The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

been going up. pretty fast for some time now. Other brokers said a rising stock market generally attracts speculators like flics. Many of them operate on margin. The Reserve Board spokesman said stock market credit rose more than 18 cent in the first half of 1958.

However, he indicated board might be more concerned about the effect of possible future credit sion than in the historical record. In recent weeks, the board has acted keep credit on an oven keel--neither loosening nor tightching it to any great extent, it boosting margin requirements, it made its first major move since the recession to clamp down on credit. Prices Are Lower At San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO -Prices slipped on the San Francisco Stock Exchange Monday on word that the Federal Reserve Board. effective today, has increased: margin requirements to 70 per cent from 50 per cent. The announcement was made after the New York close, with two hours of trading yet to go on the Pacific Coast exchange.

Armco Steel closed at on the Coast against 5812 in New York; Crown Zellerbach was down 501 compared to New York's 514. Other comparisons with the Coast close listed first and New York last: Dynamics Chrysler 53 and General Motors and Kaiser Aluminum and 36 3-5. Northern Pacific 43 and Pullman 57 and 58. Reynolds Metal and Union Oil and Westinghouse and Westinghouse Continued From Page 1 first 10 days in the preceding quarter SO that necessary materials and tools can be delivered to the local plant, permitting the various departments, and work crews to into their new schedules without a hitch. No Official Mention Up to closing time Monday, no work "books" had been distributed and there was no official mention of them from management.

The negotiating committee of Local 202, AFL-CIO, International Union of Electrical Workers, is scheduled to meet with agement representatives today in an effort to dispel the doubt and fears raised by the rumored closing of the East Springfield plant. A member of the committee said the union will try to secure a definite commitment from management about the future of the plant and the jobs of its 2600 employees. Monday the workers returned to their jobs after three weeks of vacation but it was reported a strange quiet settled throughout the plant. There was not the usual camaraderie among workers who had not seen each other for three weeks. There was little talk about vacations since the uppermost question in all minds was: "Will I have this job after Oct.

31?" Students Jeer Continued From Page 1 Danilo Nunes, chief of the government's political police, said 1000 policemen would be called out if needed. Friendship was manifest as well as hostility. Officials of President Juscelino Kubitschek's government welcomed Dulles at the airport. There was applause from a small throng at the U. in S.

embassy, a modern building downtown Rio. The jeers came as he motored from the embassy to the residence of U. S. Ambassador Ellis Briggs. Dulles is here for talks with President Kubitschok on hemispheric problems ranging from defense to the plummeting coffee market.

Jordan Airlift Continued From Page 1 protest to Israel. Unofficially, the reports were put down to "ill-feeling" towards Israel in London as a result of the stoppage. The sources here said the Soviet note was delivered to Israel following the four-day secret meeting in Peiping between Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev and Chinese Communist Leader Mao Tse-Tung. Well-informed sources also said that Syrian authorities had closed the Syrian Jordanian border to all traffic.

including diplomatic cars. They added the border closure apparently was carried out on Soviet instructions. indicating the Russians and the United Arab Republic were co-opcrating to apply a squeeze" on Jordan. Withdrawal Demanded In the Peiping meeting, the Russian and Chinese Communist leaders in a joint communique demanded a prompt withdrawal of Western troops from Jordan and Lebanon. lIalting of the airlift loft the southern Jordanian port of Aqaba as Jordan's transportation link with the outside world.

Reliable sources said there were plans for a rapid expansion of port ities to enable it to cope with both military and civilian traffic. A 200-mile desert road connects Aqaba with Amman. It will need extensive improvement if it is to become a major supply route. BOARD ROYAL YACHT SOUTHAMPTON, England The prince of Wales and his father, Prince Philip, boarded the royal yacht Britannia Monday night to spend a couple of days watching the Cowes Regatta off Isle Wight. Queen Elizabeth IT and Princess Anne will join them Thursday for a 12-day cruise up the west coast of Brithaslain.

