT Vets need Jimmy's hand By WILLIAM STEI Now seen Home" and Deer Hunter" and ire" feeling depressed all over again by the Vietnam War Imagine how you'd feel if you were a Vietnam veteran More depressed especially if one of the 340000 Vietnam vets who have a job To counter the gloom and the image" of the Vietnam vet the White House has proclaimed May 28 to June 3 "Vietnam Veterans President Carter has requested folks to give 'Nam vets awards for outstanding community achievement The Veterans Ad ministration named employee Paul Weston Head Honcho for this public relations exercise Weston is assisted by Ellen Goldstein of the White House staff and by Bill Lawson who was hired by the White House a few weeks ago Lawson is running "The ederal Inter Agency Coordinating Committee on Vietnam Veterans" which will sponsor a conference here May 30 31 The White House VA effort is ignoring as best it can a group called Vietnam Veterans in Congress headed by Rep David Bonior Mich and involving 17 congressmen and two senators (John Heinz Pa and Larry Pressler SDJ Also being ignored is the Council of Vietnam Veterans which is run by Bobby Muller from his wheelchair in a grubby three room office on Capitol Hill Bonior and Muller would like President Carter to do something more than issue press releases or instance Congress passed the resolution proclaiming the May 28 June 3 week in early October and it until six months later that Lawson was hired In November Congress enacted a law enabling employers to take a $3000 tax credit for hiring low income Vietnam veterans under age 35 That could help some vets get jobs if employers knew about the provision But the White House packet put in a pitch only for disabled Vietnam vets The VA has blown cool and cooler to any real program of psychological counseling for Vietnam Vets Lately been talking about $10 million for "rap but that's tied up in the antediluvian procedures of Congress The VA itself has estimated 500000 'Nam vets have psychological problems group is a lot more conservative: it puts the figure at 200000 to 250000 In early March the US Con ference of Mayors jumped in The mayors have probably been a lot more effective than all the federal brass put together Medium sized cities especially seem to be carrying the ball in the effort to find jobs for Vietnam Veterans and at the same time realistically honor them Ba ar Law dh A dh Ba a Moe MMEaL 4 Presents program Members of the Scottsboro Jackson County Humane Society presented a program on animals at Brownwood Elementary School Thursday The program was presented in conjunction with Kind to Animal being observed all this week COMMUNITY CALENDAR Ofucf Sentinel PAGE ONE CONTINUED Bill percentage of the engineer's and his assistant's salary This bill does not bill also provided for a solid waste department and this bill pertains solely to the road system I The administration proposal has no separate account for monies destined for the roads meaning all money will become a part of the general fund There is 'no penalty written into the bill for misuse of equipment or supplies As far as equipment this was written out in bill so proper equipment would be given the county However this latest bill provides only that equipment equivalent in value and use to that which the county had when it became captive be given back to the county with the bill becoming law If the bill passes the road system could be back in the hands of county government by next month as there is no waiting period Lemaster had provided that the change be made in October at the beginning of a new fiscal year the only difference between the bill and what we had in 1940" said Lemaster that there will be only one centralized county A detailed report on the entire highway proposal will be presented in Sunday's Sentinel iddlers OLD TIME fiddlers convention is set for Saturday at lai Rock Junior High 7 pm The event is sponsored by the lat Rock Ruritan Club Admission is $2 with children under six admitted free Public is invited Coin show ROCKET CITY Coin Club will have its annual Day Coin Show riday through Sunday at the Parkway City Mall Huntsville There is no admission charge and the public is invited Public forum JACKSON MENTAL Health Center will have a public forum May 23 10 11:30 am at the center located behind Jackson County Hospital The purpose of the forum is to gain public opinions regarding mental health service priorities for the Marshall Jackson County areas Staff of the center will discuss past and present service activities and request assistance in developing plans for the future Singing school CHAPEL Baptist Church will have a singing school beginning Monday 7 pm There will be no charge and everyone is welcome to attend Singing TOWN CREEK Church will have a singing Saturday 7 pm with special groups to include Blackie Esloon and the Sojourners Everyone is invited ree movie SENIOR CITIZENS may view a free movie showing May 14 10 am at the Holiday Twin Cinema or more information contact the Council on Aging 574 6733 Horse show MUSTANG SADDLE Club will have a horse show Saturday near Northeast Junior College at 6 pm Admission will be $1 Benefit SCOTTSBORO NATIONAL Guard Armory will be the place for a benefit singing Saturday for Mary Jane Medlock The singing will begin at 7 pm and will feature several quartets Spring dance HOLLYWOOD ire spring dance will be May 12 