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1958 9 OPERA PROGRAM: AT TANGLEWOOD EXCITING EVENT New. Scenery Technique Also Featurc of Music Center Attraction By WILLARD Dr. CLARK TANGLEWOOD Lenox The opera department of the Berkshire Music Center, Boris Goldovsky, director, can always be depended on to ao something exciting when and Rossini's so it was seldom Monday heard night era "Count Ory" was staged and sung by members of the department. Projected Settings Equally exciting was the first appearance of the Nagy Multiproduction System scenery. It consisted of seven blank panels upon which designs were thrown by 15 projectors back of them.

The results reminded one of huge picture postcards. The advantage, of course, is the speed with which scenes may. be changed and the Rossini's opera has enough melcasy method of transportation. odies in it to furnish a half dozen operas. There are some stunning ensemble numbers, duets solo arias.

The plot is slim and the opera was sung in an English translation Robert A. Simon. Whether or not audience got the majority of the words, it did seem pleased with the often gorgeous costumes the beauty of some of the voices, notably soprano of Angelica the Count Ory of McCollum; the fine base of Ronald Nolgate and mezzo soprano Doris Okerson. The music is true Rossini, bright, embellished and always tuneful. Even the basso is required to trill, Mr.

McCollum, for most of the evening, sang sturdily, often resorting to falsetto at the top of his range. A lighter voice could have handled this music more easily. Angelica Lozada, in the leading feminine role was able to encompass the taxing vocal range and the voice was flexible enough to handle the embellishments. Ronald Holkate, as tutor to Count Ory, is a huge man with a big voice. As always with a Goldovsky production, the action was natural and the stage movement fluid.

Elmer Nagy, who was responsible for the scenery, told the audience that he had studied the project for some 20 years and expressed his thanks to those who made it possible for him to use these ideas in this performance. Further refined, this multiproduction system may well have an important place in American theater. Leo Van Witsen was responsible for the colorful, attractive costumes. The opera will be repeated tomorrow night. Agawam Boy Continued From Page 1 tor.

For nearly two hours, the police. with the help of several others. applied artificial respiration and the inhalator at the same time. Evidence of heartheat and faint breathing kept sh*te. trying to the child's Artificial respiration and resuscitation continued during the the hospital.

Police said the child ap- at parently was alive on arrival the hospital, where every possible effort was made to restore breathing. He died soon after admission. The body was removed to the Curran-Jones funeral home in West Springfield where funeral arrangements are incomplete. Besides his parents, he leaves a sister. Linda, nine.

Stock Maroins Continued From Page 1 Ratio Unchanged On June 30. Funston said. money used to finance the securities purchasing totaled and carrying of $, which represented 1.3 per cent of the market value of all stocks listed on the change that day. He said this was almost exactly the same ratio as a month ago and a year 2go. Also in New York, Edward T.

McCormick, president of the American Stock Exchange, said: and "The present activity strength in the stock market I attribute to the confidence of investors -large and small -in the outlook for American business in 1959 and thereafter. "I feel that the adoption of a higher margin requirement under present circ*mstances is unfortunate and uncalled for. I further that such increase and, I hope, will prove ineffective in altering the public's appraisal of this outlook. Hits New High Heaving, Exchange trading, on pushed the New average stock: prices 10 a sion of 1958 high for than a month. The market moved into high ground again today.

The pronounced market boom has been attributed to concern about the effect of continuing inflation and evidence that the recession may have hit bottom. Stock markets had closed for the day when the Reserve Board made announcement. New York's Wall Street was not surprised by the move which had been rumored for weeks. A spokesman for Merrill Lynch, Picree, Fenner Smith. the nabiggest, brokerage house, said: Good Thing "The hike is a good thing.

Normally, we are in favor of constant regulation by government but the stock market of margin customers of part members "Although of we the may exchange. differ With the Federal Reserve Board's evaluation of the need for increased margin." Funston said, new credit restriction will of course be observed meticulously by member firms." Talk Marathon a Breeze To Former Record Jockey PLATTSBURGII, N. Y. (PA jaunty former disc jockey kept up his marathon talking Monday night and confidently announced he would stop Chen he had completed 100 Voice Strong at 52 Hours S-Sgt. Thomas Johnson Memphis, told the AssoPress in his thick southern accent that an Oklahoma woman who claimed new record 94 hours, 32 minutes had done a lot of useless work." lie had been talking for 52 hours then but his voice still was clear.

He said he would quit at 4 p. Wednesday. Also talking continuously, except for 212-minute breaks: each hour, were 5-Sgt. Walter Morin, 40, of Jamaica Plain, and S-Sgt. H.

Maulden, 26. of Seneca, S. C. Morin, a veteran of 16 years in the Air Force, had passed the 31 hour point, while Maulden had talked for six hours. Maulden replaced Sgt.

4. Hospital Job Continued From Page 1 humanity has long sought surcease from its miseries -and man shall then find the long sought for 'Fountain of peace and happiness among men and among nations and be able to proach the ripe age of 150 years and more." Challenges Dr. Ayres In the letter. Dr. Garcia chal-! lenged Health Commissioner John C.

Ayres -an announced candidate for the tell! us when. if ever, was the last time he took care of a chronically ill A natice of Puerto Rico, Dr. Garcia has lived in this country 30 years. He is founder-president of the Puerto Rican Social Club here. Hadley Group petition, have McNiff popped revealed up.

on Mon- all day that her husband had been threatened early in the controversy. She picked up the telephone to hear a woman say: "Tell your old man when he comes in to dig himself a hole and bury himself in it." Mrs. McNiff added: "One womis in the hospital now because they came to her house and tried to manhandle her." No Complaints People in town reportedly know who has been making the threats. But police and the district atturney are said to have no complaints on file. Selectman Frank Reynolds has been quoted as saying he had not heard of the alleged threats until after the second hearing.

But George Goddard of Breckenridge Rd. said Monday that MeNiff stated publicly at the second hearing that there had been threats. Raynolds declined to comment. "There have been too many misstatements about this he said. At Least $25,000 "At least $25,000" is said to be at stake in the gravel pit operation.

That is the amount informed sources say highway builders at work on a Route 116 relocation can save if they can get their gravel in Hadley rather than going to Sunderland or elsewhere. Meantime, a group of mothers from the Breckenridge Rd. tion headed to Town IIall Monday night to ask the selectmen to make trucks leaving the gravel pit slow down. They said they feared for the safety of their children and asked selectmen to post "SlowChildren' signs. The selectmen assured them they would.

The trucks were reported leaving the pit by three routes. One is down steeply graded Breckenridge Rd. Barreling Through Goddard. who lives in one of several ranch-style homes on the road, said "they're really barreling through here." One truck tipped over about 1 p. as it rounded the corner at Breckenridge and Rocky Hill Rds.

The right wheels dug into a road shoulder and the left wheels were up in the air. The intersection is not heavily settled, however. No one was hurt. Earlier in the day Edward Wanczyk, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, was quoted as saying the board would meet Monday night to discuss "all these newspaper articles and insinuations." Yet at meeting time Selectman Reynolds said the board wasn't meeting to discuss the Gralinski gravel pit and its ramifications. Ordinary Business "We're meeting discuss the ordinary business of the selectmen," he said.

As secretary of the board. Reynolds did release a copy of specifications of the permit the Gralinskis have for the pit. McNiff had charged the selectmen had kept the town "in the dark" by not making the' specifications "part of the record." Dated July 28. the permit reads: "This is 10 certify that Stephen and Edward Gralinski are granted a permit to remove sand, gravel or fill from southwest corner of the farm known as the Lena Hickey farm now owned by the Gralinski approximately 150,000 yards to be removed. Following are the conditions: To cut and dispose of all standing trees in area to be excavated.

2." To bury all stumps. 3. To leave a to 1 slope on the sides of the 'completed excavation. 1. To grade the bottom of the pit level with existing land to the west.