at Hollywood Junior High 8 11 pm Music by areplay Moble Disco Disco on the go with Ron Duncan disc jockey Admission $2 per per son AU proceeds go to the Hollywood ire Department Taking bids US POSTAL Service is accepting bids for transporting mail from Huntsville to Bridgeport Bid forms may be obtained from manager transportation management office US Postal Service 1800 James Jackson Parkway NW Atlanta Ga 30369 Singing CHAPEL Methodist Chapel will have a singing Saturday 7 pm eatured groups will include the Deerman amily and the Representatives Singing BIBLE BAPTIST Church will have a singing Saturday 7 pm featuring the Gospel our and Kingdom Aires Everyone is invited Picnic COUNCIL ON AGING will sponsor a covered dish picnic for all senior citizens May 23 at Goose Pond Colony pavilion or more in formation contact the COA at 574 6733 House senators from rural states Wed nesday agreeing to base allocation of gasoline during an emergency on the amount used in each state in past years The rationing plan cleared the Senate Wednesday 58 39 But there was fear among White House officials that the compromise approved by the Senate would simultaneously lose votes in the House which has stronger urban interests California House members bitter over what they said was ad ministration inaction in solving already existing gasoline lines in their state complained that their constituents would lose gasoline under the compromise agreed to in the Senate Similar complaints were heard from Pennsylvania Benefits Employees Association The workers at that meeting complained that James is "down on state employees" and they praised Sen Bishop Barron of Montgomery who has introduced legislation to give state employees raises of about 45 percent Barron met with the group and denied rumors that the pay schedule will be changed from 26 to 24 pay periods a year that all ac cumulated leave will be eliminated and that husbands and wives will be barred from working in the same department Commenting on a House bill to reduce the number of state holidays from 13 to eight Barron said "We will never see it in the Senate but if we do it will never pass the Senate as long as several of us have breath to go to the microphone" In Tuscaloosa meanwhile Sen Ed Robertson of Northport met Thur sday with a group of about 500 state employees and vowed to shut down the Legislature completely if at tempts are made to deny employees a pay raise or to reduce their holidays they give you a pay raise or take away a holiday" Robertson said do it only after I fall exhausted at the microphone or gavel it over me or vote cloture on The executive secretary of the Alabama State Employees Association Terry Pruitt took message to about 600 state employees at Tuscumbia Thursday night NEWSWATCH proposed Thursday by Joseph A Califano Jr Health Education and Welfare secretary would replace the existing Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Program for Medicaid children If the program were enacted the administration estimates it would cost $572 million in fiscal 1981 its first full year of operation Orange harvest WASHINGTON (API The Agriculture latest estimate of the orange harvest is 2072 million boxes up 1 million boxes from forecasts a month ago The new estimate based on May 1 indications is 6 percent less than last output of more than 2196 million boxes officials said Thursday Grapefruit production indicated at 665 million boxes was in creased from April 1 prospects of 653 million but still trailed last output of 737 million boxes Budget cut WASHINGTON (AP) The Civil Aeronautics Board has asked to have its budget cut 7 percent for fiscal 1980 and its staff cut 9 percent in a move that White House press secretary Jody Powell calls unusual" Powell said Thursday the requests were prompted by airline deregulation which took effect Oct 24 the first time in history we are actually dismantling a government said Marvin Cohen CAB chairman Area weather Area orecast Partly cloudy with a chance of thundershowers today Showers and thunderstorms likely tonight and ending Saturday Southerly winds 6 to 12 mph High this af ternoon mid 80s Low tonight near 70 High Saturday mid 70s Probability of rain is 40 percent today 70 percent tonight and 50 percent Saturday Extended orecast Not as warm with scattered thundershowers Sunday Lows mid 60s to low 70s Highs around 80 Partly cloudy with a slight chance of a thundershower mainly north and west Monday and Tuesday Lows around 60 north to near 70 coast Highs upper 70s to mid 80s Agricultural orecast PRECIPITATION: Scattered thundershowers today Showers and thunderstorms mainly north tonight and spreading statewide Saturday Thirty six hour rainfall amounts one half to three quarters inch with some local amounts one to one and one half inches DRYING CONDITIONS: Good today and fair Saturday Lowest humidities 50 percent today and 60 percent Saturday DEW: Light this morning drying off by 8:30 Little or none Saturday morning SUNSHINE: Ten hours today our to 6 hours Saturday WINDS: Southerly 6 to 12 mph OUTLOOK: A slight chance of a thundershower mainly north and west Monday and Tuesday Highs near 80 Sunday and upper 70s to mid 80s Monday and Tuesday Lows mid 60s to low 70s Sunday and near 60 to 70 coast Monday and Tuesday look back Jimmy something might be gaining on 4 HulniG NeR 79.
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