5. To leave a tree line on the east side between the top of the pit and line. 6. To leave a dirt berm (a narmI shelf or edge) on east side between the top of the pit. and the tree line.

7. To respread Continued From Page 1 Kozina, of Toledo, 0., who quit alter 60 hours at the insistence of an Air Force doctor. The open only to sergeants. is being held in noncommissioned Officers 1 Club Plattsburgh Air Force: Base. Personnel assigned to standby squadrons are barred from contest.

Spiels Hours To Claim Record TULSA, Okla. (P) Mrs. Mary E. Davis, 32, Tulsa housewife Monday claimed a new world's marathon talking record for women of 91 hours, 32 minutes, and 5 seconds. Radio Station KOME, sponsor of the contest in which Mrs.

Davis started, last Thursday with five opponents, said she had beaten the former mark of 92 nours ron, Fayetteville, N. C. and 30 minutes a set by Sue HuMrs. Davis quit her talking after 9 a. m.

Monday. loam over. roadway used travel from pit to public way. 8. To observe legal requirements for maintaining lateral supply of the adjacent Canada to Ask For Atom Arms ansWASHINGTON George Canadian Pearkes indicated Monday that Canada to ask the United States for atomic weapons for RCAF fighters co-operating with the S.

Air Force in joint continental Pearkes flew here from Ottawa defense talks with U. S. officials. He said he expects the question of atomic air defense weapons will be discussed at the first meeting of the new joint CanadaU. S.

Defense Committee. The committee was set up last month President Eisenhower and Prime Minister John Diefenbaker during their Ottawa talks. Cosmic Study Aim Of Next Sputnik MOSCOW. Sputnik IV, already in preparation, may be designed to probe the secrets of the stars. Soviet sources at the International Geophysical Assembly indicated Monday that the satel-1 lite would be a giant "cosmic observatory." As such, it could disclose secrets of space as the smaller satellites are revealing mysteries of the earth's upper-atmosphere region.

But beyond revealing that the cosmic. observatory had become possible as a result of the successful launching of the third Sputnik, which weighed 2919 pounds, scientists refused to give details of the new project. Iran Protests Change In Name of Persian Gulf TEHRAN, Iran (P--A Foreign Ministry spokesman said Monday the Iranian embassy in Baghdad had been instructed to protest against an Iraqi government decision to change the name of the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Arabia. The spokesman said a geographical name could not be changed simply by decision of the Iraqi cabinet. He said Iran could not help but consider Iraq's decision as an unfriendly attitude toward Iran.

HONOR QUEEN MOTHER LONDON (UPI) -Guns fired salutes and flags flew on public buildings Monday in honor of Mother Elizabeth's birthday. She was 58. U. S. Said Reneging MOSCOW UP- Pravda charged Monday that the United States had broken co a promise to stop nuclear tests as soon as agreement is reached on methods of detectatling them, The Communist Party paper's charge was based on two assumptions with which the UnitStates is not likely to agree.

The first wAs that the United States ever made such a promise. The second is that agreement has been reached on methods of de-' tecting tests at the Geneva conference where experts are examining the problem. The conferonce still is going on. Before it started a month ago the United States stated catgorically that it would make prior commitmention banning tests. Colombians Kill 41 World News BOGOTA, Colombia UP- Troops killed 41 marauders and capturea six over the week end in western Colombia, an army communique said Monday.

Two soldiers were killed in the action in the Clinches area; high in the Andes Many years of political warfare in the area has degenerated into banditry and the government has put strong forces into the area to bring peace. Algerian Losses Noted ALGIERS -The French said Monday, killed 707 and 138 Nationalist taken prisoner rebels during the past week. French losses were not given. Headquartors said another 69 rebels were! killed and three captured Monday in a clash at Kef Menaa, in the Bou Saada region, about 180 miles southeast of Algiers. It was the second big engagement in the region within a week.

Last Thursday 117 rebels were reported killed there. 3. Cypriot Fire Seen- George Grivas, leader of the NICOSIA, Cyprus, (UPI) Col. Greek underground, declared in leaflets circulated Monday that he had ordered Greek Cypriots to cease attacking Britons and Turks. But Grivas, signing himself as usual "Dighenis, warned that if Britih and Turkish continued, "'I will be free to order immediate action against both of them by the 10th of this month." Grivas' order came late to save two Turkish Cypriot policemen who were shot dead at midday in the port of Larnaca while bicycling home.

They were shot from behind by assassins sitting in a car. Bosch Making Continued From Page 1 control system, which are manufactured here, American Bosch will system build for the inertial guidance ance system will be made at other plants of the company, Miller said. Progress Advanced Schriever, said guidance that progress system would permit an earlier use of the device in the Atlas than originally planned. The general's and Perelle's announcement was the first official recognition of the new development. In Saturday's successful test the Atlas climbed straight up, accelerating rapidly for 50 seconds.

then pitched over to a more level course and darted toward the southeast on the start of a mile per hour flight through space. The propulsion system which pours out more than 350.000 pounds of thrust given the "Big enough push to travel the intercontinental range of 6325 miles. In Saturday's test the Atlas traveled about 2500 miles to give engine components a rigid YOU'LL LOVE THE 7 WONDERFULLY DIFFERENT FEATURES OF THE NEW LOW BACK CRISS CROSS sarong bra The new Sarong bra fits nine out of ten women fits them better, more comfortably! Fish Say Bad Winter Due Fall Will Be Swell, Finny Prognosicators Predict; Florida Warned to Beware WAUKEGAN, IlL (P) A man who gets weather predictions from fish says there's a swell autumn ahead- -but watch out for winter. Errs But Twice Mathon Kyritsis, 57, fisherman and restaurant owner, said he has erred in weather guesses only twice in 17 years-once because he an almanac. "Since then I've stuck with my fish," he said.

"According tourecent 'talks' with them, it'll. be a little warmer in August, cool in September. October will be warm and November will be like summer-much warmer than usual. Chamber of Commerce won't like to hear it, but I'll say Florida can expect the same Scientists Reveal Locale of Deaths Of Two Sputniks MOSCOW (P) sciontists Monday pinpointed the spectacular deaths and graveyards of Russia's Sputniks I and II. They said the rocket of Sputnik I probably went down in Outer Mongolia, scattering fragments over the eastern USSR and the Chinese mainland.

Sputnik II, with the dead space dog Laika aboard, exploded over the West Indies and plunged into the sea, they said. Soviet scientists and Premier Khrushchev had said initially the first Sputnik rocket landed either in Alaska or the Western United States and demanded return of the fragments. Dr. Robert Jastrow of the navall research laboratory in Washington gave the American report at a meeting of the International Geophysical Year committee, Test Protestant Ends Jail Term HONOLULU (P--After serving 60 days in jail for trying to sail into the U. S.

Pacific nuclear testing grounds, Albert S. Bigelow was freed from jail today. Bigelow, 52, was convicted of contempt of Federal Court for trying to sail his ketch, the Golden Rule, into the forbidden area in a protest against continued testing of nuclear 'weapons. Three companions of Bigelow, who is from Cos Cob, were released yesterday. The Golden Rule has been sold.

Another crewman, James Peck, 43, of New York City, gets out of jail Thursday. Son of Accused BENNINGTON, VI. (UPI) A Bennington youth whose father allegedly shot his mother to death died Monday of cancer. Arnold WV. Martin Jr.

died of leukemia at Putnam Memorial Hospital. His mother, Mrs. Dorothy Martin, 13, was shot down in front of her home May 31. Her estranged husband, Arnold, 41, pleaded innocent by reason of insanity to the slaying. Last week the father was declared insane by Waterbury State Mental Hospital doctors.

Slayer Is Dead N. Y. Teen-Agers Admit Slashing of UN Girl NEW YORK (P)-Two teen-age girls admitted Monday, police said, being involved in the slashing four months ago of the daughter of Iran's representative to the United Nations. Hariet Fleming, 19, was ar- weather -if not worse than it had last year," he said. "That's what the fish say." Talking fish? Not really.

Tells Method Kyritsis: communicates with his finned friends watching their movements when his employces daily lay four miles of net in Lake Michigan. "In seeing where the fish are, the depth of water is Kyritsis said. "This with other factors over a period of time gives a correlation between fish movements and the weather." Kyritsis said fish are now moving closer to shore at a time they normally swim toward the lake's center to avoid possible fall storms. at her home after the other girl, Shirley Sherard, 16, implicated her in the incident. Both girls live in the Bronx.

The case was broken when a patrolman noticed they resembled sketches based upon, the assaulted girl's description. Showdown Put Off On New Farm Bill WASHINGTON (UPI) Administration forces Monday blocked at least temporarily A Democratic plan to push a new farm bill through the House out. permitting a vote on changes sought by Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson. After 40 minutes of confused wrangling, the House put off until Wednesday a showdown vote on efforts 10 pass the, bill under a procedure barring amendment. The legislation would give Benson half a loaf by lowering price supports for cotton, rice and corn.

But the authorized levels would not be as low as those in Sonate-passed bill which Benson has endorsed, Morocco Desires Troops to Leave RABAT, Morocco -Premier Ahmed Balafrej said Monday Morocco has a firm desire to see all foreign troops leave. There are 15,000 American troops and naval personnel in Morocco, as well as 28.000 French troops and 30,000 Spanish troops. The Americans operate four Strategic Air Force bases and one naval base here. France and Spain ruled, Morocco in protector roles until its recent independence and still maintain forces in parts of the country. HOUSE CITING OF GOLDFINE IS SAID VITAL Commerce Group Secs Probe Hamstrung With3.

out Contempt Action WASHINGTON The House Commerce Committee said Monday the investigation of alleged influence in 'federal rogulatory agencies would be hamstrung if the House failed to cite textile tycoon Bernard Goldfine for contempt: Warning in Report The warning was contained in the committee's report on vious 30 to 0 vote recommending contempt action against Goldfine, gif friend of presidential assistant Sherman Adams. It was made public, by Chairman Oren Harris The report, prepared by the fluence-investigation subcommittee which Harris effectiveness also heads, "will said he the group's seriously impaired if Mr. Goldfine is not proceeded against." subpenas are being it said. "Stalling and the refusals to heed roquests of the staff for informalion are increasingly. evident." Action Likely This Week The House is expected 10 act 011 the, contempt citation this disclosed week: Harris, meanwhile, he is asking the House for an extra $60,000 to continue the subcommittee's politically-potent hearings after Congress winds up its work later this month.

lIe said the $250,000 provided last year will run November. Far East Danger Warning Is Given TAIPEI, Formosa (UPI) -The Nationalist Chinese government warned Monday that the. Chinese Communists might strike in the Far Fast while Western nations were preoccupied with the Middle East crisis. Nationalist foreign ministry statement said the Piping declarations of Nikita S. Khrushchev and -Chinese Red All leader "ominous new Mao threat to the free world as a whole and to the Far East in partic(ular." The prediction of new Communist aggression Asia coincided with a disclosure that U.S.

ating from this Nationalist ChiF100D Super Sabrejets were opernese island. The U.S.-Taiwan defense come mand announced that All undisclosed number of the Super Sabres from Clark Air Base in the Philippines were "presently deployed on Taiwan (Formosa) for routine training purposes." NOW SPARE TIME TRAINING PROGRAM PREPARES YOU AS A DENTAL or BABY NURSE Free booklet tells how women of all ages, ried or single, can prepare for unlimited geode paying jobs and enjoy lifetime security as Dental Nurse or Baby Nurse in institutions, clinics, private homes and doctors' offices. Our training program will not interfere with present job or household duties. High school education not required. GET FULL DETAILS today.

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